Happy Magickal, Marvellous, Magnificent, Musical, Mysterious Monday!
Well here we are in June and yesterday we had the glorious Strawberry Moon!
I don’t know about you, but it’s been a full week!
My most amazing daughter Morgen and her huge, gloriously fat 8 month old baby called Callum came to visit for the week and to help celebrate the mothership’s 95th birthday. The last time Morgen came to visit, which was in January, my housemate gave us all the plague so we spent the visit in our beds!
This time however, with the lovely weather, I juggled my work schedule and took time to play and boy did we ever. We explored a Medieval Festival, went on multiple glorious hikes, took Callum to the petting zoo (which was more for us than him, lol). Made jewellery together, went to all the Farmer’s markets, had a picnic in a daisy meadow and much more!
And then I managed to tweak my lower back on Thursday as I parkoured into the back of the car in a frenzy of cleaning, prior to picking up the mothership and taking her around the gardens of Government House and to a cute tea room!
By Friday everything came to a grinding slow down (totally pisses me off when that happens). I was frigging, hobbling and bitchy as all get out which got my mind spinning to the fact that I have been “chosen” for jury selection on Thursday and if picked I can look forward to a 7 day criminal trial!
I’m sorry, I have no desire, zip, zero, zilch to sit on a jury. None whatsoever!
When I have mentioned that to a couple of people, I am very politely reminded that it is my Civic Duty, that I should give back to my community. Mmmmmmmm. Well that got right up my nose.
I have coached football (soccer) for 25 years, purely as a volunteer. I have coached rugby, I volunteer for Hospice, Women In Need homes, Animal Shelters, and Compost Education centres.
I vote, I obey most laws but I don’t believe we have a Justice system, I believe we have a legal system and I have no desire to partake of it to be honest.
Let alone the fact that I can’t sit still for a whole day, or that my 23 year old son, Rowan, has his convocation for completing his degree with honours through a pandemic (and I am not going to miss that), or a 3 month old puppy that needs to be let out every hour and a half. And the list goes on.
So no, I have no desire to be selected for jury duty!
Thus, I did what any normal person would do and hung up my macrame swing that I made the other year and talked to the Full Moon as she beamed through the branches of the Garry Oaks above me. I took some time to ask myself some questions that really tie into this last Full Moon of Spring, let the breeze waft and the scent of the flowers dance around me.
It was quite delicious!
I also spent time planning out a Summer Solstice gathering and feeling into the ideas for a guide for Summer Solstice – so we will have to see how that comes through.
So let me ask, how are you feeling delicious lovely?
With June we have an energy shift from the TENSION of May to INTUITIVE CHOICES (I love this).
So let’s get Lena to explain it all shall we?
The theme for June is: “Intuitive Choices”
“Emotional clarity becomes more available this month as we assimilate the lessons of the recent eclipses and align ourselves with the next intuitive step.
The theme of Intuitive Choices has everything to do with stepping into the power of trusting the heart instead of the head and allowing for our curiosity and what is choosing us to be the compass instead of a plan based on a rationalised set of responsibilities and expectations.
There is an opportunity to settle into right timing and the magic of synchronicity and spontaneous events that feel emotionally aligned. In this energetically softer month we can begin to really feel what wants to support us and where we may be struggling down the wrong path.
Since the emotional centre is a much faster processor than the intellectual centre, we will feel into people and situations and either move away from or towards them before the mind has a chance to process the information. Trusting the intelligence of the heart is an important step if we are to reset ourselves on the path that is choosing us. You may not “know” intellectually why you are drawn to certain people, places or experiences, but if you trust that you do “know” intuitively, that is what is important. You may not be able to explain to someone why you are making a particular choice, but if you are clear about it, that is all that matters.”
I love how the emotional centre is acknowledged this month, as this is one of the things I teach in my Mastery and Manifestation course.
Many people don’t understand that what we allow, either from outside or from ourselves, into our bio morphogenic bubble impacts every cell in our body and what we are able to create.
Okay, enough chuntering, let’s crack on with the reading.
When I asked who wanted to come and guide this week I laughed as it was The Signs of the Times.
You are being invited into a conversation with the Divine and your Higher Self that will feed your soul and reveal the very answers you are seeking. Let go of doubt and follow the signs.
Okay dear one, take a moment. Really breathe into the place of “what is the sign I need right now”. Let your mind chatter slow and entertain itself in a corner and ask that question again.
Then when you are ready, pick the card or cards that resonate for you.
Did you remember to pick?

Let’s go see shall we?

You are on your own path, and the labyrinth represents the simple fact that this journey will take you in many different directions. Unlike in a maze, in a labyrinth there are no dead ends or wrong ways.
You will not always understand the route you are on, but you can either choose to be confused and scared, or see it as an opportunity to learn lessons and discover strengths.
This sign encourages you to embrace where you are on your journey and resist comparing yourself to anyone else. Listen to your intuition and use that as guidance to face any challenges. Keep moving forward.
The gift of the journey is not the destination itself; it is the experiences and lessons learned along the way that have shaped you into a person who is prepared to reach that destination.
Like stumbling upon a labyrinth in a park or seeing one incorporated in a log, this sign is an invitation to embrace the unpredictability of your own spiritual journey and the growth that comes along with it.
Embrace self-discovery!
Divine Guidance
Looking up at the stars at night can be a magical and almost spiritual experience. They are a reminder that we are all here on a rock, floating in the middle of a mysterious universe.
If you are seeking direction or guidance, you will receive answers and clarity soon.
The human experience is linked to the stars: for centuries, navigators have used them to learn where they are on Earth, astronomers have used them to learn where we are in the Universe, and astrologers have used them to help us find our place in both.
Right now, you may be unclear on different areas of your life or wondering why certain things are happening.
Spirit is asking you to connect by setting intentions, asking for Divine Guidance, and looking up for answers.
Allow the Universe to work its magic by asking from the heart and being open to the way the answers come to you. You will be pointed in the right direction.
The stars will tell you where you are. Have faith in yourself!
Stability and security are essential in your life at this time. You are feeling grounded, calm, and comfortable, which is reflected in your finances, home life, work, and personal relationships.
There is tremendous mental ease that comes with knowing those areas of your life are solid. If you have been working to achieve a goal, the rewards will come in the form of stability.
This sign can also represent feeling safe and protected from outside elements, which can include people, places, or things – even if the waves roll in and shake things up, you are confident in your position and your strength.
The tricky thing about anchors is that as much as they provide a stable foundation, they can also create a dynamic of complacency. You can end up stuck, tethered to what is familiar and safe, and miss opportunities to take risks and grow.
Continue to check in with yourself to ensure your desire for stability doesn’t end up holding you back.
Don’t hold yourself back by clinging to the electric fence of your comfort zone!
I don’t know about you, but I love the guides that chose to come out for this week. Have a stupendous week dear one, remember to come from your emotional centre when making choices and trust your intuition. Huge hugs and warm sunbeams.