Happy Motivational, Magnanimous, Melodious, Mirthful, Magical, Marvellous, Muliebrity, Manifesting Monday!
I laughed so frigging hard last week as I used the word “Moist” in the greeting and I had quite a few people email in saying – ewwwww!
I don’t know about you, but if someone offers me “a muffin” or “a moist muffin”, I know which one I’m grabbing and snarfling down. Moist all the way baby!
This is probably the last reading until September as all sorts of wonderful shifts, creation and changes are happening in the background and so I’m being guided to focus there.
So if you want to keep up to date with all the new things are going to be happening and all the yumminess – make sure you are part of our email community!
Okay my darlings with July coming to a close we are going to explore Joy and Grief and the first of the two Super Moons of August. Are you ready? You comfie and settled?
Before we start, let me ask a question (actually two).
What does Joy feel like for you? What are the sensations and where does it sit in your body?
What does Grief feel like for you? What are the sensations that flood up and where does it sit in your body?
Both Joy and Grief are strong emotions and they land in the body and the psyche in different ways, but they are both intense, oftentimes overwhelming and in your face.
Now you may be thinking to yourself – mmmm, Jenny WTF, but be willing to dance with me, okay?
I wear multiple hats in my work and I love all of them as they blend deliciously together and all interweave.
Therapist, Coach, Spiritual Counsellor, Lay Chaplain, Witch, Business Owner.
This last couple of weeks in my Lay Chaplain role I have had the honour and delight of co-creating three radically different wedding ceremonies for 3 radically different couples.
Weddings are joyful, right? They are filled with promise, hope, commitment and love. Yet interestingly enough, all of these couples are having to learn how to juggle both Grief and Joy at the same time.
One couple, the bride to be, is having to put her best friend and most amazing cat of 18 years down, two weeks before the ceremony.
The second couple, the bride’s father, died suddenly in November, her touchstone in her family of origin. And a few weeks prior to the ceremony she had to drive for 3 days with her young son to scatter his ashes where his father and brother were scattered.
The third couple, the groom, found out that his stalwart and supportive mother has an incurable disease and may not even be alive for their ceremony.
On a personal note I have found this “most interesting” as with it being July I am feeling a lot of grief as this week is my glorious big sister Fi’s birthday and next Monday is the anniversary of her death day.
Yet there is Joy in helping co-create glorious meaningful moments for these amazing couples, as well as holding the space and fully understanding the grief they are feeling.
There is also the balance of Joy and Grief for myself as my wonderful brother in law will be here from the UK in a few weeks and we are going to scatter my sister’s ashes in the creek where my father’s ashes went and in the ocean.
So dear one, remember if you are juggling Joy and Grief it’s important to first face the complexity of the situation. Identify those bitter-sweet emotions of losing a cherished loved while at the same time appreciating the value of life, the joy.
And let’s be honest, it’s normal and common to hold opposing feelings at the same time, oftentimes with feelings that are layered with contradictions.
Despite being seemingly opposite emotions, joy and grief are interconnected aspects of the human experience. Both play essential roles in shaping our emotional landscape and influencing our interactions with the world around us.
Remind yourself, it’s okay and It takes practice to learn how to let seeming opposites coexist within us.
So let’s talk about the Aquarius SuperMoon that arrives on August 1st, which brings up these emotions as well!
(Aren’t you thrilled!)
This is the first of 2 Full Moons in August, as a lunar cycle is 29.5 days, this means we are set for another Full Moon on August 30th, a Blue Moon in the sign of Pisces.
Both of these Full Moons will be Super Moons, meaning they will be closer to Earth, and we will feel their effects more strongly.
Having two Full Super Moons in the same month indicates a strong pull to release, detox, let go, and walk away from all that is no longer resonant with our being.
So what does that look like for you?
The Aquarius Full Moon on August 1st is the perfect entrance point to this journey of creating space. It holds a sweet, healing vibration, guiding us to gently and lovingly prepare to let go of all that is heavy.
