Happy Marvelous, Magnificent, Magnanimous, Magickal, Mysterious, Manifesting, Miraculous Monday! How are you delicious lovely? Are you keeping your sense of balance as the holiday season ramps up with fervour and a tad of franticness?
We have lots to natter about this week, so grab a cuppa as we go explore this potent New Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius that happens on Saturday, a New Moon Total Solar Eclipse is one of the most powerful Eclipses we can experience and why we should turn out thoughts towards Hope.
As Forever shares:- “Let’s take a trip down memory lane, all the way back to May 2020. What growth have you achieved since this time? How has your life changed?
Since May 2020, we have been working our way through the Sagittarius-Gemini Eclipse cycle, but this cycle is now coming to an end and will wrap up on December 3/4, with a final New Moon Total Solar Eclipse.
Reaching the endpoint in an Eclipse cycle is a significant moment. It represents arriving at a new destination. It is a point in our lives where something or some part of us is fully reborn and fully integrated, and ready to play an active part in our lives.
So much has unfolded in the world since May of 2020. On a collective level, there was a grieving experience that unfolded as we were all forced to change our way of living. Events were canceled, holidays were postponed, jobs were lost. And it is perhaps only now that we are starting to see just how this chain reaction of events has led us to where we stand today.
Of course, while this energy was experienced on a collective level, we also have our own personal stories too and leading up to this Total Solar Eclipse, we may now start to see a pattern in how we were being guided and where we were being asked by the Universe to level up in our lives.
Eclipses represent portals into new states of consciousness. They tend to bring events that shift and transform our lives, allowing us to step into a new chapter of our soul’s evolution.
This New Moon Total Solar Eclipse falls in Sagittarius and is like the last step on this journey we have been traveling. It opens the final door on this path and can bring the rewards of our hard work. Whatever this Eclipse cycle has triggered in us, however we have been asked to grow and change, we will now start to see the end of the journey.
A new clarity will emerge, and with that new clarity, it will feel like we are opening to a new chapter.
There is no doubt that New Moon Eclipses are powerful times of manifestation and can activate whatever we have been sowing. Under their presence, energy is drawn towards us, allowing our energy field to become a magnet to whatever needs to come our way.
While this Solar Eclipse is bringing the culmination of all our energies since this Eclipse cycle began, we can also use it to set an intention about what we wish to attract. We can use its energy in a deliberate way to draw in all that we wish to experience.
So with this potent energy available to you, let’s explore Hope.
Now you may be thinking to yourself – ummm, errr, Jen why are we talking about Hope?
Yesterday was the first Sunday (or candle of Advent). Advent includes the four Sundays prior to Christmas, and is a time of inner searching, introspection and anticipation.
It is through the darkness of the Earth we await the birth of a new inner light to warm our hearts and strengthen our thoughts and deeds. Advent is a journey inward to the soul, where we become aware of the eternal light that lightens our way.
It is also so beautifully entwined in the northern hemisphere with the Winter Solstice and the return of the Sun, and in the southern hemisphere with Summer– celebrating the Sun.
For those celebrating the Advent festival, and to all spiritual beliefs and traditions, this time of year has something special for everyone – the Season of Light on so many levels.
As we turn inwards with the energy of the season and walk into the darkness, It is a time of seeking and keeping that light aglow and sharing the light.
The delicious piece here is that as you step into the darkness to release, there is a place for Hope.
Now I will be honest, the word “Hope” has never been one of my favourite words as I find it is used far too much i.e. – I hope the kids do their chores, I hope I win the lottery, I hope the cat doesn’t cough a hairball on the clean laundry………. So the word Hope always felt a bit banal to me, thus, I went exploring and reading and have to say I really like this definition, it is one I can get behind:-
“Hope is a feeling of trust, a security, and a reason to keep going. It is a passionate desire of our heart. It is a feeling of expectation and a longing for a certain thing to happen.” – Verity Russell
So let me ask – What do you Hope for?
When my kids were small they went to Waldorf for their wee years and in Waldorf education, each week of Advent is assigned a “theme” of sorts and is a time for reflection and gratitude towards the different realms of our earth: stones & minerals; plants; animal kingdom; and humankind.
Over the last few weeks I have been making candles galore, filled with essential oils, dried flowers, crystals and magick. Thus, over the weekend, I gathered ivy and cedar and made a wreath that sits on my dining room table with five of the lovely candles that I have made.
As I lit the first one I breathed in Hope, and also honoured the stones and the bones by decorating around that candle with seashells, crystals and beach stones.
As the first verse says – The first light of Advent is the light of stone–. Light that lives in crystals, seashells, and bones.
Doing this reminds me we are all connected and we have lots to be grateful for (even on those dark days).
So an invitation for you to deepen into this practice over the next month is a simple candle ritual. And if you are part of The Creatrix Circle, you will know that ritual is an intention made manifest. A ritual takes an idea, thought or emotions and gives it physical form in the world.
A ritual allows your body, your cells to understand your intention..
Get 4 or 5 candles. You can make a wreath, or place them on your mantelpiece or wherever resonates for you. Then put some lovely crystals, stones or shells by the first one – the candle of Hope. Then every evening this week light the first candle and as it burns breathe in Hope, turn your mind, heart and soul over to Hope. And let that gentle energy dance in your body as the flame dances on the candle. Yes?
