Happy Magickal, Miraculous, Magnificent, Manifesting Monday! How are you? We are already into mid August, can you believe it?
When my kids were smaller this was a frenetic time of trying to squeeze in the last bits of summer and yet start preparing for the upcoming school session. I personally love this time of year as Autumn is approaching!!! For me, Spring and Fall are my favourite seasons by far. I mean, yeah summer is nice with the longer days and the heat, but we have had unrelenting heat, blazing sun, forest fires, smoke andI’m rather done with it and am feeling dried out from the inside out!
On the weekend I hosted a family and friend dinner gathering out in the garden and was tickled pink to actually have to put on a second layer as the sun went down. We also had to play “dodge the acorns” as the garden is in the midst of a Garry Oak grove and all the trees had obviously decided that Fall was approaching and so every few minutes 2 or 3 large acorns would come flying down to either bounce on the grass – or on someone’s head!
There’s definitely a shift in the air and a promise of something deeper, richer and more inward turning as Fall approaches.
This upcoming weekend we welcome the second Full Moon in Aquarius (if you remember the first one was last month). This delicious Full Moon is a Blue Moon and is known as the Sturgeon Moon.
Great Jen, but what does that mean for me?
The Sturgeon Full Moon of August fully embodies the final days of summer and signals the harvest season. Our first harvest celebration was Lammas at the beginning of August. Deep within us, anticipation starts to stir, we feel it quicken just beneath the surface. You’ll notice the days start to feel a bit shorter and the sunlight has grown a bit weaker. You may even observe a few fallen yellow leaves.
August’s sweltering lazy summer days inspire dreams of pumpkin spice lattes and sweater weather.
We’re beginning to reap the rewards of some of our crops, either literal or metaphorical. However, we need to be patient as we wait for our hard work and creations to fully culminate.
The Full Moon of August is named the Sturgeon Moon to symbolize and represent the freshwater fish that were easily caught during this hot summer month in North America. Have you ever seen a Sturgeon? They are so frigging impressive and look prehistoric and can be traced back over 200 million years!
Sturgeon can grow to be quite large in size and often live to be over 100 years old.
So – align your spiritual intentions this month with the strong and impressive sturgeon. They’ve survived millions of years by adapting and persevering through many different challenges. You are just as powerful and resilient whether you realize it or not.
What big ambitions did you have last Winter or early Spring that you most desire to see accomplished? Let the Full Moon of August’s energy encourage you to push through the final hurdles to complete your goals and intentions. Allow yourself to admit if you’ve fallen off track, and then dust yourself off, and try again.
Remember progress over perfection! It’s ok if things aren’t working out exactly as you envisioned. Allow yourself to go with the flow and trust that the universe is also working hard to help your intentions come true. Consistent effort and hard work will always pay off, even if it’s not exactly as you planned. Stay open-minded, but don’t give up!
If you want to dive deeper into this energy, explore the concepts of harvest, gratitude and flexibility or go play with water!
Water is the perfect way to cool down during the warm August days and nights. Spend some time by a lake, ocean, river, or your favorite watering hole! Fully submerge in the cool water if you can. Let it flow around you and relax. Allow any anxiety or worries to slip away with the current or tide. Imagine yourself as the water trusting and flowing freely. Let go of your fears and know that whatever may happen, you will find a way to make the best of it.
So with that glorious energy in play let’s crack on with the reading. When I went to the glorious cards and asked who wanted to guide and support you this week I was delighted to see The Oracle of the Shapeshifters. As we are all shapeshifting in some shape or form right now.
