Happy Mystified, Magickal, Manifesting, Memorial Monday!
This will be a shorter than normal post as I want to attend a Remembrance Day service, so let’s crack on shall we?
Well to say it’s been a heck of a week globally would be an understatement, wouldn’t it?
I have been hearing from many of you the shock that you have been feeling, anger, disbelief and the grief, as that’s what it is.
I’ve also been seeing a lot of attacking posts, divisive posts and blame posts – understandable in a way, but it isn’t going to help us as a collective to move forward and through this challenging time.
Today is Remembrance Day, also known as Armistice Day. It marks the day World War One ended at 11am on the 11th day of the 11th month, in 1918! 106 years ago!!!
And I do wear a Poppy, I always wear a Poppy at this time. Why?
The Poppy to me is a symbol of Remembering those who bravely went to fight for our freedoms and well being.
It is also a symbol of Hope, hope for our troops that are still deployed all over the world and Hope for a time of Peace.
Personally, I think it is important to focus on those types of events, the ones that inspire Hope and Peace, and don’t get me wrong, there are all sorts of horrendous wars being waged all over the world. But drop back into that space of Armistice, Hope and Peace – it is sooooo possible on every level in this world (at least that is my belief).
Thus on Remembrance day we have the potent energy of 11:11. Great Jen, what does that mean for me (you may be asking)?
This day holds the number code of 1111, which is a power number in astrology and also an angel number.
If there is something you want to manifest or a wish you want to make, this is the day to set your intentions!
1111 heightens our ability to create and to leave an imprint on the tapestry that is all of life. It also indicates that we are in complete harmony and alignment with all of nature.
From this state of alignment, it becomes easier for us to feel grounded and connected to our life here on Earth, but also to the magic and wisdom of higher realms.
Close your eyes and remember the last time that you set an intention. Did you feel doubtful that your wish would come true, or did you have faith that the universe was listening, ready to help you bring your vision to life?
11/11 is one of the most powerful days of the year for manifestation – a day when we’re reminded that our guides are always with us, supporting us on the path to our deepest dreams.
There’s a reason why we’re told to make a wish whenever we see 11:11 on the clock. 11 is a master number, and its frequency speeds up manifestation, opening up channels through which angelic beings can send their wisdom and support.
“The number 11 grants us access to the 5th dimension, where the constraints of time and space do not exist. On 11/11, we experience 5D energy in the form of synchronicity, alignment, and acceleration. You might experience that “right place, right time” feeling – the reassurance that you’re on the right path, and everything you’re seeking is seeking you in return.”
The Law of Attraction, based on the Hermetic Principles, teaches us that everything we manifest is created by thought: Where your attention goes, energy flows. Every second, you’re thinking things into existence – so on this day, pay attention to where your thoughts tend to wander.
Are you focused on bright and positive outcomes, or are you subconsciously manifesting your worries and fears?
Work with the energy of 11/11 to positively channel your thoughts in service of your highest path. I recommend meditating at 11:11 am or 11:11 pm to best harness the magic.
Set aside 11 minutes to close your eyes and go within, visualizing what you desire and how it would feel if you’d already received it. Yes?
Another simple way to harness this energy is to free flow and write for 11 minutes about all your heart’s desires and intentions. At the end of the 11 minutes, go back and highlight the words that inspire you, make you feel hopeful, excited and then formulate them into an intention.
If you wanted to go a step further you could make a sacred Sigil!
And if you want to ramp it up a bit more, use the fabulous phrase that can really Unfuck you!
Ready? Super simple, but super powerful when faced with confusion, stagnation and all the rest of that dross.
The phrase is “AM I WILLING?” e.g:- Am I willing to do the work to make a change? Am I willing to turn my anger and grief towards something constructive? Am I willing to get off the sofa and go to the gym to lose weight? Am I willing to release those relationships that drain me? AM I FUCKING WILLING TO MAKE CHANGE?
