Happy Frigging Samhain/Halloween!!!
If you were hoping for the usual opening – today is different!
I have been doing these Monday readings for quite a few years now, and this is the first time that it has actually landed on Halloween, my most favourite celebration on the Wheel of the Year!
So this will be a short writing, as I want to celebrate!
Yesterday in Creatrix Circle, we had an amazing gathering where we talked and explored this delicious and exceptionally potent energy – The Witches New Year. And no, you don’t have to be a Witch to understand it.
I will say, I love Samhain as it is the epitome of endings and beginnings.
This is a transformative time of year.
When you connect with this potent energy, and let it guide you in your soul work, you can create lasting growth & change in your life.
Now if this way of looking at what you know as our Western Culture “Halloween” is new to you, and you are thinking – Jenn WTF?
Grab the Magickal Book of Samhain and all will be explained.
If you just want to read a lovely story about Stingy Jack and why we carve pumpkins, feel free.
In our Western Culture we think of Halloween as the “spooky time”, kids get dressed up and go looking for tricks or treats throughout the neighbourhood. Pumpkins are carved with faces to scare and there is a sense of celebration in the air.
Yet funnily enough Samhain (which is where our Halloween originated) is more than one day.
We have All Hallows Eve, which starts at dusk on the 31st and then on November 1st we have All Saints Day, and on November 2nd it is All Souls day, or Dia de Los Muertos.
All of which are a celebration of death and those who have passed and new beginnings.
Think about it, when we were an agricultural based community, this was the time when the harvest would have all been brought in, the days were getting shorter and it was a time to move into the darkness.
This is the sacred time marking the end of the harvest season. It’s the time of Death in nature. This is the time of year when we acknowledge, and honour, the role that Death plays in the cycle of Life.
You cannot continue to evolve, and birth new life, without experiencing Death.
This is the time of honouring your ancestors and inviting their help and support. It’s a place of reflection and celebration.
If you remember, at Equinox the energy was still mingled with summer, our inner & outer worlds swirling around each other; a time of finding balance between the two.
Now, at Samhain it’s clear that our inner world is overtaking our outer. Day is turning to night as we move into the dark side of the wheel of the year. This is where the energy turns inward, and things need to die on the outside in order to do that.
Samhain celebrates that Death.
But what does this mean for you personally? How does it benefit you?
Turn Inwards. This is the time where you can make peace with yourself and get comfortable with your inner life. This is where the work is for the next few months. It’s a place of being in a neutral mind and just observing.
Embrace the darkness. By embracing the darkness you learn not to fear the darkness.
There’s a lot of beauty in these dark days. Embrace it. Magic is born in the darkness.
And as you turn inward, don’t be afraid to look at your dark parts–be an observer. No judgement. What do your shadows want to show you?
Release whatever needs to die. If you are brave enough to look at the darkness, to listen to what it has to tell you, you discover parts of yourself you need to let go of in order to grow & evolve.
This is where we leave behind the things that we’ve outgrown. Welcome the mystery & the possibilities of the space that it creates in your life.
This is a powerful time for magic & manifestation. What new dreams will be born to replace the leaves that you’ve let go of?
Be gentle with yourself. Being brave enough to journey into the darkness requires really mindful nurturing & self-compassion. This is hard inner work. It requires you to be so gentle & loving & kind to yourself over the next few months.
In perfect divine timing, at Samhain we are entering the feminine/yin side of the wheel of the year.
Yin energy is restful. It’s gentle & nurturing. It’s intuitive & receptive.
So my gorgeous bean, that is how it benefits you when you move in rhythm with Mama Gaia and the seasons.
Now with all that being said, and as I want to go play and celebrate (and if you have actually read this far lol), let’s crack on with the reading.
The guides that decided to come and play on All Hallows Eve surprised me. They are the glorious guides of the Sacred Forest.
Now if these are new to you, please let me introduce them (as not to do so would be rude!)
At the edge of the mind awaits the holy wilderness of the soul. It beckons you, like a great forest filled with vast mysteries and wonders. While this mystical realm exists in a higher dimension, beyond normal reality, it is real nevertheless. To enter this mystical realm, it’s simply a matter of having an open heart and an open mind.
In this healing and holy place, long-sought answers to your deepest questions become known. Ancient wisdom emerges. Revelations about your future are revealed. Hidden talents and abilities are activated with you. It’s a place where miracles unfold, and your spirit can fly. In the deepest sense you remember who you are.
