Hello my darling one! Happy Magestic, Magickal, Merry, Mizzly, Misty, Marvelous, Magnificent, Manifesting Monday! How are you?
With last Wednesday being Mabon (Fall Equinox) – Fall is officially here! Whoot! Whoot!
I love, love Fall! The vibrant colours, the change in the air, pumpkins glowing in the fields and the feeling of magic and mystery building. And best of all, jumpers! Nice big cosy jumpers that you can snuggle into and a great big mug of tea on a crisp autumn morning.
To mark the seasonal change I even dyed my hair! (Am I the only one that does this?) It is now glorious shades of reds, deep aubergine purple and some coppery oranges! Yes, I look like a walking fall leaf and that makes me grin!
Thank you all so much for the amazing birthday messages and wishes, they were so appreciated! It was a stupendous day of celebrating Mabon, hiking, playing, painting my toenails a rich red, changing my hair colour and doing a little apple magic!
The weekend saw a fabulous joint birthday celebration filled with glorious food, laughter, stories and we all played the gratitude game (think of Pictionary meets my mind, lol). So much fun!
I am so thrilled to see quite a few of you claiming my birthday gift to you! You pay what you want and you know what? This is going to be so much fun. Archetypes are rich, deep and if you allow them to walk with you on a daily basis they will open you up in such a delicious way.
If you haven’t taken the opportunity to grab my gift for you, you have until Thursday, September 30th and then it vanishes into the incoming energy of October (and there are so many amazing things coming up for that month.) And yes, in answer to a few emails the Mabon Magickal Manual and the Mabon Visualisation are available until September 30th as well.
Thus, tying in with the energy that comes with the shift in the seasons, the moving from the fire of summer and the outward energy into the space of water and turning inward. If you haven’t taken a moment to pause and reflect on what you are grateful for and what you want to release to the earth, as the trees drop their leaves, here is a supremely easy and fun way to do it.
Mabon Apple Magic
The autumn equinox is a powerful time to cultivate balance, and as it is the second harvest before the fallow period of winter, it is an especially potent time to balance what we take in or harvest versus what we release. What you will need: Your Intention An apple. Slice an apple in half (not through the stem end) to reveal the five-pointed star inside, a powerful symbol of balance among the elements. Choose one half to represent what you wish to harvest; the other half will represent what you wish to release. Hold the releasing half of the apple in your hands and bring to mind the situations, thoughts, etc., that no longer serve you. Send them into the apple, then compost or bury it, giving thanks for this process of release. Hold the other half while you bring to mind all that you wish to welcome into your life, sending it into the apple. Then eat the apple, giving thanks for this bountiful harvest. This is glorious fun to do with your kids as well! |
Okay, enough chuntering on – let’s crack on with the reading. When I went to the cards to ask who wanted to share their wisdom and insight with you this week, the glorious “Love Your Inner Goddess” guides came out big and bold. Now if these are new to you, please let me introduce them (as it would be rude not to).
“These guides have come to help you awaken and express your divine feminine spirit, to live from your heart, to empower your true self – and to discover your sacred rebel within, to say no to the voices of fear and hate and become a voice for love, truth and spirit on the earth. Living as a soul, with truth, takes real courage in this world. We are often taught to follow the rules and be a good boy or girl – and that if we do this, everything will be OK. Your inner goddess thinks that is a bunch of nonsense. She wants so much more for you. She wants you to live a beautiful divine destiny. She will show you how to be a loving rebel, breaking the rules that go against your heart and soul, changing the game and playing from the heart. She’ll show you how to live the life that is meant only for you. You are meant to stir up healing change and be a voice for what is wise, loving and true. There are issues in our own lives and the world that need to change, that need to be healed. Your inner goddess knows how to bring about healing change with love, playfulness, courage and dignity. She is a fearless minx who will help you dance, love, storm and laugh your way into a more beautiful world, created from the heart. “
Seriously, the perfect guides for this time. Woosah!
So gorgeous one, breathe. Just breathe, BE and allow yourself to relax, your mind to calm, your breath to slow and ask your wise inner self – what do I need to know this week, what would serve my highest good?
Then when you are ready, pick the card or cards that tug at your heartstrings – don’t let your mind pick!
Did you remember to pick?

Let’s go have a gander shall we?

The truth wants to be told, needs to be heard. It may seem like the whole world wants to believe in a lie, and so you wonder if you are crazy, if you are the only one who is thinking differently and desiring the real story to emerge. Yet those that fight against the truth are even more in need of it! There can be no healing, no freedom, no moving one without it.
You are going to be blessed with a truth revealed, a realisation about yourself, the world or others that will bring you relief. It will happen at the right time. It will set your soul free.
Sometimes, the lies we are repeatedly told become so familiar that we forget that they are lies and begin to believe that they are real. Maybe it’s someone judging us that is the lie. Maybe it’s advertising and the media, which are often more about deceptive manipulation than a source of correct information. Whatever the source, all untruth teaches us the same thing – that we must be afraid and hate each other.
When we are fed so many false truths, it can become hard to remember what real truth feels like. It can even start to seem like the truth doesn’t matter as much as being able to convince another person to accept your point of view. This is like poison for the soul.
The soul needs truth like your body needs air. It keeps it alive. Deep in your soul, you know what is true, and you know when you, or anyone else, is not being truthful. You are sensitive enough to know that only the truth feels good for you. You must give yourself permission to be truthful with your own soul and live honestly, authentically and bravely in this world. It is the only way for you to be really you.
When you realise that you are strong enough to save yourself (which you are), you never have to be afraid again. As well as inner strength, you have inner wisdom.
Deep within, you just know when something or someone is (or is not) worthy of your time, energy and attention.
The most precious treasure that you will ever have is the divine gift of yourself. There is nothing that is more valuable, and no one that is worth losing yourself over.
You don’t need permission from anyone other than yourself to decide to walk away from what isn’t right for you, or to stand your ground and honour your values, or to say no and refuse to give in to social pressures. You can be open to help and grateful for assistance, but you also know that whenever you need it, you have the power to learn, to act, to figure it out, to find the love within that will empower you for the life you deserve.
Even if you feel uncertain about facing a challenge, believe in yourself. You are strong enough to conquer this. There will be help if you need it, but you already have the inner resources required to overcome any obstacle and attain the most blessed outcome.
You don’t need to adjust your dreams to fit in with what others say is realistic, sensible or practical. Why seek to limit the power of the Universe with negative expectations? Be uncompromising with your heart’s wisdom. Listen to what it wants and yearns for and believe that the Universe has put those desires there and will show you every step to take to fulfil them. Do not allow someone else to make you feel like you should change who you are or what your heart truly yearns for – not even a tiny bit, not even for one single second!
Our world needs daring dreamers to redefine beauty, success and worth. We need brave souls to shake up our cultural values so that we stop hurting ourselves and each other. You can decide what it really means to you to be beautiful, successful and worthy. That’s how you take back control, disempowering the toxic definitions created by others.
You have the awareness and the power to say no to what is unkind, untrue, unwise. You get to invite into your life what actually has value to your soul. Be your divine bad-ass self and give voice to your daring dreams. Use your positive words of power to express your most beautiful dreams and never give up on those dreams, yourself or the world.
Your vision of what is possible is the healing medicine for our future world and the way to your bliss.
Oh my gosh, I so love my guides and the cards. Perfect for this time! So my most glorious one, I wish for you a most amazing week. Remember my Birthday Gift for you is only available until Thursday. Sending you massive, massive blessings and hugs. Be like the Autumn trees and let what no longer serves you drop away like a gorgeous leaf – to become cosmic compost for the Spring!