Happy Magickal, Miraculous, Musing, Magnificent, Mature, Manifesting first Monday of December!
How are you delicious lovely? How was your last week and the eclipse energy for you?
I ask because many of you emailed and messaged saying you felt soooooooo out of sorts and I think a few of you used the word “fucked”. I can totally relate! My energy last week was all over the map, from panic, to anger, to anxiety, to fear, to needing to just be on my own to wanting to be sort of around others. It was bizarre! And then I took time on the evening of the eclipse to immerse myself in a delicious ritual that nourished my soul and reset the energy, and the sense of Peace that came flooding in was Divine!
Which got me thinking about Peace. What does that word really mean? In a fabulous kids book written by Vladimir Radunsky he asks kids aged 8 – 10 from all around the world What Does Peace Feel Like? Here are some of their amazing answers.
What does peace smell like?
Like a bouquet of flowers in a happy family’s living room, like pizza with onions and sausage that just came out of the oven…
What does peace look like?
Like a cat and a dog curled up together in a basket, like new babies just born yesterday…
What does peace sound like?
Like a silent day, like raindrops falling, like no bad words…
What does peace taste like?
Like vanilla ice cream, chocolate ice cream, like sweet, like your favorite food times two…
What does peace feel like?
Like hugs your friends give you when you cry, like someone stroking your back; you shiver a little, but it’s a wonderful feeling…
So if you remember, last week I mentioned the first light of Advent being Hope and the Stones and the Bones. Yesterday was the lighting of the candle of Peace and the Plants. The Roots, stem, leaf, flower, and fruit by whom we live and grow.
I love the awareness this light invites, the awareness of the food we eat, the plants that heal us, the plantscape in Nature that nurtures us and soothes our souls.
And this delicious energy of Peace so beautifully ties into the Winter Solstice which is rapidly approaching!
Solstice is only 15 days away and many of you have asked when there will be a Book of Winter Solstice (fondly referred to as BOWS). It will be available within the next week! Plus another delicious giftie for you.
I have to admit I love, love, love Solstice – to me it’s that perfect balance point and the start of something new and exciting, filled with potential and possibilities and I can feel the energy of it for a few weeks before it even arrives.
There is a sensation of reflection, going inwards and questioning that arrives naturally from this energy. To me this is a time where I notice those “meh” moments more and really examine my life and ask the question “Am I showing up and embodying what I am called to do?”
That’s why, to me, I feel it’s vital to take some time out to honour this energy and work with it which in turn allows me to feel aligned. In fact I feel more balanced, connected and inspired after I have taken some time.
As the days get shorter in December, we force ourselves to get through the darkness. Now is a good season for spiritual alchemy — time to evaluate your life, and know that you’ll survive the dark times.
As we leave the season of late Autumn we enter the season of Winter which is brought in by Solstice (Yule). This is where we are invited to the downward spiral, the slow descent as water returns to Earth, emotion (water) coming into form (earth). The energy is descending and the light is low—this is the most inward, the most yin part of the year. Yet this is the time of year where we have the most Yang activities!
However, you can’t fool your body! When you really are tuned into your body and listen to the messages, your body often tells you things before anything or anyone else does. It wants to relax, rest, rejuvenate, replenish, create and imagine.
It wants to embrace Peace and Hope fully!
So let me ask again – what does Peace mean to you and how can you walk with it into the darkness of Solstice?
Okay, with all that being said (sometimes I do chunter on!), let’s crack on with the reading. When I went to the cards to ask who wanted to support and guide this week I was delighted to see that the White Light Oracle were super keen. Now, if these guides are new to you please let me introduce you to them.
Let us guide you into the luminous realm of the sacred. The sacred is your heart treasure. It is that which brings light into your life. The sacred is precious to you. It matters enough that you are willing to devote yourself to it – even when that requires courage, sacrifice and growth. The sacred generates inner warmth. It brings you joy. The sacred is a healing mirror that shows you the truth of your experience, which can include a compassionate reflection of your own suffering. It shows you how to heal. It inspires and protects you. What is sacred for your heart is unique to you. Yet, for every heart, the sacred is an experience of sublime love and deep meaning. The sacred helps us remember who we are and shows us how to manifest our inner purpose.
Oh gosh yes, we certainly need to work within the sacred and with our strong rebellious hearts at this time!
Okay gorgeous one, settle into your body, breathe yourself back. As you gently slow down your breathing I invite you to bring up the sensation of Peace (whatever that means to you) and allow it to swirl in your mind’s eye. If you need a bit more support with Peace there’s a lovely little guided visualisation for you. Then, when you’re ready, pick the card or cards that call to you.
Did you remember to pick?

Ready to go see?

Eschew complicated explanations, as you seek the simplicity of the deepest truth of your heart. Gently but firmly cast aside that which does not resonate as being true for your heart. Focus upon, and speak from, a higher spiritual perspective. All prayers are answered at the perfect time and in the perfect way. You have a powerful voice, which can foster healing wisdom on our planet.