Now enough chuntering from me, let’s crack on with the reading. When I went to the cards to ask who would like to be present this week it made my heart smile to see who showed up. The amazing Faery Blessing guides were most adamant. As after all, who doesn’t need a Blessing?
Now if these guides are new to you, please let me introduce them as it would be rude not to.
Faeries are present in every droplet of water, every blade of grass – they are everywhere there is a trace of nature – thus every field, flower, and forest is theirs. They inhabit the wild rainforests and the old castles; they dance within standing stones and burial mounds; they are on the top of mountains and within the grove deep in the valley; and they appear in the cracks in the pavement and beneath the cities in the old, tangled tree roots. Faeries are part of this world, and they were here before we were born into this world, and they know us better than we know ourselves.
For humans, many of us have lost our sense of play, our sense of relationship with nature, our courage to be ourselves – as well as our hope, creativity, and personal power. We have looked outside of ourselves and nature and the sacred ones for answers, and in doing so, we have become quite lost. The blessings of the faeries can bring us back into relationship with ourselves, back into relationship with the elements and the elementals, so that we can become more at home within the world, while creating a personal world which supports our dreams, our wishes, and our purpose.
Yes! Positively perfect!
So gorgeous one take a breath. Just a normal breath and then as you carry on breathing allow it to slow down. Breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth. Allow in your mind’s eye a gorgeous rainbow swirl to form, this pattern is made Hope. That deep trust and knowing. As you breathe just let it swirl, you don’t have to control it.
Then when you are ready pick the card or cards that whisper to you and tickle your soul.
For those who have said they would like to hear the Hope Guided Visualisation again, here it is.
Did you remember to pick?

Let’s go have a look, shall we?

The Blessing of faery glamour is the gift of being able to change and appear a little different than how we feel to be. For some people, this could seem a ruse or manipulation. In truth, though, it is the ability to draw deeply from within us to find the strength to become what we need to be. You are now gifted the blessing of faery glamour, and you will find you can draw confidence from deep within you in challenging circumstances.
The faeries will lend you some of their energy, too, so you can feel brave within an intimidating situation – overcome nerves that might prevent you from doing something you would otherwise enjoy, find the strength to confront what must be confronted, or head to a meeting with confidence.
Faery glamour is also the ability to physically change. So to others you may now seem a little taller, and you will have greater belief in your own presence, now, too, to know that you draw your energy up from within and have influence by showing all of what you can be.
Let the mantle of the blessing of glamour now fall about you, to help you feel and be powerful, even when exhausted; to feel attractive, despite societal conditioning and criticism; to speak your truth, when you feel afraid of what the truth’s reception will be.
May you be invisible when you do not wish to be seen and be seen when you wish to have presence. You now have the gift of glamour, and you can use it to call upon your own faery blood to arise and be of assistance to you when the travails of the human world can seem a burden.
Draw up the glamour from within and assert a boundary, repel a predator, create an impression, and believe in yourself once again.
A blessing of the faery glamour to you, friend.
The Faery now offer you the gift of Nwyfre, the blessing of healthy energy, clear and revitalising, which will manifest in a kind of flow all about you, radiating from within. This primal force of energy, Nwyfre, will give you more energy to move well, to be of good cheer, to do what needs to be done, and to do what you wish to do.
With this faery blessing comes a sense of being here, of being grounded and centred, of strength and a thriving energy, of feeling strong and well, connected and supported. You will feel the urge to spend time outdoors, within natural light – with the trees, or with the animals, or the ocean or bodies of water. All of these sources of natural life force will feel more connected to you than before, almost as if the world is speaking with you and you can speak to the world in return.
If you have felt nervous, or frail, unwell, or uncertain, this flow of Nwyfre will enter you, a blessing from the realm of the fae, and it will be of great assistance. This blessing is a regaining of energy, a sense of rising up from within a greater source of vitality – and this is the support of the faery realm.
Its gift will be felt in the breath and the blood, in the bones and in your heart, and you will shine once again, with a life force and a glow that will let people know they have met a person who is well and blessed.
A blessing of Nwyfre to you, friend.
A gift from the Seelie Court is yours. The Seelie Court is a place where you are treated with courtesy and honour, respect and grace. To be blessed by the Seelie is to have kindness enter your life. This blessing from the Seelie Court acknowledges the courtesy and respect you have extended to others, and the kindnesses you have done, again and again, without thought for what you would receive in return.
The Seelie have been observing your goodness, and due to this goodness, you are now receiving a reward. You will find consideration and empathy, understanding and rewards, when this blessing comes to you. There could be a small windfall, a little extra of everything – so that, suddenly, it seems like the Universe is supporting you, and that what once was a struggle becomes easier.
In the old days, the blessing of the Seelie meant the cow’s milk was sweeter and more abundant, the grain grew high in the fields, and babes grew strong in days filled with gentle sunshine.
For you, your tender plans and hopes will have every kindness to support them, as the blessing of the Court of the Seelie is yours, and with that, comes a time of grace and ease, compassion and flow.
Well delicious lovely, that was quite a Divine reading! Wishing you a stupendous week filled with Hope. Remember to light your candle every evening and allow the tendrils of Hope to seep into your day to day and soothe your soul. Big hugs and squeezes and play with Eclipse!