Happy Magickal, Merry, Moodling, Magnificent, Manifesting Monday!
Well here we are at the Blood Moon Eclipse in Scorpio, how are you feeling?
If you remember, eclipses come in pairs. As if they are a Portal or a Threshold.
We had the first eclipse of the year just 2 weeks ago at the New Moon and its counterpart is happening right now. However, the bottom line is – what does this mean for you?
Eclipses uncover hidden emotions, beliefs, thought patterns and habits.
They bring to the surface the bits and bobs we have been either trying to stuff into an already over crammed closet, or have continually swept under a rug (and we wonder why the rug has a bump in the middle!)
So if you have been feeling agitated, emotional or as I like to refer to it – “itchy, twitchy and bitchy”, I’m not surprised.
With this being a Full Moon Eclipse. Imagine the energy of a Full Moon intensified by 100, that is the energy this brings. The releasing of a full moon, the uncovering of an eclipse and the deep, deep emotions of scorpio (with a zing!).
On top of it we have Mercury retrograde which is all about transforming how we communicate.
Pluto retrograde which is about facing our shadow sides, the bits that we have shunned and don’t want to accept. Revisiting old patterns and being willing to burn them in the fires and go through the process of transformation and regeneration.
And this all happens in the South Node which is about karma, the collective karma.
So we are going to see massive shifts and changes happening on a global scale, let alone a personal one.
And remember, eclipse energy is in play for 3 months!
Thus, I invite you to look at this time as a Threshold.
Now what do I mean by that?
When you think about the word Threshold, what comes to mind? A doorway? A gateway? A portal? A remembering?
As we move through any change or transition, there is a sense of fear filled with expectation. Think about when your children left home or you ended a career, moved across the country, started a new relationship, ended an old relationship, lost a loved one etc. Even going to the grocery store!
These are all thresholds, (as are the doors we walk through).
A Threshold is a liminal time.
A space where we are between the old and the new. (Which is what liminal means aka threshold).
Often, when encountering thresholds, we talk as if our work is that of successfully “passing through” them. We speak of “making healthy transitions.” We seek out advice and support as we decide which thresholds to lean into and which to resist. The goal, it would seem, is figuring out how to travel forward in the right way. But what if we looked at it a different way?
“A threshold is a space to imagine a new way, and a new self. Not moving or pushing but sitting and cultivating… The goal is to allow you space and time to reflect on your past, present, and future. To imagine a new beginning…”
Rev. Sara LaWall
What if a Threshold isn’t a place that you cross, but a place that you pause? A place that transforms you?
What if the invitation is to ask yourself daily:
What do I want to bring with me and what do I want to leave behind (or keep out) as I move through this threshold?
As I was yomping on the weekend, in a “new to me” place. I followed a path that led to a trail that led to the cutest “English Country” laneway that felt magickal. There were comfrey, lilacs, sweet cicely, and a myriad of other plants growing wild on the edges. My heart swelled with remembering and massive delightful joy. I had found a threshold, and it brought up so many delicious things for me.
So review the questions above and I leave you to ponder them.
Okay, with all that being said – let’s crack on with the reading. When I went to the cards to ask who wanted to share their wisdom and insight with you this week, the glorious “Love Your Inner Goddess” guides came out big and bold. Now if these are new to you, please let me introduce them (as it would be rude not to).
“These guides have come to help you awaken and express your divine feminine spirit, to live from your heart, to empower your true self – and to discover your sacred rebel within, to say no to the voices of fear and hate and become a voice for love, truth and spirit on the earth.
Living as a soul, with truth, takes real courage in this world. We are often taught to follow the rules and be a good boy or girl – and that if we do this, everything will be OK. Your inner goddess thinks that is a bunch of nonsense. She wants so much more for you. She wants you to live a beautiful divine destiny.
She will show you how to be a loving rebel, breaking the rules that go against your heart and soul, changing the game and playing from the heart. She’ll show you how to live the life that is meant only for you. You are meant to stir up healing change and be a voice for what is wise, loving and true.
There are issues in our own lives and the world that need to change, that need to be healed. Your inner goddess knows how to bring about healing change with love, playfulness, courage and dignity.
She is a fearless minx who will help you dance, love, storm and laugh your way into a more beautiful world, created from the heart. “
Seriously, the perfect guides for this time. Woosah!