Bath Kol is a mysterious creature. She is an angel known as the divine oracle, the daughter of the divine voice, the pure and true sound of spirit. When she whispers to your heart, you feel it as an inner knowing, a truth. To honour that inner knowing likely requires the confrontation of fear or moving in unexpected directions. Even so, the deep resonance of her truth is more powerful than the resistance we may initially feel as we let go of our limited perspectives and allow ourselves to be guided by Spirit.
Often an inner spiritual call requires a leap of faith. A more authentic, awakened you is coming to life. Paving the way for the higher self to manifest typically means that fear and control based approaches need to be surrendered. Honouring Bath Kols guidance requires courage but brings rich reward on many levels.
Acknowledge your true voice. This may be the voice in your own heart which needs to be heard without judgement or censorship. It may be an intuitive inner knowing to be recognised. It may be a loving and helpful voice of a reliable guide or friend whom you know can be trusted. It may be a teaching from a dream or an insight from a meditation, or even an inkling that certain happenings or sightings are signs from the Universe to help you on your life path.
Practice your power of discernment. Filter ego from heart. If a point of view lowers your vibration, makes you feel negatively about yourself or another, increases your confusion or makes matters seem more complicated, it is likely to be an ego-driven viewpoint. To consider what you might be able to learn from that viewpoint, you need to settle yourself on more authentic spiritual ground.
Out of confusion, a clear and progressive pathway is opening up for you. It is an auspicious time to give generously of yourself to others, enriching the quality of your connections, expressing spiritual blessings of goodwill and encouragement from your heart. A powerful blessing is entering your world. A prayer is now being answered ina beautiful way. Spirit gives freely and generously of all the goods things, and the task of humanity is to learn how to receive. The key to receiving is an open, surrendered, generous and trusting heart.
The Holy Grail is the sacred chalice. It is a powerful, living, regenerative and deeply healing symbol of hope and blessing. It will interact with each soul in its own way. For your soul, that may involve a recognition that the light is always seeking you, wanting to fill and heal and bless and protect you, to initiate you into awareness of the realms of light, beauty and divine presence.
It may remind your heart to receive, that you are capable of being a channel for goodness, grace, abundance and pure light. It may be recognised as a sign of a future blessing, of something truly desired finally coming to pass.
The sacred grail is hope; it is a blessing. It is both a portent of fulfilment and the inner means by which we connect with the loving language of light and truly receive. In Sanskrit, patra means ‘goblet’ or ‘vessel.’ In learning how to receive, we also learn how to be received, how to be fully beheld, which is an expression of unconditional love. The sacred chalice reminds us of our potential to hold, but also for the generosity of the Universe in providing for us so we, too, can be held and receive all we need.
Dvara is Sanskrit for a pathway, an opening or portal, a doorway or even a means or method. Your deepest fulfilment is via the receptive faculty of the sacred feminine. The femine way is organic, creative, responsive, spontaneous and effective. It is not constrained by our human perceptions of what is or is not possible. To honour and empower the sacred feminine genius in our lives requires a considerable shift away from mainstream, conditioning and into spiritual surrender. Allowing her method, rather than blocking her loving creativity in our lives, entails the movement from head to heart.
As you invert your priorities from ego to soul, you’ll invert your locus of orientation from head to heart, from outer to inner reality. You will trust what your heart knows, whether or not it makes sense to your logical mind – or to anyone else’s for that matter.
Changes in your life, including closing doors or missed opportunities are not going to derail your fulfilment. Realignments are happening based on divine wisdom and timing. You are being diverted from unnecessary obstacles and suffering. Trust in how your life path is unfolding. Stay true to your authentic healing journey, because it is working, whether you realise that or not. Significant inner healing is taking place.
In numerous spiritual traditions of the East, such as those from Nepal, Tibet and India , the yogini is a female spiritual adept, a practitioner of deep yoga that awakens a powerful connection with one’s real inner being. The yogini holds space for healing and enlightenment, moving through obstacles and challenges with wisdom, patience, commitment and often great joy. She is our spiritual sister, our sacred friend and our guide away from the bleak, erroneous thinking of ego into the softened, awakened, relaxed, gracious way of Spirit.
My darling you are on a powerful healing journey to connect body, mind and soul with the truth of your spiritual nature. You are working at an inner level to let go of past pains and open up to your empowerment and grace, dignity and legitimacy in the present moment. There is a spiritual approach to heal any and all struggles in your life.
If you feel disoriented or conflicted about a choice, trust that this chaos is a consequence of a cosmic realignment with your life path. Move through it with trust in your heart, patience and a willingness to keep the faith, knowing you will eventually find your way. The adjustments taking place within you will affect your outer world. Just like the tumultuous alchemical journey of the caterpillar transforming into a butterfly, your inner transformation shall shape you and your world into the beautiful, inspired, and authentic form it is meant to be.
Woosah! How deliciously lovely. Thus glorious bean I wish for you a week of Peace and Hope with an appreciation for the bones and stones and a love for the plants that nourish and heal you. Keep your eyes peeled for the release of The Book of Winter Solstice which will fully support you in walking your path. Or come join us in The Creatrix Circle for our Winter Solstice gathering! Breathe in Peace and Hope and Big Blessings, Hugs and Squeezes! See you next week.