If you can’t come up with anything to put on your AM I WILLING list. Turn it around and ask yourself the same question in a different way: “WHAT AM I NOT WILLING TO DO OR PUT UP WITH?” e.g:- I am not willing to put up with this abusive relationship. I am not willing to continually struggle. I am not willing to be continually dismissed. I am not willing to feel unhealthy………..
Are you getting it now? Dare you to give it a try, it’s quite fascinating to play with, write down and it most certainly unravels those threads that can make you feel like you are tied up in a knot and disempowered (that’s what Fear does to us).
Okay enough chuntering, let’s see what guidance wants to talk to you this week.
Take a deep breath gorgeous one, relax the jaw and allow the spark of Hope come into your heart. Breathe it in and ask it to help you.
If you need a bit more to help you, here’s a wee glorious visualisation for Hope.
Did you remember to pick?

Let’s go have a look, shall we?

Control. No woman alive today needs a dictionary to know what control means within a toxic patriarchy.
She’s experienced it a thousand different ways before she’s hit puberty. It’s alive in the curves of her psyche, in the expanse of her hips, in the marrow of her bones.
It is domination and restraint.
But in a blanched psyche and in a balanced culture, control can mean something else entirely..
A WITCH experiences control through cooperation rather than competition. She engages with all the parts of her psyche in an attempt to coordinate rather than dominate.
Right now, right this minute, please embrace all the inhabitants of your inner realm, because each deserves respect and a place at the table. Even the unruly, the inconvenient, the ugly.
Making space for all under the banner of wild inclusion and giving voice to the shame, malice and anger, as well as every other outlawed part of the psyche, is the way we create integrity, ensuring that no part of our inner realm is involved with factions, divisions or rebellions.
When your intent is to create rather than compete, you don’t have to dominate.
Your influence is enough.
This is power with rather than power over.
Invite in all the pieces of yourself, all the things that are bothering you today and wrap them in the blanket of inclusion and assert your authority.
Rage can be purifying.
Like the harpies of Homeric poems, rage can bring the storm winds that scour and wipe a landscape clean.
While this may seem a destructive force on the surface, rage, like the harpies, can bring change and shift landscapes both internal and external.
Quiet or loud, a wild howl or a hiss in the dark, anger is both purposeful and natural, so stop bottling it and shoving it away in order to be pleasing.
So much more powerful to gather your rage. Rather than shrieking into the wind where passion can be swallowed, you will find your branch, and settle into a position of power.
Using your authority, you will choose your time, and cry out your claim.
Offer your anger to your art, your cause, your community, resulting in a rallying song of change.
A W.I.T.CH pours her rage into her creativity, advocacy and commitment.
She’s also willing to peck out and devour rage against her own self through the radical wings of self-forgiveness.
You know the voice of the psyche that wants you to comply or conform in order to fit in, or shames you for being selfish, or tells you it’s honourable and responsible to deny your longing, demanding you fold your dreams away into a people-serving-shaped box?
It’s a predator you adopted as family.
The voice condemning and convincing you that following your desires will hurt other people?
It’s inside you. The call is coming from inside the house!
That predator is an unholy inquisitor.
He might have first showed up outside of you in your original home, church or school, and most certainly in our culture as a whole. But he is now alive as the inner patriarchy.
It’s the force that wants to control you in order to keep you small and unthreatening. It’s moved into the psyche, as it does generation after generation, if left unquestioned.
A W.I.TC.H knows it’s purposeful to speak truth to power, to stand up and march for justice, fairness and decency.
But she is also determined to march on behalf of the girl inside of her living with a monster.
She is willing to take to the inner streets to clean up the injustice of bullying thoughts, blaming self-talk, and name calling.
She speaks up for fairness when the internal predatory voice demands she please everyone else before herself.
She embodies fierce decency when her dreams or hungers or passions are shamed and belittled from within.
It is time to take a stand against the unholy inquisition of the psyche, and develop the tools to defeat the toxic patriarchy living there.
You deserve nothing less.
Oh my, oh my, gotta love the guides and the cards
How are you feeling about the ones you picked?
Sending massive hugs on this Remembrance day, breathe and invite in Hope.