Happy Miraculous, Magnificent, Moody, Melancholic, Magickal, Majestic, Moodling, Manifesting Monday!
The first Monday in June (how the heck did we end up in June already?) Time is doing some very interesting things for sure! But you know what I love, love, love about June?
Summer Solstice!
Yup, June 21st Summer Solstice is here!
You may be thinking to yourself – um, err, what the heck Jenn, what’s the big deal, what does it matter. Ahhh grasshopper it does matter, it matters very much. It’s one of the biggest celebrations on the Wheel of the Year, and has been celebrated since neolithic times.
It’s a time of power, abundance and magick, as Summer Solstice is one of the 3 days of the year when the veil is thin and the Fae come out to play! I mean for goodness sakes even William Shakespeare wrote about it in 1596 in his play Midsummer Nights Dream (so that’s how long the magick has been around.) Muhahaha.
Summer Solstice is the celebration of the sun, which is masculine and is the energy of Passion, Action and igniting your inner fire. This is why your Summer Solstice guide is referred to as SASS! Stupendously Awesome Summer Solstice!
And let’s be honest, at Summer Solstice with the fire and the intentions – it creates a lot of amazing Sass!
This glorious guidebook is 42 pages filled with empowering soul work, rituals to connect you to your own fire, lore, herb magick, crystal magick, body magick, a guided visualisation, spells and so much more – all to help you connect with your own inner flame & use this seasonal energy to ignite.
As the Sun is entering the height of its power this month … so are you.
With the Sun reaching the peak of its cycle, your own corresponding inner flame also has the potential to reach its peak.
Your inner flame – your own internal sun – is the source of your own fire, your power, your ability to create & take action in the outer world. All these things are being affected by the outer Sun; and all they have the potential to reach new heights this month.
With our side of the Earth (Northern Hemisphere) being flooded with the intense fiery energy of the sun, this fire gives you extra energy, extra power, expanded confidence.
Your work right now is to soak up as much of that fire energy as you can. It has the power to uplift you & empower you. It will help fuel you –in all areas of your life.
The Summer Solstice sun will help ignite your internal fire, and inspire you to grow & mature in whatever ways you are meant to in your life.
So grab SASS and let’s go light some things up!
Many of you have emailed and asked if I am going to do a Summer Solstice reading special. So the spiritual posse and I had a natter, felt into it and yes!
Yes, there will be two readings for Summer Solstice that will help you ignite your inner fire, passion and also release the things that no longer serve you so you can move forward with purpose. We are going to limit the amount of readings to 21 (the same number as the Solstice this year), so it will be a first come first serve basis.
Okay I’ve chuntered on long enough. Let’s crack on with the reading shall we?
When I went to the cards and checked in with my delightful guides I was tickled to see who they had picked. Of course it had to be the Fae, perfect guides for the build up of Summer Solstice energy!
So if these guides are new to you, please let me introduce you to them.
These guides are the magickal and mystical that weave through the threads of every day, they are the Dragonfae, Gods and Goddesses who dwelt in dimensional lands….Eden, Avalon, Ys, Atlantis and Mu, they are Morgan, Guenevere, Merlin and others – fully alive and filled with magick!
They are the deliciously magickal beings that have always been there, we just forgot, and when we connect with them, we reconnect with the lost parts of ourselves, allowing us to fully explore the gift of life on this beautiful green and blue planet, known by some as Gaia, by others as Dana, and by many other names.
Yummly delicious!
Okay dear one, just take a breath. I invite you to see in your mind’s eye your own inner flame. That place of passion, excitement, power. Watch the colours dance and play as you notice it. Place your hand on your belly and breathe into that spot, long, slow and deep. Allow yourself to see in the flames what you want to ignite with passion. Then when you are ready pick the card or cards that call to you.
Did you remember to pick?

Ready to go have a look?

Love who you are
Keys are rare in the realm of spirit; but I now provide you with a key that will open the door to who you truly are. Your true feelings about self-worth and self-love have been hidden, locked away for years, but now they will be revealed, and healed, for all time.
For there is a part of you that you feel is not suitable to be shown to others, particularly in romantic relationships. You feel that this part of you is unacceptable and lacking in beauty. However, this part of you, in being denied, is causing pain and guilt to surface within relationships where there need be none.
You deserve to be loved for all of you, for the parts that are claws and thorns, for your lines and your grief, for your irritability and your sadnesses. Come forward and be revealed, and never again mistrust or reject a portion of who you are.
Embrace your scars and flaws, and see them as wonderful differences that only make you unique, and very real. Open your heart, unlock the door and step out of the enchanted chamber in which you have hidden this aspect of who you are.
Love all of you, your body and soul, your mind and spirit, your ancestry and your trials and challenges. You are perfect, whole and complete, with the unique stamp of this individual body and soul upon you.
Take this key, and unlock the secret parts of you. Let them see the light, and know that you are safer for doing so than you have ever been before, in any of your numerous lifetimes.
A knock on the door
I know you wish to reach out, and yet you hold back. I know you feel drawn to knock on this door and to see whether it will be answered this time…and yet you fear so much. You fear that it will not be answered…that the answer or the face that appears beyond the door will not be to your liking…that if you enter, you may never return…
I cannot put your fears to rest, for only you can do that. But I can tell you what I see. I see a spirit whose flame has flickered low, whose light is in danger of going out if it does not take the next step. For years you have passed this door and many times you have found yourself here. You may even have knocked at the door, only to flee, like a terrified child, before the door was opened to you.
I say to you now: it is time. Reach out. Knock at the door. And let what will be, be.
Nervous about a new chance…feeling as though your comfort zone is far better than the unknown; longing to travel and to change, yet unwilling to do anything about it; procrastinations and old habits keeping you from reaching out and accepting what is being offered.
You are ready…it is simply nerves that are holding you back, conditioned fears and internalised voices from the past. Reach out…take a hold of the handle and be ready for the wonder of the unknown that lies beyond the door. The doors of perception are about to change…forever.
You have nothing to fear, except fear freezing your hand, again. Knock on the door. All is well.
Wild, pure heart
In times of olde, they said that only those who were pure could connect with those like myself. That the virgin could connect with the Unicorn. That the child could see the meaning of God. That the fae would truly see into your heart, and finding it corrupt, would never appear to you.
I am here to tell you that your heart is pure and wild and innocent. It is that you have forgotten how to see us, that you have been told that in order to see us, you must be perfect. That in order to see us, you must be mad, unclean, broken, and if you say you have seen us, you face being shunned.
I am here to say to you that we appear to those who have looked into their hearts and have seen beyond the woundings….because within you there is a wild and untrammelled heart space which is free of any taint. In that space we can enter and therefore, we can and we will be seen again. You were not born into this world wrong or sinful. There may be karmic markings, but you are no sinner, nor are you corrupt or unworthy.
Foster that which is wild and pure and good with you, and we will begin to appear and come forth. You will feel us on the wind, in the water, see us in the fire and hear our voices emanating from the heart of our mother, the Earth.
You are a child of the Mother, call her what you will, and at your core you are one of the wild ones. That is my message for you.
Yes!!!! Oh my Goddess, what glorious guides as we move towards Summer Solstice. Loving Yourself, Opening New Doors and celebrating your Wild Pure Heart! Whoot! Positively Perfect. So dear one, remember to pick up your SASS guide, book a reading and I will see you next week. Happy June!