Happy Merry, Magickal, Miraculous, Magnetic, Manifesting, Moony Monday!
How was your New Moon and Chinese New Year? How does it feel to be in the year of The Wood Dragon (this is a pretty frigging amazing year if you are willing to embrace it.)
As you know, I love celebrations so of course we had a lovely Chinese New Year gathering filled with awesome food, red envelopes and games! It was delicious.
So do you ever think “Oh fuck!”, and realise you have made the Goddess laugh her soxs off, but if you breathe into that space it’s so much better than you had planned?
I had a huge one of those on this glorious Aquarius New Moon (and don’t get me wrong I love it when I make the Goddess laugh, well actually not when it is happening, but hindsight yes!)
So as you know Lisa Wolfe and I are doing an amazing collaboration that we were going to call The Numinous Circle, yes? The doors would open for applications and conversations on Chinese New Year and all the rest of it.
Well, then there was the Goddess laughing! Yup. I mean seriously frigging laughing!!!
She came roaring in and changed the name, the time frame, the structure and asked us both if we would like to pour even more into it (appreciating we had already), but wowzer – we have.
The container of The Numinous Collective is so rich, so full and I’m still reeling from it all. Thus, if you want to be on the email list for when the doors and applications open please do!
This week a huge part of the culture will celebrate Valentine’s Day (a deliciously made up Hallmark celebration), where apparently for one day a year we celebrate romantic love (you really don’t want to hear my thoughts on this at all lol).
I don’t know about where you live, but here all the stores (even the grocery ones) are filled to the brim with chocolates, roses, orchids and smelly cheeses! Apparently, if you are in love these are the food groups you should eat and the objects that you should surround yourself with! Lol.
But what if your Love Language isn’t about gifts and objects? What if your Love Language is about acts of service, time spent together, having a fabulous hug or snuggle? How does a box of choccies and a bunch of commercial roses fill those needs?
I will be honest, for myself I much prefer, instead of a bunch of flowers, give me some bags of dirt, some plants and then let me play! Or better yet, clean my windows and make me a cuppa tea, or cook me a nice dinner!
Personally I find Valentine’s Day irritates me, not because I don’t believe in love, but why on earth do we need just one day where we are meant to be loving, and why is it only focused on romantic love?
What if you aren’t in a romantic relationship? What if you’ve lost your partner? I mean for criminies sake, why aren’t we celebrating all forms of love – family, friends, community, nature, spiritual and most importantly self love?
Because, let’s be honest – without self love and appreciation for your own gorgeous being, you don’t have anything! (And NO self love is NOT selfish!)
Had to clear that up as one of my clients a while ago said that they felt selfish taking time for themselves and doing something nurturing.
Self-love is all about nourishing your mind, spirituality, and physical body. Try to aim at all three of these to create a more well-rounded self-care plan. Focus on activities you get excited about doing. This is all about you after all, if it doesn’t give you a little thrill, why bother?
Here’s a lovely, easy candle ritual for self love for you to do.
So what are you going to do for yourself this week, to acknowledge how special and wonderful you are?
I know what I am going to do, most certainly.
Okay, I have chuntered on enough. When I went to the cards and asked who wanted to guide this week I was delighted to see that the Wild Kuan Yin Oracle were adamant! (And I mean adamant). If these guides are new to you, please let me introduce them:
Within you beats a wild and compassionate heart, alive with fierce optimism. Your heart knows that love has the power to conquer fear. You have the courage to walk a path of transformation. You are not afraid to shed old skins to become more of your divine self.
You dream of living your highest destiny with fearlessness and joy. You are one of the wild ones. You will not be tamed by convention. You will not be censored by the fears of others. You are not afraid to be different. You are not afraid to be open to life, to take risks for what you love, and most of all, to keep hope in your heart.
When the loving peace of Spirit seems too far away from the troubles of the physical world the Divine Mother will hold your hands, close to your heart, or rest gently on your forehead. She will bring you comfort.
She’ll remind you of your fire, your boldness, your unique beauty, your passion, your courage. She’ll guide you through even the darkest loss into the blessing of new life.
Okay dear heart, just settle into yourself. Allow your breath to find its natural rhythm. Just breathe into all the corners of your glorious being, and allow in your mind’s eye a glorious vortex to start swirling.
As it opens, see it filled with love, all sorts of love and allow it to soothe you and to remind you that you are love incarnate. Then when you’re ready pick the card or cards that dance around your heart.
Did you remember to pick?

Shall we go look?

You are being given a divine “leg up”, a blessing to begin. The Divine is going to help you launch something important – an idea, a seedling of hope, a new start.
It may feel as though something is being handed to you, as though the Divine is offering you some sacred help. Don’t fall into the trap of believing that because it is easy in the beginning it is not worthwhile or important. It is!!!
Sometimes we get an infusion of divine energy into a start-up to get it going because the Divine knows how important it is and wants to give us a helping hand.
Accept the help and opportunity that so easily comes your way now, but also remember that you are being given help because there is something of great worth here.
