Happy Magickal, Merry, Misty, Mischievous, Magnetic, Manifesting May Monday!
How are you delicious lovely? How was your Beltane experience?
I made a lovely offering to the Fae of crystals, sunflower seeds, red wine and shiny coins. I noticed a good chunk of the red wine was gone the next morning.
So either there were some tippled faeries flying around or a tipsy racoon!
Okay my darlings, we have lots to natter about this week. We have the New Moon in Taurus, a big shift in May energy and of course Mothers Day all coming up this week.
So grab a cuppa and get settled.
First off, thank you for all your lovely shares about the Beltane gift – over 300 of you downloaded it and shared your experiences! Love it!
But before we kick off everything; for those who have asked about Flourish – there are only a few spots left.
The doors close on Mothers Day and we start the following week.
So if you have been sitting on the fence and umming and ahhing, to be blunt – it’s time to piss or get off the pot! Lol.
Remember, we are in the Year of the Wood Dragon and an 8 year – 8 is the number that takes everything and amplifies it!
It’s the year to really step into your power, your strength and there will be lots of lessons about having the courage to be yourself and to think outside the box.
If you have been a people pleaser, wowzer, there are going to be lots of lessons around this to help you finally release this pattern.
So this is where the invitation for you is to really tune in, own your worth, get comfortable with uncomfortable emotions, and be a very active participant in creating your life (not a stand on the side victim).
Okay, let’s have a look at this week.
On Tuesday the 7th we have the Taurus New Moon in our skies.
“After the transformative waves of Eclipse Season, the Taurus New Moon on May 7th, anchors us into a place of nourishing stability.
We may feel the rising importance to slow down, ground our energy, and make time for stillness. Much may have changed and much may be in flux, but the welcoming energies of the New Moon guide us to rest, recharge, and find our centre.”
How can we create a cycle of nourishment in our own lives?
How can we bring balance to the flow of giving and receiving?
Creating this harmony really begins with us and our inner state of being.
Next up we have the May energy shift into one of “MENTAL CLARITY AND INSPIRATION”.
Let’s let the amazing Lena share her wisdom on this theme.
We have just been through an energetic and emotional centrifuge and this month we get to sort out what is left and more importantly what we value and what is important to us.
There may have been losses, changes, disappointments, new opportunities, sudden reversals, shocking news, situations better than expected and situations more challenging than planned for.
It has been a lot, our plates are full, and now we need to take the time to reflect, review, reassess, and reset, with the goal being some mental clarity and new inspiration about our purpose and next steps.
It is a time of observing self and others with patience and receptivity. What are you manifesting? If it is more of the same as in the past that you intended to change, then you still have work to do.
The greatest obstacle this month is fear. We have a collective fear of the unknown, fear of being victimised, losing our freedom, abandoned, restricted, and at the deepest level annihilated.
This fear can quickly eliminate any inspiration for what is possible in the unknown of the future.
The antidote for fear is trust and connecting to the larger picture of evolution, the magnificent structure and organisation of the universe and the grounding and nurturing aspect of the earth.
Are you seeing how all the energies meld like a glorious pot of soup?
Hence why the doors to FLOURISH opened at this time! (and no, you can’t make this shit up.)
Sunday the 12th brings in Mothers Day.
For me personally, it’s irrelevant if you have birthed children or not. As we have all at some point in time nurtured, mentored, supported a child – whether they were ours or not.
I will be honest, I have learned so much from my five children – they have taught me amazing lessons, given me a lot of angst, and helped me to grow up.
I also realise that Mother’s Day can be challenging for some as there are so many energies that float around that day, there’s:- love, frustration, loss, grief, disconnect, yearning, joy, expectations, connection, being invisible – and so very many more.
It reminded me of years ago when I was in a lovely Kundalini yoga class and my most amazing mentor invited us to bring in our Mother, to feel that energy of safety, unconditional love and peace.
Well, I have to say that was not what happened for me by any stretch, instead it brought up loss, abandonment, grief and some very dark emotions which had me sobbing the whole way through class! (Gotta love how energy moves).
