Happy Magickal, Mysterious, Mellifluous, Magnificent, Manifesting Monday!
How are you gorgeous bean?
Did you have a glorious week? I had so much fun on Valentine’s Day, we shot an episode of our Kitchen Table Confidential podcast and video, where we talked about love. It was so much fun!
(And BTW if you have a topic that you want explored in a real, raw and knowledgeable way, let us know!)
In the afternoon I wandered downtown where people are camping on the street and took them wee packages of dark/white chocolate, cranberry, oatmeal cookies.
Oh my gosh, the stories that were shared were incredible, heart rending and mind blowing. So do please remember, when you see someone who is homeless, remind yourself – you don’t know their fucking story.
So don’t judge.
You might want to say “There but for the grace of God go I.” (Makes us all a bit more humble)
I performed two amazing weddings this last weekend, and they were both so deliciously different and the ceremonies we created really reflected the personalities of each couple.
And with today being a holiday here, I have purged so many decks or oracle cards and tarot cards and left them in the wee libraries for people to find.
It felt the right thing to do with this delicious energy of change and transformation flowing around, and whomever picks them – it’s the perfect time and person.
This week all sorts of yumminess is happening.
The first thing is the doors to The Numinous Collective are opening, so make sure you are on the pre-list (thank you Goddess for changing our plans!)
And I am so friggin excited about it all. This is going to be an intimate, deep, transformative group – hence why we are taking applications and having chats prior.
The doors to Mastery and Manifestation are opening as well, and I love, love, love teaching this.
Then on Saturday, February 24th we have the glorious SNOW MOON (aka The Quickening Moon or the Hungry Moon).
The February Full Snow Moon has a certain mystique and power that instantly draws us in.
Winter is still ever-present, and freezing winds cut through our jackets and force us to tighten our scarves. Depending on where you live, snow continues to fall, and it can start to feel like these bitter and icy days will never end.
However, a stir is just beneath the surface, a quickening heart full of tiny changes that may go unnoticed by others.
The days begin to get longer, some animals begin their mating season, and the birds are a bit more active.
As the sunlight strengthens, your dreams and ambitions for the year are beginning to take shape as well.
The Snow Moon in February signifies a period of change and transition.
The weather is unpredictable during this time, swinging between bright sunshine and snowy, cloud-covered days.
Take a moment to reflect on what people in ancient times had to contend with during this season. They spent so much time storing their food and supplies and slowly watched them dwindle. Will they make it through the last of the cold winter days that lay ahead?
Remember, growth during the Snow Moon isn’t always comfortable or easy.
Figure out ways you can relax and surrender to this transitional season. How can you clear out the unnecessary to make room for the meaningful?
During this time, we start to move past the goal-setting stage and into the realistic planning stages. How are you going to make your intentions come to fruition?
Direct your magical intentions on rituals this month focused on new habits, goals, and plans for the future.
Take some time to really focus and be present. Contemplate your personal and spiritual intentions. This is a truly magical time, full of beautiful energy and momentum!
This is the energy of change, hope, creativity, and growth.
Okay enough chuntering, let’s crack on with the reading. This week we have glorious new guides and the introduction they have asked me to give you is this:
Tap into the ancient wisdom of the animal kingdom by embracing your unlimited intuition.
So darling one, take a moment to just BE. Breathe in the energy of change, hope, creativity and growth. What do you want to be different for you this year? What would you like to release at this Snow Moon and how can you make the changes you want to experience? This is not a “thinking” exercise, this is a feeling one. Allow whatever that needs to flow up, to come up and then when you are ready. Ask your wise inner self to pick.
Did you remember to pick?

Let’s go have a look, shall we?

It’s time to weave your creativity and imagination into being.
By weaving our individual stories into words, music, dance, art, or any creation of our own making, we craft a web of our self for others to view.
Use your creativity and vision to explore your inner self and express it honestly.
Druids believe that the spider is a weaver of the written word.
The Druid Ogham alphabet, with its crossed lines, may be found in the web of a spider.
The web may be seen as interconnecting stories and pathways, or a woven spiral from the past to the future.
If you are feeling stagnation or creative blocks, it is the cobwebs that form in your mind when it is dusty and littered.
Try and find your creative voice once more after it has been lost amidst the mire of other people’s demands. Make art for yourself and no one else, and try to rediscover your footing on the delicate web of creativity.
It’s time to create and weave your destiny.
It’s time to start paying attention to your instincts and trusting your own animal-self.
As a human, we are grounded in the natural world and should respect our senses and gut reactions.
The wolf is an integral creature in many North American indigenous cultures. The observation of the wolf as a wanderer made them synonymous with path-finding and trail-blazing.
The wolf is inviting you to follow your instincts and find your own path through the wilderness.
Remember to trust your own instincts in the face of those who might tie you down or attempt to overpower, or diminish you.
Do not suppress your instincts and try to stuff your emotions into a bottle to keep others happy, if you do, they might just explode!
It’s time for you to walk with your inner Wolf gorgeous one.
It’s time to believe and appreciate the unknown.
The mythological jackalope, a rabbit or hare with the horns of a deer or antelope, is found in folklore all over the world and consistently ignites the imagination of storytellers through the present day.
The jackalope reminds us that many unbelievable stories begin with fact, and to appreciate magick in our everyday.
The jackalope is a symbol of unique perspective and eccentricity, and is a symbol of powerful creativity.
It carries the message to believe in yourself, and know that there are forces within you that have yet to be seen or believed by others.
Use your imagination and your gifts to find the balance between the Imaginal and the Earth based worlds.
Release any old stories that hold your imagination hostage.
Wowzer, perfect cards for this energy! Whoot! Wishing you a stupendous week, a glorious Full Moon and if you want to find out more about the Numinous Collective, make sure you are on the pre-list, as spaces are limited. If you want to know more about Mastery and Manifestation, please feel free to email me. Massive hugs, squeezes and warmth.