The full moon has been spoken and written about for millennia across many cultures.
The Chinese, for example, associate the full moon with the essence of yin (female energy). Buddhists, on the other hand, see the full moon as symbolising spiritual power (as Buddha supposedly gained his enlightenment on a night of the full moon) and many sacred festivals are held during the full moon.
In secular folklore, the full moon has been associated with lunacy (madness), insomnia, and psychological disturbances – hence the term “lunatic” (which derives from the Latin word ‘lunaticus’ which means moon-struck).
In astrology, the full moon is a peak of energy that highlights opposing polarities and forces in your life. It is also a time of harvest (or reaping what you have sown).
The full moon is a time where one’s psychic energy increases, and powerful intentions, spells, and rituals can be practised. The full moon also represents the mother aspect of the divine feminine.
When the Moon and Sun are in opposition, the Sun is so far away from the moon that the full face of our nightly companion is lit up. Perhaps distance does make the heart grow fonder!
The Full Moon embodies self-expression and action! It represents completion, illumination and celebration.
This is the apex of Moon phases, the mountain peak. We have travelled far, and now is the time to rest, and look back on our accomplishments, or at what we have left behind, as the case may be.
How much have you grown this past month, honour the small and large victories. What questions arose this past month, or need to be illuminated further? What losses need to be honoured? What do you need to Forgive?
Is it time to let go and move on, or should you build a shrine to remind us for a time of what is now in the afterworld?
Our emotions and even physical body are heightened during this phase of the Moon. Listen to the needs of your body and mind.
The opposing energy of the Sun (ego, or self) and the Moon (inner-self, subconscious) can cause tension or even explosions of emotions. Because of this tension, this is a great time to express yourself creatively, and your rituals can reflect this.
When we boil down the symbolic meaning of the full moon, however, the themes of amplification, subconscious power, release and illumination continually arise.
But then how do I do I Full Moon Ritual that resonates for me is a question I hear a lot.