Happy Magickal, Moonlit, Mystical, Magnificent, Majestic, Manifesting Monday! How are you delicious lovely?
With Beltane on Saturday, May 1st, let’s take a little dip into what the heck Beltane is and whether you should pay attention to it or not. Beltane was thought to be one of the more important festivals of the Gaelic calendar. Beltane is a Fire Festival. The word ‘Beltane’ originates from the Celtic God ‘Bel’, meaning ‘the bright one’ and the Gaelic word ‘teine’ meaning fire. Together they make ‘Bright Fire’, or ‘Goodly Fire’ and traditionally bonfires were lit to honour the Sun and encourage the support of Bel and the Sun’s light to nurture the emerging future harvest and protect the community.
Beltane celebrates the height of Spring and the flowering of life. Earth energies are at their strongest and most active. All of life is bursting with potent fertility, look at the trees around you – (if you’re in the Northern Hemisphere), they are bursting forth with bright green leaves and the little sparrows are back as well as the robins. Abundant fertility, on all levels, is the central theme.
So all in all a great time to celebrate, set intention, fertilise either self or ideas and have a grand jolly time!
But I guess the question some people have is – “Why bother marking the day?” Good question, and my answer would be because it connects you to something bigger, older and deeper than our modern day to day.
For those who are part of our glorious email community, on Thursday, there will be some simple rituals to play with to connect you in a deeper way to this fertile energy. And for the glorious Creatrix Circle members there will be rituals and magick pertaining to Beltane. (Let alone our Beltane celebration!)
Okay, Today is a glorious fat, delicious Super Full Moon in Scorpio which will shine a light on any area of our lives that is wanting us to be impulsive – itching to dash forward. As Lena shares: Put some practical thought into any important choices around changing or adjusting anything major in your life. Take this opportunity to tap into your own wisdom as well as to find a new courage for those changes you do want to make.
You may experience an inner tension that brings up any imbalance you feel around time – how you spend it, how you use your energy etc. Use this full moon time to take an inventory of what you value so you can set intentions and get support around what is most important to you. We are all ready to move on, to go forward and experience more freedom. And yet we are being pulled back to take yet another look at what needs to change, to be healed and to be released. So, be patient, ask what can be healed, and do the work so you can move into the future from a solid and practical foundation and not one built on impulsive behavior.
So for example on this glorious Full Moon I invite you to take a situation in your life; could be a relationship, work, financial, travel – whatever you chose and then write on the top of a piece of paper “My Ideal…….(fill in the blank). “ Then on one side of the paper write 10 things you don’t want, about in your ideal…….. Then when you have done that list, review it and ask yourself “So What Do I Want?” On the other side of the paper take each “don’t want point” and ask what DO I want (in other words a reframe). For example if you were writing about your ideal new job and said:- I don’t want rigid hours, I don’t want negligent management etc. The reframe would be – my hours are flexible, my management is understanding and reliable. Get it? As you make your way through each point, please remember to cross out the “Don’t want list”, and then light a candle and burn that sucker up. Offer it up, release it and realise that you now have a clarity list and these are the words that you use to describe it, which creates different thoughts, which creates a different Vibe, which creates different RESULTS.
Okay, I have chuntered on so let’s crack on with the reading. When I went to the cards and asked who wanted to guide I giggled when I saw the glorious guides of Oracles of Shadow and Light were front and centre. Now if these guides are new to you, please let me introduce them (as it would be rude not to) Wisdom for Misfits, Mystics, Seekers, and Wanderers. Bittersweet…Unheard…Unconventional…Rebellious…Cheeky…Whimsical…Invisible.
They’re not the words you often hear associated with the spiritual world, are they? Nevertheless, some of the most spiritual beings who have ever lived are those who have been most at odds with what we call the mainstream. They do not fit in. They have had moments of despair. And they know being truthful, and being real, is one of the greatest strengths and spiritual paths of all! They ask you to step out from the shadows, to no longer hide your light away, and to consult with an oracle that acknowledges your individuality and strange genius!
How’s that for a warm welcome?
The crystals that wiggled and wobbled are:- Black Moonstone – a powerful connection to the Divine Feminine, Black Madonna, helpful to the oversensitive. Moonstone – mystery, self discovery. Mystic Merlinite – can awaken those parts of the mind that are dormant and activate the full potential of the mind.
So dear one, take a moment to get really rooted and present. Allow your breath to find its natural rhythm and just BE. As you breathe slowly allow the image of the Beltane fires to burble up in your minds eye and as you watch the flames dance and rise to the sky ask “What do you need to know this week.”
