Happy Magickal, Marvellous, Magnificent, Merry, Mad Monday delicious lovely!
Okay, we have lots to talk about this week and a ritual to learn, so make a cuppa come snuggle up and let’s natter!
To all my amazing American friends, Thanksgiving is coming up this week and I hope you take time to just BE, Play, be Thankful and Feel. For some people family holiday celebrations can trigger all sorts of stuff, some great and some rather challenging. So remember to breathe, set the intention (we talk about that in the ritual section) of enjoying yourself even if Uncle Tom is being a twat!
Okay, I do have to ask – what’s with the Black Friday Sale thing? I appreciate a good deal, but I once went to a Nordstrom on Black Friday and it was insane! In fact I had a little old lady elbow me in the ribs as she shoved past me as she obviously thought I was going for the perfume or whatever it was that she wanted! Totally terrified me and have never gone to a Black Friday sale in person again.
With that being said I do wish you all a marvellous Thanksgiving filled with family, gorgeous food, connection, joy and big laughter and remember Gratitude!
We have a glorious New Moon on Wednesday and I will say I love New Moon time as it allows us to plant the seeds of intention, desire and focus. This New Moon is in Sagittarius and brings opportunities to start over, to reach further, and to rework areas of our lives that have grown stale or become unwelcome.
As Forever shares: “Take a breath and allow the revitalising energy of the Sagittarius 2022 New Moon to filter through each cell of your being.
Allow each New Moon breath to wash away the stagnancy of the past. Any hurts, any pains, feel them being carried on the wind of your exhale.
The Sagittarius New Moon comes like a breath of fresh air after all the strong cosmic energies of the months passed. Peaking on November 23, the New Moon represents the start of a new lunar cycle, and within this new lunar cycle holds the promise of new beginnings, new adventures, and new awakening moments.
Resetting your life often involves consciously choosing to do things differently. It involves setting new habits, approaching things differently, and telling yourself a new story. Take all the pains and struggles of the past, and use them as fuel to write your happy ending.
Write down your next chapter. Fill it with whatever you desire and how you wish things to pan out. Write it for the next week, the next six months, or the coming year. You deserve a happy ending, so don’t allow any voices of self-doubt to mess with your story!”
Take a moment to honour your lunar journey and think about all you have achieved and all you have accomplished. Whatever has come, you have made it through, whatever has been is now in the past, and as we welcome the dark Sagittarius Moon, it is time for us to turn our attention to the next chapter.
Remember that the sign of Sagittarius is ruled by the Centaur aiming its arrow into the sky. The Centaur is half-horse, half-man and is a natural healer. It holds a wisdom that it has inherited across many lifetimes and across many realms of the galaxy. This wisdom allows it to aim its arrow in the direction that always supports its highest growth.
Under the Sagittarius New Moon, we can all tap into this energy with ease.
We can all tap into the intuitive wisdom that lives within and know the right way to direct our arrow. The Sagittarius New Moon is also abundant and has the power to bring new opportunities or new information to the surface… if we pause, and tune into our own innate wisdom, we will always know which direction to aim our arrow.
Allow the dark night sky to be your container for rebirth. Allow it to be a chance to press the reset button on an area of your life.
Enjoy the November New Moon for all that it offers and all that it brings. This is the perfect time to offer up gratitude, forgiveness and write your happy ending.
I invite you to work with a different, more visual process for this lunar month. Have you ever worked with a Moon Bowl? I have been doing this practice or ritual for the last few years and I love it.
To find out what you need to do come explore the Moon Bowl with me.
The other week a few people talked to me about Ritual and what I found interesting was their thought that it was highly complex, time consuming and that you needed multiple “special” tools for it. Hmmmm, I don’t agree with that. Sure you can make it that way if you would like, and there are certainly times that you really want to make it super duper special, but for the day to day it doesn’t have to be that way.
So let me share with you how I view and interpret the word “Ritual” and what it means to me.
To me a ritual is an intention made manifest, it’s that place of connection with the Divine, Universe, God/Goddess or however you chose to name it. In other words, a ritual takes an idea, thought or emotion and gives it a physical form in the world.
So for example when I invite or suggest that perhaps at certain times there are things that you might want to write down, release and burn – guess what? That’s a ritual. When you offer a Blessing or a Prayer before eating a meal – that’s a ritual. When you sit down at New Moon and write your wishes/intentions out, guess what? That’s a ritual. All it took was a brief moment of time, paper, pen and something to light a candle or the paper with. When you gather stones for your Moon Bowl. That’s a ritual.
To me ritual allows your body, your cells, your essence to understand your intention. Does that make sense? So what makes a mundane activity into a ritual is your consciousness while doing it. If you are smudging yourself or home, what is your intention? If you are having a salt water scrub shower or bath, what is your intention? When you light a candle every day when you walk in the door, what is your intention?
Remember energy follows intention and attention follows energy and actions follow attention.
Thus, a ritual can be a celebration such as the upcoming Thanksgiving in the States or it can be a practice which can be repeated daily, monthly or yearly.
When ritual becomes a practice this allows us to go deeper, to explore all the various nuances and of course as we all know – repetition leads to mastery (think of that daily meditation, exercise, journaling etc). I guess I am saying that ritual is easy. Set the intention, let the energy follow it, then the attention, but the key piece is bringing it into the physcial!
Try it this Thanksgiving (if you are in the States). When you are sitting down to dinner offer up a Blessing, a Prayer, some words. I found a lovely one from Danielle LaPorte that you might like. It’s called Light and Resilience – a holiday or anytime prayer.