Okay gorgeous bean, here we are on All Hallows Eve, the start of Samhain. The place of release and moving into the warm, feminine darkness that nurtures and supports. I invite you to take a long, deep, luxurious breath in through the nose and out through the mouth. Let your face relax, your jaw relax and the worries of the day drop to the floor like leaves from autumnal trees.
Then I invite you to see in your mind’s eye a glorious warm dark night sky, you feel safe, you feel supported and held and as the clouds pull away you see stars that will guide you. Breathe that in. Allow this gorgeous Feminine Darkness to gently wrap around you and guide you and then when you are ready pick a card or cards that call to you.
You picked yes?

Shall we go see?

The sound of delicate chanting fills the forest. You follow the sound, as you walk down a meandering path into a small clearing. Before you, a forest temple becomes visible. As you get closer, it feels that the chanting is penetrating deep into your soul. Something seems to be shifting within you. Everything is the same, yet everything is somehow different.
Meditate on the light within you and around you. Connect with the ever-present of the Divine. Right now your awareness is increasing. Your ability to understand the world is shifting. More and more, you can see situations from all points of view, and this creates an expansion in all parts of your life.
We can often get stuck in seeing the world from only your personal point of consciousness, which is dramatically restricting possibilities for you. A one-sided adamant view of life can block a vast influx of light, joy, and connection to the Creatrix.
Strict adherence to your beliefs can obstruct wonderful opportunities from flooding your life. Be willing to step outside your limited points of view and see the world from the others’ perspectives, and your life will expand.
With enlightenment, you’ll feel the expansion from a limited sense of self to an awareness of the cosmos around you. That loves you.
Positive changes are coming. You are lightening up; feel buoyant and free. Your connection to Spirit is deepening if you allow it. Old beliefs about who you are and what you deserve in life are falling away, replaced by incredible new paths.
Eagle Spirit invites you onto her back, and you dwindle in size so that you can climb on. You hold on to the down beneath her feathers as she soars higher and higher. The forest looks smaller and smaller, yet you can see so clearly as you ascend above the clouds. You have never felt so free!
It’s time to break free and let your spirit fly! Be daring as you go beyond predictable behaviour. Fling your arms up to the heavens in joy.
Also, pay attention when you have let life or others restrict your freedom. Recognising this is the first step to reclaiming your power. Don’t allow yourself to be trapped by convention or the expectations of others. The truth is that you aren’t here on this earth to be ordinary, but to step beyond limitations and self-imposed boundaries.
You have the ability to choose your life on your terms. Perhaps you aren’t always free to create the exact circumstances of your life – but you’re certainly able to decide what meaning to give those situations. Select meanings that empower you, for this is the time to break free. Hold the intent that boundless freedom surges through you, and so it shall.
This is the time to express yourself. Don’t hold back. Choose life on your terms.
Don’t be trapped by the expectations of others.
New Beginnings
You feel a tap on your shoulder, and in a flash of yellow, you see a Daffodil Fairy fly by you. In a high, sweet voice she says, “The best is yet to be! It’s time for a new beginning!” With glee, you race after her into the forest.
Life goes in cycles. Just as spring follows winter, a new cycle is beginning in your life. In the phases of the earth, the plants die in the fall so that there can be new birth in the spring – it’s the universal dance of death and rebirth. There’s a time to end and begin, and this is the close of one cycle and the beginning of another.
We associate the daffodil with spring, as it is one of the first flowers to emerge after the snows. Its shape echoes the feeling of trumpeting in the new season; its colour suggests vitality, radiance, and sunshine.
It’s time to wipe the slate clean; it’s time to release the old and start again.
It can be difficult to release familiar routines, situations, or relationships when they no longer empower you; however, your higher self encourages you to not cling to the old, but set sail into new waters. If you find yourself afraid to let go, you are urged to face your fear and allow yourself to stretch in a new direction.
The Creatrix is at your side, and wonderful opportunities will be born in your life. Wholeness occurs when you can say yes to both endings and beginnings.
It’s time to start a new project or a new cycle. Life force and vitality are emerging. Release that which doesn’t serve and support you. Make way for a new start!
Lol, you seriously can’t make this shit up! Sorry if swearing offends you, but you can’t! Wishing for you a beautiful Samhain, give yourself the Magickal Book of Samhain if you feel called, but most importantly take the invitation that is being offered of stepping into the dark (in the Western Hemisphere) and really embrace yourself.
Big massive Pumpkin Smiles and may wee tiny Mars bars appear when you need them!