Happy Magickal, Manifesting, Merry, Magnificent Monday!
Solstice is here in 2 days!!!! And for all of those who have asked – YES! There are a few spots open for the Solstice Reading Special (which ends on June 22nd), and YES! The Solstice guides will be available until June 23rd.
We have literally just had the Gemini New Moon -with Gemini ruling over communication, the New Moon in this sign emphasizes the importance of effective self-expression.
So with all that swirling around – Let me ask – how are you feeling?
Right now the Sun is at the height of its power. And so are you.
This month, with the sun at its height–its peak–your own corresponding, internal flame has the potential to also reach its peak.
Your own inner flame–your internal sun–represents your confidence, you drive, your ability to create & take action in the outer world. All these things are being affected by the outer sun; and all these things have the potential to reach new heights this month. (Melded with your ability to express yourself and communicate.)
Think about it, in our Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice is the longest day and the start of the heat of the summer. The Sun, seen from an esoteric level, is all about love and wisdom. It’s the primary ray of energy from which everything else is created.
It’s the Heart of creation.
This energy invites you to lead from your heart, find your voice, to guide, to shine and share your heart, words, work and all sorts. (Are you ready?) If you need some ideas on how to be like the sun on Solstice, I have 5 of them for you.
At the summer solstice, a doorway in time opens, which our ancestors viewed as sacred and holy.
Litha (Summer Solstice) is a grand portal of energy, space, and opportunity – a chance to let go of fears, doubts, and insecurities, a chance to dance with the Fae. After the Sun reaches its maximum power, it begins to decline. Slowly, the night force will grow stronger until its peak at the winter solstice.
Litha is the last chance in our calendar year to activate sacred intentions before moving into autumn and winter, the natural seasons of harvest and rest.
It’s a time to step out in faith and imagine what’s entirely possible for yourself.
Dream an expansive vision for your life that will sustain you as the darkness slowly returns with the Fall.
If you want to really tap into this potent energy, grab SASS (Stupendously Awesome Summer Solstice guide).
OKay enough chuntering, let’s crack on with the reading. When I went to ask which guides wanted to share Solstice with you, these glorious ones came to play, which made me grin. Now, if these are new to you – please let me introduce them.
These glorious guides give you needed glimpses into your everyday life and help you see where changes can be made to enhance your life here on Earth. There is so much more to our world than we often perceive.
There exist many dimensions and numerous beings that reside in these realms. All of these elemental beings are interconnected with us. We do not live independent of one another but are interdependent. These wonderful beings are here to help.
They not only take care of the Earth, but they work hard to take care of us. We are familiar with many of these beings, such as angels, faeries, and elves. There are many more we are not conscious of, but they, nevertheless, contribute to the workings of our planet. Remember as you go through your day, to ask for help from the elemental world whenever you need it. The need is never too small to call on their help. It is through helping us that they advance in their spiritual development. We are their work. We in turn can spiritually evolve through allowing them to help us. To all these amazing beings we say Thank You.
Okay glorious one, take a breath. Breathe in long and deep and just any shit go. Breathe into the energy of the sun, the fiery, rich energy. See the light of the sun filling you from the tips of your toes to the ends of your hair. Allow it to warm you, fill you, nourish you and help you find your voice and passion.
If you need a wee bit more support, I have a lovely guided visualisation where we go for a wee meander and play.
Then when you are ready, pick the card or cards that ignite your inner flame.
Did you remember to pick?

Let’s go have a look shall we?

You are being invited to touch the world, to enter into a somatic relationship with the world around and within you. To experience the vitality of the life force that exists in everything, including you, and including your body, with which you may have a conflicted relationship.
The faeries know that your body is a beautiful sacred expression of the spirit and an essential part of the self.
They teach that when we reach out and touch, not only do we connect with another, but we are touched in return. Thus through the act of physical communion we are touched, held and nurtured.
It cannot be otherwise.
The impact of touch is so underestimated, but this faery man reminds you that without touch, you can become sad, depressed, unwell and your immune system weakens.
While you are alive in your current form, this faery wants you to know that you must touch and be touched to be whole. Physicality is your friend.
Hug, hold hands, rub a back, get or give a massage, rub feet and connect.
Allow a butterfly to alight on your finger. Pat a dog. Stroke a cat. Look into someone’s eyes while you sit with knees touching. For this touching is healing, and touch has the ability to uplift us, comfort us, soothe us, cure us, and make us vibrate with bliss.
Faeries love country paths and wooded ways that twist and bend and take shape, but that are mysterious and very bright and dark, spooky and sweet all at the same time.
Likewise, your own path must have both light and shade, and it is never straight!
Faeries walk their paths to revive the land, and they take rests at special trees and wells, as do you, in your own way, create magick when you are true to your path.
You are being drawn down a path that has the potential to lead you to a rich source of wisdom – one danced and sang and dreamt down by these faeries you now see. These faeries would have been spoken of in the old ways as “trooping” but here we would say they are following their path: swiftly, joyfully, singing and dancing their way to a destination that will be full of riches and joy, profound learnings and deep initiations.
You are being beckoned again to rejoin your path, and perhaps your first steps will be to wander a little, to travel, and see where the lines of magick within the earth herself take you.
Paint your body with a little of the earth, and let the earth on you sing to the earth beneath your feet, and soon the song will be alive in your blood again.
You are also reminded by the faeries that you can walk your path, be dragged along your path, meander from your path, slow down on your path or dance and be joyful on your path.
How you walk it is empowered by your unique self’s intent, and as you already know, intent is the heart of many a matter.
Take steps again to be on your path.
Reconnect with the song of the land that sings in your blood, and you too, like these beautiful beings, will be called home.
This beautiful faery seems somewhat unsettled. She is listening, waiting, reaching out to the galactic web to try and put together pieces of the information she is receiving.
For she has experienced a premonition, but as these things go for us all, we are never entirely certain of what will happen, and when. Only that something will happen, and soon.
And so she reaches out to what we humans have called the heavens. She looks to the cycles beyond those of this earth and wonders if we are all in the process of major change, a change so profound we have not yet found the words to describe it.
She understands that the premonition she has is about cycles that reflect those on each, but she is unsure what to make of what she is feeling and sensing.
So she looks to the night skies, at a time when there is peace, stillness, and quiet, and gazes up above at the lifeforms and planets and the stars and their galaxies, and knows she has lived beyond this dimension, and that what might be reaching her is significant far beyond her life, magickal as it is.
As she gazes up, there are baby stars and dying stars. There is stardust, which is sent out by the dying stars, and breathed in by the nebulae and used to form their new star-selves.
This is a true premonition. It is not an empathic moment, where she feels the strange feelings and sensations of another. She has had a postcard from the future, and from a place far beyond her home. And so she waits and knows that while her premonition is as ephemeral as light as stardust, she knows too that it is powerful, and will create ripples throughout all time, and all places.
It’s time for you to return to source and rewrite the soul contract so that you can change and move into a new stage of life, a new incarnation.
In order to make sense of these feelings, you may need to be alone and in the dark, dancing with the night sky to work something out.
Seek connection in the night sky – when you can see other constellations and galaxies – and understand your own stardust self and origins.
Allow the clues and messages to come, don’t worry about the clarity right now.
Yummers! May you light your inner flame gorgeous one and use your voice, heart and soul to express your unique glorious self. May the sun remind you of how strong you are and have a glorious Solstice! Sunbeam kisses and big hugs.