We may find painful emotions, heartbreaks, grief, and disappointments rising to the surface.
Many of you have shared that the energy has felt very emotional, deep and at some points overwhelming.
Writing things out on paper, talking things through with a friend, seeking help, or simply taking the time to have a conversation with our mental chatter can bring some relief.
This is the time to ground, be gentle with your gorgeous self and just allow all the feels to flood up and use some of the techniques above, don’t keep the feels locked in your heart, body or mind, okay?
Let’s crack on with the reading shall we?
When I asked the guides who they wanted to use to share with you this week, they chose these glorious guides.
So darling one, just take a moment and breathe. If you are holding any heaviness, allow it to soften as you breathe. If you are feeling in need of support and love, hold those energies in your mind’s eye and invite them in, along with Joy. The Joy of being here in this moment, the Joy of breathing, the Joy of the sun filtering through the leaves of the trees where you live.
With that energy swirling. Take another deep breath and pick the card or cards that resonate for you.
Did you remember to pick?

Let’s go have a look…..

Deep inner knowing is emerging within me.
The Universe wants you to know that the wisdom of your ancestors, your predecessors and all of history exists deep within you.
Whether you realise it or not an inner portal is opening as this sacred information pours into your consciousness.
You have always possessed innate knowledge, but at this juncture, simply by being still, you are able to access it with even greater perception.
Profound enlightenment is growing within you, even if you are not aware of it.
Trust and know that within you is a deep wise being, and your wisdom is supportive and helpful to others – even if you are questioning whether to share it.
Pay attention to the coincidences, signs, and synchronicities around you.
To understand a dream, sign, or synchronistic event, ask yourself: If this symbolised a message from the Ancients, what would it be? How can I access even more wisdom within myself? How can the wisdom of the past help my present and my future?
I am an incredibly generous being.
You are being invited to share from the depths of your soul.
Allow others to see your essence and feel your radiance. If you give with the thought that it’s something you must do as a duty or sacrifice, you may feel depleted.
However, if you give with the belief that there’s no scarcity of energy, funds, or joy, the Universe will pour an abundance of these things into your life.
Don’t expect to receive something in return – rather, be generous just because it feels right.
You can only give as much as your capacity to receive, so open yourself to receiving even more!
Share who you are with others. Give what you have, what you do, and who you are.
The more freely and fully you share of yourself, the more freely and fully the Universe will give to you.
Ask yourself: How can I give even more? What is stopping the flow within my life? What could occur in my life if I gave without reservation?
I open my soul to grace.
In the stillness of retreat, the gifts of Spirit will emerge at your feet.
In gratitude and thankfulness, an opening into the deepest spiritual realms is waiting for you.
Simply be ready and be open, as waves of sacred love will pour into your heart.
Allow Grace to grow within you so that, more and more, you serve as a safe sanctuary for yourself and for others.
Please remember that all is well. You can relax and let go, for your path is divinely guided and you don’t need to push, struggle or go it alone.
If you allow, gifts from the Creatrix will pour into your life. Gratitude can abound.
A spirit of Grace will unfold in your life.
Ask yourself: How does the spirit of grace want to work in my life? What has blocked it from filling my life in the past? If I truly let go and open myself to grace, what will unfold?
Mmmm, great questions, great guidance. So my delicious one, as we close out the month of July I wish you calm, joy and balance. As we encounter the first Full Moon of August I wish for you to release the weight you feel the need to carry, whether it is mental, emotional, spiritual, or physical.
I am going to take some time and space for the next month to honour my sister, visit with my brother in law, and how I work is changing. Gosh, I have been doing these readings for 10 years! So if you want to be kept updated on what‘s being created (which is fabulous), make sure you are on our glorious email community list.
So I will see you in September! (Unless my guides are adamant I do a reading! Lol).
Massive hugs and squeezes gorgeous ones.