Happy Magnificent, Magickal, Mesmerising, Musical, Marvelous, Manifesting Monday!
How are you? Did you take some time to play with the wonderful energy of the Equinox? I most certainly did and I will say I had a positively stupendous, one of a kind Equinox weekend and the shift that I feel in my body, mind and spirit are immense that I would love to share with you.
Now don’t get me wrong, my life for the most part is really quite lovely and I feel very Blessed. However, I will say the first part of March felt very fractious, heavy and agitated. My ego was certainly trying to drive the bus and was having a tough time with acceptance, release and my mind was certainly not being my friend! So it was divine to have the Equinox experience and feel it move, shift and release.
So, Friday night I took some time to sit out in the dark and write (by candlelight) all the things that I had been fretting with, trying to control, allowing my ego to run rampant with – just poured them out on paper. I then gave them a wee blessing and popped them in my Goddess Box and offered them up. Then I loaded up my backpack as I knew I needed an adventure, an explore, something to sweep out the cobwebs and help me find the reset button.
Saturday I loaded up Gertie (the car) and grabbed Danu (the dog) picked up a friend and off we went to go explore something new as I was being told there was a shift in the air. We ended up on the Juan de Fuca coastal trail, a glorious old growth trail that runs alongside the rugged west coast of the island. And literally the minute I put my foot on the old growth trail I felt a frisson of energy rush through me and had this knowing sensation that I wouldn’t be the same when I came back out. (That’s not as odd as it sounds). Wending through the trees and scrambling over twisted tree roots whilst navigating huge mud puddles the wind picked up and made the tops of the trees sing and I could feel my energy rise in response. Then the sound of the crashing waves pounding against the rugged rocks melded in and it was as if Nature was singing me the best love song ever!
We came out onto one beach and my breath was literally taken away, the rawness, the ruggedness, the sandstone tidal pools with the crashing waves and the wind! Oh my Goddess I was in heaven. I felt like a wee one scrambling up and down over the rocks, gazing into the deep pools and seeing all the life that was living there. The eagles kept coming out and flying above me calling out to each other as they surfed the wind current. At one point as I went to jump off a large rocky outcrop I realised at the last minute that the landing was slick so I lunged further to avoid falling 8 feet and managed to pull the muscles in my left arse cheek! Sore was the word! But hey, you only live once, and this was an experience I was immersed in.
We went back onto the trail to go further down the coast line and kept popping out on wild, rugged beaches to explore and each time a gorgeous eagle would appear as the wind whipped the ocean up and tugged at my hat. I found a little nook in the rocks on one beach where we were sheltered from the wind and able to peel off some layers and have our picnic, where we were very kindly joined by two large Stellar Jays with their iridescent blue plumage and a mini murder of crows. (Quite delightful but raucous picnic companions!) After lunch it was time for Oomancy! Now if you are shaking your head and saying – ummm, WTF? Let me clarify it – divination with eggs! Yes, I did say that outloud. In Creatrix Circle on Friday we had our Ostara gathering and we prepared our eggs for a wonderful divination ritual, so I had hauled mine all the way out to this rugged coastline.
I found a lovely sandstone slope and divining occurred, it was so cool to do and the absolutely perfect place. After a full day, with an incredibly sore left butt cheek, muddy boots, wind burned cheeks and a full heart it was time to do the long drive home. But oh my Goddess, it had been soooooo worth it. What a glorious way to celebrate Ostara and honour the Goddess in her Maiden form and the energy of rebirth, new growth and expansion.
By the time I got home I realised, the woods had been right. I didn’t feel like the same person at all as the one who first stepped onto the trail early in the morning. I felt lighter, clearer, in a state of grace and acceptance and truly, truly Blessed. So to celebrate this sensation and the glorious Equinox I made a Black Forest Cake and ate half of it! (I left offerings for the faeries as well). The whole day had felt incredibly magickal, cleansing and transformative and I felt very Blessed by the whole experience, even with a super sore arse and needing to sit on a hot water bottle!
Sunday morning found me out early with Danu, in the pouring rain wandering along the beach and through the homeless campers who are in the park. As I pushed through a copse of trees I encountered a chap who was having a super tough time and decided I should listen to him as he screamed and swore about life, the weather, me, the neighbourhood and how everything was fucked up. I listened and when he had calmed enough to hear me he took my offer of support to help him get to the community tent so he could get some hot coffee and a dry coat. As I walked on with Danu I offered up a blessing for him, for anyone in that dire circumstance, for those who’s only home currently is a leaky tent in a public park where they get castigated and shunned. For those who are made to feel less than. For those who are struggling with mental health issues and for myself that I was able to be there and listen to him, as I felt that was an honour.
Now when I use the word Blessing, I’m not talking about the Bible interpretation. It’s more a case of calling in grace, love, something bigger than myself to offer support, and let’s be honest – you can offer up a Blessing for anything. It could be a person who you feel has done you wrong, you can bless those that you see struggling, you can bless a situation, you can bless a meal. It’s the inviting in of something far, far bigger than yourself to enter the space with loving kindness. I find it super powerful, give it a try. What do you have to lose?
As John O’Donohue says: ” May you experience each day as a sacred gift woven around the heart of wonder.”
Okay, this Sunday is the lovely Full Moon in Libra which carries beautiful, high-powered energies for healing, protection, and harmony. A new chapter, a new zodiac wheel has started, and this Full Moon is supporting us to let go of all that we no longer need to carry and to create space for new energies to unfold.
Think about it, when we first started this zodiac cycle back in March of 2020, the world was a different place. We have all changed. We have all evolved and grown. We have all had new experiences that have shaped and moved us, and this Full Moon is our chance to acknowledge and release all that no longer needs to be with us. The Libra energy of this Full Moon also supports us in finding a balance between the old state of what once was and the new state of what could be, and the grace and discernment that is needed to either hold on or let go.