If you are asking about being ready to start something, be that a project or even a new relationship, an expansion in your family or a new training program, this is your affirmation and validation from higher guidance.
Whatever stage you are at in the manifestation of your dreams, be it the earliest glimmer of a vision or one that you have invested decades of your life to and on which you are far along the path, the gift of the Mother is bestowed upon you – her red poppy of success.
Take a step. You have been thinking about it. Do it.
It may be an actual journey or a new class, a new habit or speaking the truth to others about something meaningful to you. Or it may be an opportunity that is about to sweep in unexpectedly.
The Divine will protect and assist you and in taking a step, you open up avenues for the universe to bless you with all manner of resources and assistance. The assurance and blessing of the Divine Mother empowers your own soul to take even the most apparently impossible or intimidating of prospects and turn them into accomplishments whilst growing in self-confidence and self-mastery.
So believe in yourself. The Divine Mother does.
Sometimes there is benefit in focusing on the new, seeking out untried paths, developing untapped resources and exploring possibilities. The intoxication of hope, inspiration and optimism combined can be hard to resist.
However, if fear, boredom or lack of commitment is beneath the quest for new adventures, if we are believing that what we need or want is always just beyond the next horizon, or that somehow the grass is greener in the next field rather than where we stand, we may be dissuaded from applying ourselves to the worthwhile tasks before us right now.
If we are an imaginative and visionary type of personality, we may rebel against the mundane tasks of applying ourselves daily to bring an idea to life. We may become seduced by the constant thrill of coming up with new ideas, entranced with the promise of something new.
However, if we were to stop and look clearly at what we already have in our lives, we could realise that there is much of value waiting to be put to use.
The sunflower holds wisdom medicine for humanity.
Growing from seed, it sprouts tall with a firm stalk and flexible head that follows the arc of the sun across the daytime sky. At the end of its life cycle, as the head withers and the plant faces the earth, its vibrant yellow petals collapse, turn brown, releasing its seeds. These seeds hold the life force of the plant, distilled.
Highly nutritious and supportive of life for future plants and even for human beings, the sunflower’s seeds allow for life to continue to expand and flourish on earth.
Do not step away from what you are cultivating, even if it seems to have lost its steam, run out of energy or be utterly dead in the water! There is something within what you have been working on that is going to yield something of great benefit.
There will be much more success, prosperity, happiness and maturing of your ultimate life goals and journey in tending to what is already further along in development than in something new.
Grandmother Dragonfly offers you vision that is wide and unlimited by preconceptions.
You may need to look differently at what you have nurtured and how to tap into what it has become to be able to share it with others and allow its sustaining grace to nourish human life in its own way. You will help people in many and varied ways. It is all a part of your natural development and you can trust in it.
There is no need for you to ever be impatient or doubting of this.
My ways prevail. I subjugate the lower to the higher without any force.
Through my ways, correct alignment to the higher divine order is established.
My authority is supreme, yet I’ve no need to enforce it. Devotion to me is absolute, yet I bestow freedom. I show you now , the whispering way to tame great force. I initiate you into the way of strength without coercion, the way of attraction without demand.
Follow me and learn the art of feminine power; that fear shall always succumb to love.
There is something that you want to attain. A situation exists that you would like to change.
It may be something in your way of thinking or being, or a habit of your body or mind. It may be a pattern within your emotional world, or an actual physical situation or obstacle you wish to change.
Perhaps you want it transformed completely, or perhaps you simply want some of the rough edges smoothed.
No matter whether it is a small or large change that is desired, you have been attempting to bring it about through exertion of your will. Now there is a time and place for such approaches. The strength of the human will should never be underestimated.
Yet there is another way, a gentler and more peaceful way, that will evoke little resistance within you and help you attract what you want rather than to have to carve it out of your own blood, sweat and tears. This is the taming power, the magnetic lure of attraction that can tame even beyond the capacity of will.
The way of gentleness takes great strength of will. But it is will that redirects the pushing, striving mind rather than the action of willpower that seeks to mould the physical world or control the people in your life, to have them act as you wish.
It is a way that attracts the devotion of others, and draws to you the aid and support you need, yet you are not required to grasp for such generosity.
You must be willing to become empty in order to be filled.
You must be willing to accept the very thing you wish to be transformed. You must be willing to become flexible in order to stay true on the path. You must be willing to become childlike in order to be wise. It is in embracing what is that empowers you to transform it.
You can, of course, choose the other way; to pursue, push and direct. However, you will find it an uphill battle all the way and it will only get you so far. This way holds more finesse, attains a greater result and will lead you further along your spiritual path as you learn that the opposites are only an appearance of reality, not reality itself.
You can then manifest through invitation what is offered from the heart space. There is no control here; and yet, you will seem to command an army whilst ever your heart is pure and remains true to peace.
What you want is possible. Striving will create friction where surrender and invitation through love will create affinity with the goal.
Woosah! Those were glorious messages for the week! So gorgeous one, sending you big love, squeezes, warm cups of tea and a soothed soul. May your heart be full and your spirit light! Try out the candle ritual and remember – You are loved, you are worthy and you are amazing!