Hello most gorgeous lovely – Happy Magickal, Miraculous, Moodling, Merry, Magnificent, Manifesting Monday! The first Monday of July!!
Can you believe we are in July already? Holy Hannah! How was your Lunar Eclipse (and Independence Day if in the US?) I found the eclipse very freeing and energising. Danu the therapy doggo did as well as we had to go walk under the full moon at least 4 times throughout the night!
But it got me thinking about my WOTY (Word of the Year) that I set at the beginning of January. For a wee bit, to be honest, I couldn’t even remember what it was! Then at the 3am perambulation under the gorgeous Full Moon my word came back to me on the breeze. EXPANSIVE. Ahhhh, yes. I then went back and reviewed the post from the beginning of January where I shared this with you – and the call to all of us to play a bigger game, a different game was there then! (Gotta love how this all works). Did you have a WOTY?
Does it still fit for you, or do you feel that you would like to change it?
The reason I ask is the energy for July is all about “REVISIONING, REVISING, RESETTING.”
So what better time to revisit your WOTY and see if it still fits for you and resonates…….
As Lena shares about this July energy:- “We could also say the month is about adjustment, flexibility, and adapting. The main focus in this rather ordinal month is to do what is in front of you and needs to be done in order to move on. Whether this is forgiving your emotional past, letting go of old dreams, trusting your vision for the future, weeding your yard, cleaning your fridge, adjusting to a new landscape, simplifying your life, or simply being in the flow of what is showing up (or not showing up), the task is to stay present and to be inspired by the simple daily accomplishments instead of being in resistance to the larger rather uninspired energy influencing the first part of the month.
This is a collaborative month where cooperation and the sharing of tasks and ideas goes a long way. We are certainly ready for more communal efforts as we move forward in this process of change. Although we are thick into the process of transformation, we are still in the birth canal and will be for some time. As we are still in the dark, the unknown future can be either terrifying or exciting as we contemplate “what could be”. The proactive attitude is adopting the belief and reminding ourselves that we create our own reality, and as highly creative beings on this planet, we can create a future that we wish to see, experience and love.
In order to revise, revise or reset anything, you need to first see what needs it. What needs it will be something in your life that does not work, flow, or support you. The first step is to acknowledge these aspects from a neutral place of acceptance without judgment or blame. The second step is to commit to eliminating, forgiving, and releasing what no longer serves. The third step is to welcome the void and get comfortable in the not knowing by practicing presence and flexibility. Only now are you ready to re-vision, revise, and reset.”
So at this pivotal moment (half way through the year), what do you feel needs to be Revisioned, Revised and Reset for yourself? It could be absolutely anything! If not now – when?
When I went to the glorious cards and asked who wanted to guide and support you this week I was delighted to see The Oracle of the Shapeshifters. As we are all shapeshifting in some shape or form right now.
If these glorious guides are new to you, let me please introduce them (as that is the polite thing to do)! “These are the magickal familiars, once the companions of shamans, witches, wizards, and wise ones – and now they are here for you. Now is the time for you to undertake a great quest – to rebirth yourself within this lifetime and this quest of evolution does not need to be faced alone. We change and we change again. We fear change. Yet it comes. For us to fear change is as foolish as winter crying for the coming of spring. Change is. Fear corrupts. These guides are here to support, encourage and help you through transformation and to teach you to let go of fear. True , deep change must take place for you to fulfill your soul contract. You may have turned from possibility to what you have convinced yourself is probable: You diminish your possible self, reduce who you are, and dilute your spirit. But even when you have sought to remain invisible and hidden away, and said yes to everyone else, life will find you – and transform you. You are never alone with these beings.” Phew! So there we have it, are you ready?
The gorgeous crystals that most certainly wiggled and jiggled are Blue Apatite – Blue Apatite is a deeply spiritual stone with a cleansing influence on the aura, especially in the mental body – the vibratory level associated with psychic perception and paranormal abilities. Moonstone – supports the heart as it stimulates the mind, soothing worry or anxiety, and bringing out the best in people. Its loving energy promotes the Divine in all situations. Last but not least, Chrysocolla – is a stone of empowerment of the feminine energies, teaching that genuine power is best expressed through gentleness. It is the stone of forgiveness, peace, and the strengthening of emotional bonds. It encourages compassion, and helps us recover our natural spontaneity. And of course a Selenite wand for amplification. Oh yes and gorgeous Lavitaria blossoms (which are now floating in a crystal bowl on my desk).
Thus my gorgeous one, take a moment. Just let your breath naturally slow down, relax your shoulders and jaw. As you start to relax I invite you to see in your mind’s eye the energy of Revisioning, Revising and Resetting. What do you want to keep? What do you want to release? What would you like to Reset? What are you curious about?If you need a little more support dropping into that energy I have a lovely little guided visualisation for you.
