August 27th we welcome the New Moon in Virgo, so think about the energy that comes to mind for you when I mention Virgo.
Virgo is an earth sign historically represented by the goddess of wheat and agriculture, an association that speaks to Virgo’s deep-rooted presence in the material world. And the fact that we are in harvest season.
If you look around you can see, kids are getting ready to go back to school, teens back to University and many rec centres, gyms and art schools are offering Fall courses, and now is certainly the time to sign up. So there’s an energy of ending (of summer) and new beginnings of Fall.
Then if we look at Nature, here on the West Coast where I live, I can already see the leaves are starting to change. The geese are flying overhead in their V’s honking like mad things and landing on any flat patch of grass they can find.
Some of the flowers are dying back, and the tomatoes are ripening under the late August sun and my herbs have exploded and are standing at about 5 feet tall!
It’s harvest time. A time of preparation. A time to sink your feet into the earth and thank Mumma Gaia for her gifts and bounty. A time to choose what you want to experience, feel and think.
So what are those things? How do you want to feel and what do you want to draw to you?
With the New Moon in Virgo, it’s time to heal, weed, edit, and discern. The vibe is thoughtful, sensitive, health-oriented, compassionate and particular; we need to keep our eyes not on what we want to throw away, but what we want to keep and nurture.
The image for the sign of Virgo recalls the people who once used their powers of discernment literally to sort the wheat from the chaff – back in the days of people – skilled agriculture. So use the energies of this moon to think about where in your life you need to make changes. Pay particular attention to your daily routines.
Virgo New Moon Ritual for Health and Abundance
You’re going to need your lovely moon book and pen,
a white candle,
crystals of choice,
a posy of fresh garden herbs (if you have them),
or a wee container of some dried ones from the kitchen,
a hot cup of water,
cleansing tool of choice (smudge, incense, essential oil),
and whatever music makes you feel good!
Find a peaceful spot where you will not be disturbed.
Then set the space and make it sacred to you.
Light your candle, place the crystals you chose so they can bathe in the candle light, and play the music that makes you feel the emotions you’ll experience when your manifestation comes to fruition. (This could be any type of music).
As you sit with your candle flickering away, allowing the energy of this lovely harvest new moon to fill the space around you. Take your cleansing tool and clear your space, yourself and your tools and to invite the glorious Moon Goddess in to support you.
Then take a moment to feel gratitude for all that’s good in your life. Think about the people, places and situations that make you happiest. Write down 5 – 10 of them that make you happy and/or for which you’ve been grateful in the past month.
Send big love and gratitude to those people or places, and remember to include yourself.
In this state of gratitude gather your herbs and gently press them between your fingers. Allow their divine smell and healing oils to explode on your finger tips and infuse them with the gratitude you are feeling.
Then pop them into the cup of hot water with thanks. (You’re brewing up a gorgeous New Moon gratitude tea! Nom!)
When this is done, ask yourself:- What do you want to create more of in regards to health, wellness, abundance, organisation and feeling prepared? (Remember the Virgo energy in this time of harvest).
If you’re feeling a tad stumped as to clarity and direction, use the New Moon Journal Prompts to get your juices flowing.
Decide on 10 wishes/intentions that resonate for you.
Then write them down, doodle them, colour them – whatever works for you.
Then narrow it down to 3 intentions and write them as if they’ve already happened. Keep your thoughts and intentions positive for this New Moon ritual.
Then read them outloud to the Moon and really feel and visualise them as here and now. (This is important).
Then for each of your amazing intentions write an affirmation that rings true for you. For example:-
New Moon Ritual Affirmation For Positive Manifestation Intentions
I am aligned with the Moon and the Universe. The energy of this New Moon is providing me with abundance and helping to manifest my best Self. I attract and welcome new ideas and beliefs easily into my life.
Now include a personal phrase that’s specific to your intention. Remember to use positive words and avoid negativity. An example might be, “I am grateful to have all the money I need. Wealth is a natural part of my life.”
Collect your gorgeous cup of herbal tea that is filled with gratitude and breathe your intentions into the water.
Then as you sit reflecting on this wonderful experience, sip your New Moon brew which is infused with gratitude and intentions and really feel them all coming to fruition.
Thank the glorious Moon Goddess for coming and dancing with you, releasing all attachment to the outcome.
You might want to say “Om Namo Narayani” 3 times or “This or something better now comes to me, with grace and ease and in perfect ways.”
Then pop your music on and celebrate!
Remember – The potency of your ritual stems from its importance to you!