Afterwards I went up and shared with her my experience and she could really hear how that didn’t feel safe inviting that person in. So instead she invited me to bring in someone who represented that mothering energy instead – so the next time I happily brought in my Great Aunt, another Aunt and a lovely older female friend.
Which in turn created a totally different experience!
So remember:-
“Let everything that needs to go, go. Let everything that needs to come, come. “
On that note, let’s crack on with the reading.
So gorgeous one, breathe. Just breathe, BE and allow yourself to relax, your mind to calm, your breath to slow and ask your wise inner self – what do I need to know this week. Then when you are ready, pick the card or cards that tug at your heartstrings – don’t let your mind pick!
Did you remember to pick?

Shall we go have a look?

Your heart has been chosen by the Divine to be a temple for spiritual light, an inner place where grace and healing can dwell. This is very special. A temple is kept clean and pure, scented with sacred perfumes of incense, made beautiful with our feelings uncluttered and spacious so that as much spiritual presence as possible can enter.
When spirit enters and fills the temple of the heart, things of extraordinary beauty take place. Even the seemingly impossible becomes possible. Clear your heart temple with forgiveness, gratitude and love for the spirit, so it can fulfil its divine destiny of being a sacred channel for beautiful divine grace.
The mind may believe it has got the power to rule, but, in truth, the heart is queen. You are a true goddess of love, one who consults the heart for answers. You will courageously follow the guidance of the heart. Even when the mind doesn’t want to surrender to the call of the heart, and fearfully lists numerous reasons why it is crazy and stupid and will end badly, you know that the doubt of the mind is no match for the power of the heart.
Things don’t need to make sense to your mind or to anyone else, they just need to make sense to your heart. You are already a divine queen, your heart aflame with passionate purpose. Stay true to your heart’s wisdom and you will change the world!
In your heart, you have been asking for something different, something more, and the Universe is answering your prayers. You don’t need to be afraid of the changes happening, or that are going to happen, for you. They are part of that answer from the Universe! You might feel uncertain because you cannot see how it is going to all work out – but know that the Universe is caring for you, and will provide a way to move through the transition with grace.
You are not crazy to willingly enter this experience. There is nothing that you need avoid, and so much that you will gain.
Something is ending. Something that has meant a lot to you. Maybe it is a relationship, a phase of your life, and identity that no longer suits you. Maybe it is an inner ending that you can’t quite articulate, but you feel nonetheless. This is a symbolic death with a greater purpose.
The shaman is spiritually trained to overcome the fear of symbolic death and, instead of avoiding endings, to willingly go through them with the awareness that an ending is simply the other side of a beginning. The shaman learns that endings happen when something new wishes to be born.
Be patient with yourself, be kind, but also know that new life is happening for you now according to a higher purpose and loving plan. Your life is meant to change at this time. Be encouraged! From the ashes of this symbolic death, you shall rise again.
Finch Spirit Guide comes to you with guidance to care for yourself in a particular way. Finches can become beautifully coloured, but only when they eat foods that nourish them. They have the power of beauty within, but they need the correct nourishment to be able to transform that potential into expression.
You also have beautiful divine potential to shine your light and beauty in the world, but you must feed your soul what it needs to do this. Be respectful and loving to yourself as you choose what to take into your being – be it physical nourishment or emotional energy or even the kinds of books you read and entertainment you watch, for all has an impact on you.
Do you feel better for the experience? Does it nourish your soul?
The best growth-enhancing food for your soul is that which increases love. Finch Spirit Guide also brings a prediction of a celebration of happiness ahead of you – and wants you to know that your connection to the spiritual worlds is real, to trust in the messages you feel from the Universe as they make themselves known in your heart.
It’s a good time to experiment with how to best care for your mind, body and soul. It’s not about being perfect; it’s about finding what works best for you. You are in a phase of your life where giving back to yourself is important.
Perhaps you have been sharing a lot of yourself with others, have come through a challenging time or, in the near future, will be stepping up in a new way to share more creative energy and soul fire than ever before.
All that you need to know now is that it is the right time to take extra special care of you.
Woosah! Gorgeous guides for this week! Sending you massive hugs and squeezes, set your intentions under the Taurus New Moon, come join us in Flourish and ground yourself!