Then, when you’re ready pick the card or cards that make you tingle and get curious.
Did you remember to pick?

Then let’s go have a good gander shall we?

Wisdom is not heavy, harsh, or cruelly given. Wisdom is as simple as being open and ready to receive – and if you are ready, if you have decided that you are worthy and willing to learn, this great horned owl, my other self, wishes for me to give you a feather.
This feather is a talisman of magick, of wisdom that endures and can be applied again and again. Its power and wisdom will never run dry or fail to speak words of wisdom to you when you hold it in your mind’s eye. The tide will go in and out, but this featherlight piece of wisdom remains with the golden sun, and this wisdom will never fade or grow into a heavy burden, as some knowledge does.
You will wonder what to do at times, because things have changed. But this soft wisdom will speak to you again, and you will find your way. Wisdom is not heavy, crushing, or forceful. This is the truth – this wisdom is soft, light, and to be treasured. It is our gift to you now. Stay still. Give us your hand. And feel the gift that we wish to share with you. Feel the wisdom flow into you. Ahhhhh, lightness.
You will be able now to see more clearly, even when there is no light around you. Night will hold no fears for you. You will hear clearly what people are truly saying when they are speaking with you – their words’ true meanings will be utterly apparent immediately. You will be able to move suddenly and grasp your fate quickly when this helpful being comes to share your life – she is both faery and owl, a shapeshifter in form, and as swift and clear as the rain.
Raccoons speak of stealth, remaining undercover, and flying under the radar. Raccoons suggest you take cover, work with camouflage, and stay in the in-between places for a time in order to remain safe. Do not reveal who you are, what you do, or your new idea or project to all. Too often we share what we are planning out loud, giving all, even ourselves, the impression it is already done. It is not.
It needs careful protection, but mostly you need to not draw attention. It does not mean you have to be furtive or sneaky, though some will call it so. It means to quietly get on with your day-to-day and the very soulful business of change without showing everyone every detail along the way. You have far to go – at this early stage it is not advisable to share all. There is a sacred part of you that must be protected, for it could easily be exhausted and exploited by those who will be very quick – even quicker than you – to recognise the value of what you have.
In order to survive, sometimes you must hide, camouflage, or mask yourself from those who would know our true nature and exploit you. Like a precious plant when snow falls, you must go underground, huddle in your seed, and keep quiet and safe from those who would take you and cultivate you and your amazing self for their own reasons. This is not a time to allow yourself to be used by others for their own agendas. Do not think of this hiding or melting into the forest as cowardice; it is wise to go to ground for a time now. In order for you, your ancestry, your bloodline, and anything cherished and rare to live on, you sometimes must hide it away for a time, bringing it forward later so that you flourish.
Orcas are the brilliant, physical, living reservoirs of Earth and galactic history. They are the carriers of wizards on their backs, according to Norse myth, meaning they carry the great sage lines of transformation and transmutation, and can pass this lore along. They hold this history in the patterns of their ancient songs.
One day we will translate the songs and understand our own past times. Their bodies, those huge, resonating cavities, store the history of the planet herself. They travel the world’s oceans, singing, clearing, and awakening the energy grid again and again, preserving, reviving, renewing ancestral lines that need to be in place for this planet to be whole and well, now and in the future.
Earth is currently undergoing a vast initiation. Some have called this an ascension, although what it truly is has nothing to do with high or low, but with an integration of more dimensions, fully awakening your DNA and charging your auric field to a more powerful capacity. Healing, materialising into new forms, and creating will be greatly enhanced at this time.
You are a keeper of galactic mysteries and you have a strong starperson connection. Starpeople are connected to the growing need to connect to the galactic web, which we are a vital part of. It is time to take yourself outside and gaze up into the night sky. Learn about the constellations you can view from your home. Tune in to the worlds beyond this world, and ask that they connect with you in healthful ways.
Whales can assist with intergalactic travel (without physically leaving the planet), seal and repair any wounds or tears in your energy field, and return to you the parts of your soul that you may be unaware are even missing.
Wow, wow, wow. What gorgeous guides to help us with Revisioning, Revising and Resetting – whoot!!! So my delicious lovely, sending you massive blessings and huge chocolate chip biccies (as everyone needs a nice snack). As we ever so slowly move through this paradigm shift that the world is in please remember to be gentle with yourself. Practise compassion. Laugh as much as possible and take the time to really re-vision who you want to be and what you would like to see in the world around you. Big Hugs and Squeezes! Oh yes and for all of you who have asked if you can get a Private Reading – of course I do have some spaces!