So gorgeous one, breathe. Just breathe, BE and allow yourself to relax, your mind to calm, your breath to slow and ask your wise inner self – what do I need to know this week. Then when you are ready, pick the card or cards that tug at your heartstrings – don’t let your mind pick!
Did you remember to pick?

Let’s go have a gander shall we?

You are not the person you once were. You know it, but others might not always be ready to let the old you go so easily. Do not allow yourself to be shoved back into patterns of behaviour that are not true to who you are now. You have worked hard to grow and become this new self. Believe that she is more real than the old you, even if she is less familiar to others (and maybe even to you) at this stage.
All that will change, and what is new now will become familiar and easy for you to sustain in the near future. Be stubborn in a good way whilst you – and others around you – come to realise that the new you is the real you.
Others may offer their input, but when it comes down to it, it is you alone making your life decisions. Your choice may once have been to meet the expectations and honour the opinions of other people – but you are aware now that the best choices for you actually honour your own heart, irrespective of whether others understand your reasons or feelings.
You now know that you don’t have to wait for permission. You get to choose how you want to feel, how you want to live, and who you want to be. You’re ready for the responsibility and sweet reward of living your life on your own terms.
This is not a time to play it safe, nor is it time to allow another to take the lead in your life. You need to believe in yourself and trust that the instincts guiding you are correct. If you need to take action, do it. Speak up: say yes; say no. Trust your inner truth completely.
Be bold.
The Universe will answer your boldest actions with affirmation, and you’ll move through the consequences of your actions with grace and courage, ending up exactly where you are meant to be.
You are ready. Life has been preparing you. Your experiences have made you stronger and wiser. You have spirit and you have courage. Believe in yourself! You are a Warrior Goddess, and empowered, divine woman.
Trust that your foundations are strong. Put your faith in the Universe. It has been your life coach and guide all along, helping you build up your inner resources, encouraging you to realise the power that has always been within you.
The Universe believes in you.
When you feel it is time to take a step, take it with confidence. When you ask for help from the Universe, ask with boldness and total confidence that your prayers will be answered in the best possible way. You have the right to require that your personal space be respected. You have divine permission and encouragement to claim your rightful place in the world. You are meant to say no to behaviour that is dishonest, manipulative and bullying.
The warrior goddess uses her sacred anger to set a boundary and speak her truth, not to attack another. She uses her inner fire to live with integrity, even if the right choices for her seem hard or frightening at the time. She knows that the Universe has her back, so she is willing to be true to herself no matter what.
She places integrity above all else. She knows that compromising her self-respect to win a battle will end up losing her the war.
You are going through a spiritual initiation. This is happening because you are ready for it, even if it doesn’t always feel that way. The way to pass this test is to rely on the light within you. Don’t let fear or doubt make you distrust the path ahead.
Don’t let fear or doubt make you distrust the path ahead. Don’t give in to despair or believe that things will not work out. You are learning to trust that the Universe knows what it is doing. There are great and beautiful things meant for you, and no matter what appears to be right now, they will come to you in the perfect way and at the perfect time.
Light is powerful. Some people don’t understand this. The fear in their hearts makes them cynical. That fear stops them from seeing what is true. In the absence of truth, they hold on to their judgements instead. They scoff at what they don’t understand. Be careful of allowing such people to influence you.
It’s not wise to take advice from people who are investing in creating pain. You can have compassion for them, but you must not underestimate how their negativity can taint your trust in the Universe. When we feel the light within us, when we trust in it, we are able to move beyond the fear and negativity that exists in this world. You have it within you to be that light.
The only thing that can trap you is the choice to believe in the negative and give in to the fear.
That’s not you, so don’t choose that for yourself. Don’t listen to people who would cause you to question the light. The light within you is the real you.
Be at peace, beautiful one, for the positive power of the light in you is stronger than any darkness. Keep your faith in the light. All will be well.
Holy Hannah, you seriously can not make this shit up! Releasing old patterns, being bold and being the light. Now more than ever we all need that! So delicious lovely, I wish for you a fabulous week filled with ease, joy and deep belly chortles. May you always remember how special and important you are and that the world needs YOU! Big hugs and squeezes. See you in 2 weeks!