If you need help going a wee bit deeper there is a fun guided visualisation for you.
Did you remember to pick?

Let’s go look, shall we?

The Angel of Time looks very fierce and stern, and that’s because you need to hear her message. You see, if she appeared to you in a soft guise, it would be too easy for you to overlook her message and just continue on as if she had never visited. The truth is that you are forcing yourself beyond your energetic limits at this time – working too hard, self-loving and connecting with the Universe way too little.
So, she has appeared to remind you of what it is you are turning your world into: one big machine, where you are one cog in it. You are an important, soulful, beloved being, but the world of work is not going to end if you step away from its mechanism for a while. “It is time,” she says, “for a time out!” Will you listen?
“I’m getting straight to the point here, because someone really has to tell you. Stop giving so much to your work. All your time. Your energy. Your passion. Take better care of your health. This is the time to fulfill all those promises you’ve made to yourself but barely made even the effort to keep. Meditate, eat well, take up gentle exercise, and change unhealthy emotional patterns that are compromising your well being – these are the challenges you need to set yourself. I thank you in advance, for a happy you makes this world a far better place.!”
The Candy Cane Angel is in charge of letting you know when it is time for some little luxuries that will reconnect you with your self-love and self-worth. She, too, holds back from giving to herself, as she is such an earnest and industrious little angel – but her message is always clear; it is time for some fun!
As she says clearly to you “You know what my problem is? And you know what your problem is? No? Well, let me tell you. Our problem is that we both feel guilty about giving ourselves pleasure. See this little treat in my hands? It’s not bad, is it? It’s not evil, is it? But can I bring myself to just sit down and taste every moment of its sugary sweet delights? No. I have to wonder if it’s the right time. If I have done enough to earn this treat. To wonder why I should get this when so many do not have a single candy cane for their own selves! I torment myself with these things – and so do you! How about we make a deal? Next time you ponder a gift to yourself: a massage, a treat, a spiritual workshop, a delicious meal, time to laugh with a friend, a long rest or nap, meditation time, a space clear…..know that when you energetically tell yourself “I am way too busy for that indulgence,” you are really saying, ‘I do not deserve that!’ Well, let’s decide that you do! I am about to have my treat. I now charge you with the same quest. Give yourself that which you have been denying yourself. You do deserve it!”
Do not rationalise or talk yourself out of it any longer. Step out of the consciousness of lack and into the consciousness of “I deserve,” and grant yourself this lovely moment of luxury. It’s time for some joie de vivre and enjoyment to restage a grand entrance into your life!
A big-eyed beautiful mermaid, surrounded by her floating, rich red hair, holds tight to a nautilus shell……She is an underwater (emotional) princess, and she is growing in ways she never thought she would – because soon she is to be the queen, and she must make decisions. She feels uncertain about how she will perform when she is elevated and unsure of whether she can wield her power. She is very thoughtful as she contemplates the future – but all around her are the symbols of her future success.
As she shares with you – “I know I am strong, but most people think of me as gentle, kind, and good. Now that I am to be ruler, what if they see me as power-hungry, dominating, greedy or controlling? Whatever the thoughts of those around me, there will be change as I change, and I will continue to hold fast to my nautilus, as it ever reminds me to grow in ways that are in tune with my purpose, my integrity, and what I feel is right. I vow to be steadfast and true, despite the challenges that are heading my way. I vow not to misuse my power. But use it I will, and as a result I, like you, will gow in ways that are in tune with my true self and true purpose.
You may be a very gentle, appeasing, and timid soul who is facing a challenge. You are being asked by the Universe to step up into a more “senior” and conspicuous role, and you are concerned about whether you can be powerful and still be a good person. The pearls here signify that you must act from a pure place, and from a natural place, and treat this quest as a sacred task. The nautilus says you will grow in ways that are perfect, and perfectly proportioned, just as the nautilus is. And this is a natural result for you – expect to grow more and move over time. This is a time of spiritual and emotional transformation, which could come to you via a friend who is older or more experienced – she will share her skills and some of her secrets with you. You could be about to experience a deeper friendship, meet a teacher who really opens your mind to a new realm of discovery, or find a trainer who can coach you in such a way that your potential blooms strong and fast.
Dignity, truth, and wisdom are your best guides. It is now time to take yourself and your potential seriously.
Wowzer! What glorious guides for this delicious time. So my delicious lovely, I wish for you a glorious release today, a week filled with ease, effortlessness and flow. If you want to receive the Beltane Blessing Booklet – make sure you are on the email list. Have a stupendous Full Moon and Beltane!