So take some time to consider how you have changed and grown, do you appreciate the Blessings in your life enough and what areas of your life would you like to see more growth (like the Spring seedlings) in?
When I went to the guides to ask who wanted to share this week I laughed as the wonderful Blessing Faeries were most adamant to share their Blessings with you. These glorious ones had come on my Equinox adventure and had gifted me with a Blessing amidst the eagles, crows and jays.
Now if these guides are new to you, please let me introduce them.
Faeries are present in every droplet of water, every blade of grass – they are everywhere there is a trace of nature – thus every field, flower, and forest is theirs. They inhabit the wild rainforests and the old castles; they dance within standing stones and burial mounds; they are on the top of mountains and within the grove deep in the valley; and they appear in the cracks in the pavement and beneath the cities in the old, tangled tree roots. Faeries are part of this world, and they were here before we were born into this world, and they know us better than we know ourselves. For humans, many of us have lost our sense of play, our sense of relationship with nature, our courage to be ourselves – as well as our hope, creativity, and personal power. We have looked outside of ourselves and nature and the sacred ones for answers, and in doing so, we have become quite lost. The blessings of the faeries can bring us back into relationship with ourselves, back into relationship with the elements and the elementals, so that we can become more at home within the world, while creating a personal world which supports our dreams, our wishes, and our purpose.
Yes! Perfect guides for today and this time! As always remember, when you receive a blessing you offer a blessing.
So gorgeous one, breathe, breathe yourself here to this present moment. This is the only moment that matters. As your breath gently slows I invite you to ask the question – what needs to come into balance for me? What area of my life would I like to see more growth in? Do I acknowledge my Blessings? No judgement, no pushing. Just allow it to flow up with ease and gentleness and then when you are ready pick the card or cards that whisper to you.
Did you remember to pick?

Shall we go have a look???

The Faery Gift of Graceful Change and Transfiguration
To you is granted the faery gift of transformation and change. Your life is re-becoming, and all obstacles will be broken through, until you take flight into the life you have recreated so courageously. The faeries are gifting you with all you need to move through a time of great expansion, change, growth, and tumult with integrity, grace, and tenacity. Your time to be reborn is approaching, and the Butterfly Queen will be with you as you transform and reshape your life.
As you change, even as you struggle at times, you will inspire, and grow, and rework your life in magickal ways. The ancient caretakers of the planet are the fae, and their presence will be with you as you transform. You have beauty, and your presence will be bright and joyful, bringing so much to others, but most of all, bringing a deep contentment and fulfilment to yourself.
Focus on all you wish to see grow and become “more” at this time – and know, with great and firm conviction, that you are blessed, and beloved, and precious, human child.
The Faery Gift of Following Your True Heart from The Worthy Rebels of the Unseelie Court
The gift of the Unseelie is the gift of the rebellious one, the one who defies, and who does not “go with the flow”. In faery lore, the Unseelie are sometimes considered dangerous but their blessing is this: you are not born to appease and to concede, to give way always before forces that consume and control. You were born to be free, to decide who you were meant to be for yourself – and the Unseelie’s gift and blessing to you is that reminder. And this means that in this moment, there is something you must say “no” to. Say “no” to the forces that would ask you to do something that you feel is wrong. Say “no ” to going along, to getting along, and stand alone, if you must, in the renegade nature of the Unseelie.
It is a strange gift, a weird blessing, to be sure, but in its way, it is an energy of rebellion and courage and defiance that is not born out of any desire to be unkind. In fact, it is born out of the desire to be kind to your truest self and to create space and room for you to breathe and be free. With this blessing, you will say, “no”, you will take a stand, you will find a new path and be true to yourself. And while you may be called disruptive or difficult, know that these labels are only given when you can no longer be controlled. When the Unseelie bless you in your holy work, know that you are only being true to your own self and walking your own path. Blessings of the Unseelie, those holy rascals, friend.
The Faery Gift of Living from the Truest and Most Pure Call of the Heart
For faeries, what the heart wants, in its purest form, is the right thing to desire. But for humans, we have long practice smothering the heart with the voice of reason, most often not our own voice, but the voices of others, of cultures and governments and of groups of people who fear nothing so much as hearing the heart’s deep call. And so, with this gift of the faery comes the gift of hearing again the heart’s deep call and having the courage and commitment to follow it, no matter where it may take us.
The heart’s deep call will never drive us to a destructive relationship or a hurtful scenario. It is not going to sacrifice our spirit to the making of money or the stifling of creativity. The heart’s deep call, the true call, is beyond this, and will only take us in the direction of the dreams we are meant to fulfil this lifetime.
The faeries can now, with this gift, slowly lift the mist that covers the shining heart within you and open you up to that deep listening to your own self, and help you to value the song of the heart that has been signing to you since before you were born. For the faeries have heard the song of your heart, and have wondered at the difference between its call and the life you have lived thus far.
With this gift, your life will move more into accord with the heart, and you will begin to live from that deep, true place – with integrity, with fulfilment, without foolishness or following another, for your own heart will guide you and never ask you to sacrifice yourself to the creation of the dream of another.
The faery’s gift is of the heart’s deep call to you, friend. May its song bring you every blessing.
Oh my gosh, I love, love, love the guides who came to share this week! So delicious lovely I wish for you this week ease, flow and joy and that you are able to count your Blessings as there are many. Oh yes, there are 2 spots left in the Private Reading Special which ends tonight and doors to Creatrix close tonight. Have an amazing week and remember to pause and appreciate who you are and how far you have come. Big hugs and squeezes.