Hippity, Happity, Hoppity Marvellous, Manic, Mizzly, Manifesting, March Monday!
Spring is Here!!!!!
Friday’s Full Moon was the last full moon of the winter, and yesterday heralded Spring Equinox/Ostara, and I have to admit I am piggly, wiggly excited! (Now if you are in the Southern Hemisphere you just had the last full moon of summer and are welcoming in the Autumnal Equinox).
We made it through the dark Winter months & here we are at Spring’s new beginning. It’s the dawn of a new day, a new season. A new chapter is beginning for you.
Spring is a joyful time, with themes of awakening, rebirth, and new life. Nature is waking up after her long Winter’s rest. Everything’s coming alive; the natural world is being reborn.
This same thing is happening within you – in your life & in your spirit.
With the arrival of Spring it’s time to let your Soul take a deep breath of fresh air and to bring up the visions and creations it has been incubating over the winter time.
What are those seeds you want to plant literally and figuratively?
I had epic plans for a glorious Spring Equinox celebration of a massive intense hike along the rugged west coast whilst hiding tiny, hand painted faery doors in the woods for others to find. But you know what they say about “The best laid plans of mice and men?” Exactly!
Instead of my epic adventure, I had the joy of a weird upper respiratory thing for the last 10 days that made me feel low energy, grumpy as all get out and just generally unwell (let alone the delicious coughing). So, it was time to readjust and not cling to “but I planned this.”
Open door number 2 and create a different day, which was delicious!
I got up before the sun rose and went to an empty beach to watch it rise over the horizon and drew sigils in the sand. Had a long rambling walk with Danu under the canopy of old, old trees whilst the creek rushed by. Went on the hunt for White Sage seeds, and found them! Planted seeds in the garden (even in the rain), and then took time out to get clear on what are my Soul Seeds, what do I want to create more of with this season.
I then decorated a few eggs with symbols of what these Soul Seeds look like and did the Egg Divination ritual that I shared with you last week. (Oomancy at its finest!) Then to top it off I decided I wanted cake – so I made a glorious Black Forest cake to snarfle down in the evening with a gorgeous cuppa tea.
All in all it was a really lovely, mindful, celebratory Spring Equinox.
How did you spend yours?
Remember, Equinox marks the beginning of Spring, so if you haven’t had time to set your Soul Seeds that you are going to sow and tend, there’s still time. Grab the Ostara Magickal Guide to help you with this. And for those who have asked – there are still a few spots left in the Spring Equinox Reading Special.
Okay, enough chuntering on, let’s crack on with the reading. The cards that wiggled and jiggled to guide this week are the glorious Sacred Destiny Oracle, guides. So in case you have never met them, let me introduce you – and if you have met them before, let me reintroduce you (as not to do so is rude!). “You have a sacred destiny; we all do. There is a powerful and profound reason that you are here on the planet. However, sometimes it may be difficult to understand what that reason is and perceive what is required on your journey into the future. It may be a challenge to know what the next step in life should be. This is the time to call upon the energy of nature and majesty of the natural world to provide answers to the heartfelt yearnings of your soul. In ancient traditions, shamans, medicine women, witches, visionaries, and prophets all accessed hallowed knowledge by observing their natural environment. These wise beings stepped through mystic gateways into inner realms to bring back meaning to the seemingly random event of life. “
Note the line – This is the time to call upon the energy of nature and majesty of the natural world to provide answers to the heartfelt yearnings of your soul.
Your Soul Seeds!!!
The crystals that wanted to show off are absolutely brand spanking new as I went to a Rock and Gem show on the weekend. (It takes rocks and gems for me to want to be in a crowd of people). We have the Red Graphic Feldspar, Pegmatite and Pinolite. Aren’t they quite scrummy?
Okay darling one, settle. Just allow the cares to slide off and breathe, breathe yourself back into your body. Calling all of the pieces of you back home. As you breathe, I invite you to see in your mind’s eye a packet of seeds. These seeds are very, very special as they are your Soul Seeds. As you gently shake them into your hand, getting ready to plant them, what are they? What images swirl up? When you’re ready pick the card or cards that whisper to you.
Did you remember to pick?

Let’s go have a wee look, shall we?

The peach tree blooms early, and because of this, it is often a symbol of Spring and the renewal of life. It is also the Chinese symbol of a happy marriage and of fertility.
In some traditions, it stands for immortality.
Ripe peaches also portend fertility, fecundity, and a great fulfilment. In Korean traditions, the peach represents happiness, riches, honours and longevity.
Fulfilment is at hand. No matter what is occurring in your life, put your attention on what is splendid, pleasurable, and luscious.
Find bliss in the moment. Love fully, deeply, without hesitation.
Cherish your friendships.
Fill your life with people, experiences and places that give you delight. Let go of people and things that don’t feel empowering and that drag your energy down.
You no longer need to put the needs of others ahead of your own needs. If you’ve had any health issues, a ripe peach represents a return to better health.
Savour your life with gusto and with grace.
Experience and embrace life in all its permutations. If you want to conceive a new baby; or a new project, or start a new relationship, this is an excellent omen for a great outcome.
It’s not an accident that the butterfly represents transformation, rebirth, and resurrection.
Remarkably, when the caterpillar becomes a chrysalis, it doesn’t just instantly become a butterfly; it actually dissolves into a kind of soup,
In other words, it liquefies itself…..and out of that emerges something completely different. It is a true transformation.
In some cultures, blue butterflies are considered very good luck and even wish granters.
In Native American tribes, it is believed that a wish whispered to a butterfly will be granted when it flies to the heavens. The Native American shawl dance, which celebrates renewal, is derived from the butterfly dance.
Also, the colour blue represents calmness, peace, and spiritual attunement: and the blue butterfly is thought to carry all these meanings.
This is the time for change, reinvention, or a rebirth into a new way of being.
If you’ve been plodding along, it’s time to take measures to shift everything. Don’t resist change.
The blue colour suggests a spiritual renewal or initiation.
Transformation doesn’t mean taking something old and remodelling it or rearranging a few things: it means becoming something completely different……or doing something completely different.
Change is often uncomfortable, but it is usually for the highest good.
A meandering river is a waterway that cures, bends, turns, and seems to swing side to side as it flows forward. Viewed from above it looks sinuous and even snakelike.
Meandering rivers are dynamic as they wind their way across valley floors and bring life-giving sediment to new habitats.
The word meander was derived from the ancient Meander River, which flows into the Aegean Sea. The Greeks created symbols for “meander” that have been described as some of the most important symbols for ancient Greek culture; they represented the fluid movement of water and the eternal flow of all life.
The twisting patterns were also thought to represent the serpent, which was the symbol of healing, hence our present day symbol for doctors is the caduceus. It is also the symbol for the Shakti energy that resides at the base of the spine.
There are times to hold on tight to the shore, and there are times to enter the flow. Notice where life is going and move in that direction.
Watch for signs and follow them. Don’t resist. When you go with the flow, your life-force expands and healing on all levels abounds. This is also the time to release old, limiting patterns, forgive and let go of the need to be right about your beliefs.
If you aren’t feeling the smooth currents of life, it might mean that you’re being self-critical or judgmental. When you enter the flow with gratitude and love, you will find blessings surrounding you.
You will enter into a state of grace, and healing will abound.
Wow! Those were amazing messages for this lovely time. How did your cards feel? Remember to take some time to plant your Soul Seeds and honour your soul yearnings. Next week we will chat about a healing circle that we are all going to create, as I feel we all could do with some of that, let alone the rest of the world. Sending you big hugs and squeezes. Happy Spring!