If these glorious guides are new to you, let me please introduce them (as that is the polite thing to do)! “These are the magickal familiars, once the companions of shamans, witches, wizards, and wise ones – and now they are here for you. Now is the time for you to undertake a great quest – to rebirth yourself within this lifetime and this quest of evolution does not need to be faced alone. We change and we change again. We fear change. Yet it comes. For us to fear change is as foolish as winter crying for the coming of spring. Change is. Fear corrupts. These guides are here to support, encourage and help you through transformation and to teach you to let go of fear. True , deep change must take place for you to fulfill your soul contract. You may have turned from possibility to what you have convinced yourself is probable: You diminish your possible self, reduce who you are, and dilute your spirit. But even when you have sought to remain invisible and hidden away, and said yes to everyone else, life will find you – and transform you. You are never alone with these beings.” Phew! So there we have it, are you ready?
Take a moment to align with the wonderful, strong, ancient sturgeon. Let that glorious energy fill you as you breathe and then when you are ready pick the card or cards that call to you this week.
Did you remember to pick?

Let’s go see, shall we?

It has come time to completely involve yourself – you have been holding back, only going so far with a new project or with a commitment to yourself, always pulling back at the last moment from taking the step. You are holding a part of yourself back, watching, judging, always assessing whether this is right or wrong. You are surrounding yourself with what you consider to be protection and what humans call buffer zones. And you claim you want change. You claim you wish to understand. You claim you wish to have this done!
If this is true, then the time has come to take a deep breath, dive off the edge of the cliff, and immerse yourself fully in the waters of change. Go underneath, to the truth of what has happened, and surround yourself only with what supports that change. The time has come to remove the buffer zones and to have enough faith in your friendships and family relations to know that if they are meant to be, they will be there when you return. You need not take this plunge. It is not compulsory. But it is what you have claimed you wanted. Come with me. I will teach you how to breathe underwater. And then, finally, the truth you have claimed you have been reaching for will be yours.
It is time to release procrastination, making excuses and staying in the land of excuses and old ways – the deep underneath, your soul is calling for you. Break free. Dive in. Dive deep. Be surrounded by and belong to the beauty you wish to become!
“Trust me,” people say. “Over here,” they beckon. “I love you,”others croon. But who of all these beings seeking what you possess speaks the truth?
I, Kitsune, can hear their true voice, and I can see the consequences of their plans before they have a chance to unfurl. While it can hurt to know the truth, it is best to know the heart of those who would win your trust, your love, your resources. These precious gifts of yours must be protected. Your tender self must only be given where you will be honoured. There are some who wish to deceive and maniu;ate you, and yet you do not know who they are. By welcoming me in for a time, I will act as a powerful undercover agent, and I will expose the tricks and falsehoods of others. I will never advise you to be false, but I will clearly signal to you when to stay silent, whom to avoid, and situations that need not be your concern.
I may appear in the guise of a helpful stranger or an insightful encounter – or as I do here. Regardless of my form, I am your friend, and I will tell you the truth – and show you where the trickster plays.
Einstein, one of your wise ones, said that imagination is more important than power. How true this is. There is nothing on this planet that was not born of a dream, or a wayward thought – including we two, who were born out of separate imaginations but who live on and grow more and more powerful thanks to the millions who believe in us and our stories and whom we, in turn, inspire!
So now, like us, you find yourself amid strange times and places.
You have a great power within you – the power of your creativity, your imagination, and your dream self! You are going through great changes, and it seems to you like you have no power. But if you use your imagination, if you get truly creative about how to deal with new people and places, who you can be, and what you are capable of, you will shine.
You also have beautiful, strong allies who have accompanied you on your journey and who will not leave your side. They may bring inspiration for drawing, for daydreaming brilliant stories, for knowing how things should look, for being able to write the most ethereal music, or for dancing as light as a feather. Whatever your gift, use it to head into and become more familiar with this new territory, and explore this strange new place where you have chosen to begin a new life for yourself.
No more hiding – the adventure is one which is taking place now, and you are a part of it all. All is well – how could it not be as you live this new life in this full and wonderful way, with your great creativity and your courage in full bloom?
Wow, glorious strong messages for this shift and time. How did it feel for you? Wishing you a fabulous week filled with cool mornings, clear skies and the strength of the Sturgeon! See you next week.