Okay, enough chuntering on. When I went to the cards and asked who wanted to guide, The gorgeous Faery Blessing cards were most adamant! How positively perfect! Now if these cards are new to you (which they probably are), please let me introduce them (as it’s rather rude not to!) “Faeries are present in every droplet of water, every blade of grass – they are everywhere there is a trace of nature – thus every field, flower, and forest is theirs. They inhabit the wild rainforests and the old castles; they dance within standing stones and burial mounds; they are on the top of mountains and within the grove deep in the valley; and they appear in the cracks in the pavement and beneath the cities in the old, tangled tree roots. Faeries are part of this world, and they were here before we were born into this world, and they know us better than we know ourselves. The blessings of the faeries can bring us back into relationship with ourselves, back into relationship with the elements, so that we can become more at home within the world, while creating a personal world which supports our dreams, our wishes, and our purpose. ”
Okay dear heart let’s take a breath shall we? Breathe in life and prana through your nose and exhale out worries through your mouth. Allow your shoulders to drop, your jaw to relax and to just BE here in this moment (as this is the only one you are guaranteed).
I invite you (no matter where you live) to harness the energy of Thanksgiving and really give thanks for all the pieces that make up your most delicious self (yes, even the ones you judge harshly).
Give thanks for all the various people, places and things that you are thankful for – they could be present day, past day or future day. List them all in your mind one at a time and as you bring them into your consciousness, smile and blow them a kiss (yes, seriously blow them a kiss).
See the kiss leaving your hand and turning into a gorgeous gold butterfly that flies off to that person or part of yourself and gently lands on their right cheek and brushes them softly with your blessing, thanks and appreciation.
If you want a bit more support, there is a super quick visualisation that ties into Blowing a Kiss.
Then when you are ready, pick the card or cards that call to you.
Did you remember to pick?

Shall we go have a look?

The Faery gift of joyous energy that flows all the days of your life, whether you be young, or an elder with many years behind you.
Let the gift of the ever-young be yours this day, friend. The blessing of vitality that runs through the veins, the ability to move freely and joyfully, the sense that there are many years before you, and that your energy is flowing, strong and sweet, in veins and heart and brain and limbs.
It is not that we deny ageing, the faeries say, for we are ancient, yet we are ever-young too. It is possible to be an elder, to grow older a little each day, yet be vital, full of the flow of life, able to be who you are without infirmity or fatigue or aches and troubles. These may come and go, but with this blessing, this pure gift comes to you.
Let the faeries assist you and move through your energy field, clearing all that troubles the parts of you, so that your sum becomes youthful and vibrant and glowing with your own natural energy, once again.
For you, human child, were loved when you were small, and now that you are growing older, the fae love you still, and will lend to you an energy that belongs to the whole world, and which must not be denied to you.
Faery blessings of the ever-young to you, friend.
The Faery gift of the sweetest, most intense Joy and Gratitude.
The gift of Rapture is yours. It is the gift from the fae of a moment that makes you draw your breath in and pause, wondering at the beauty and the ecstasy of existence. This moment of pure, unadulterated wonder will open your heart wide and bring a deep joy to your world.
It will fill you with the certainty that to be alive is to be blessed, that to feel this deeply is a gift, that to be able to share the wonder of existence and natural raptures is an inspiration to all who encounter you.
It is as if your eyes now can see more clearly, your heart has opened a little wider, your whole being is leaning into the experience of life and is committed to the wonder in everything.
You feel more connected, more joyful, more patient, and yet more active than before. You feel a part of a great story, and you know now how glorious life can be. This energy will flow into you, through you, and into the world, becoming a part of your contribution to the planet – and the faeries are glad that you have finally touched the ecstasy of life and know of the beauty of life.
Even when the moment passes, you will be left with the knowledge of the wonder, and so life will be ever-changed, in magickal ways.
The Faery gift of a Sanctuary, a space in which to feel completely supported and loved.
The Faeries know what it is like to find the safe places in the world – for theirs are under siege, and have been for such a long time. The faeries know how to find the little home in the forest or the garden that is growing wild, the roots of old trees and the hollows beneath the sacred hills.
In these places, they have grown stronger and stayed safe, and they now transfer to you a part of this gift. You will now find places and spaces within the world where you will feel free to be completely yourself, where you, too, can grow strong and bright again, and need have no fear.
Let there be a shelter and a sanctuary for you and your soul, where you can learn what it is you are meant to do next, and where there is no harsh word spoken, only guidance that can help ease us all into the next stage of our lives.
Let the safe spaces become our homes and our workplaces, our friendships and our schools. Let the world become a safer space, and let the natural world shelter you with her turnings and showings of the changes about you.
Make not a fortress of this space you find, but let it begin to grow in your heart, so that wherever you go, others feel safe with you, and the world changes, in small but bright and beautiful ways, all as a result of this blessing of the faeries.
Blessings of a sanctuary, a safe space to you, friend.
Well delicious lovely, wishing you a fantabulous week. Play with Ritual, play with the energy of the New Moon (so gorgeous) and no matter if you are in the States or somewhere else give Thanks and Bless everything that is in your life. In my morning practice I always say “ I bless everything I have and I bless my increasing good and good fortune” and then I start listing them. So I might say “I bless my bed and the cosiness of it and I bless my increasing good and good fortune, I bless the sun filtering through the autumn leaves and I bless my increasing good and good fortune.” Yes? Give it a try and really think of everyone and everything that could do with a blessing. Sending you big hugs and squeezes and butterfly kisses! See you next week.