Happy Magnetic, Magickal, Miraculous, Marvellous, Manifesting Monday!
How are you? Did you manage to take time to celebrate the Solstice? Here in North America Solstice arrived on Sunday (so if you are in Europe it will be today – Monday!)
I will say my Solstice was amazing! Getting up at 4am to head to the ocean to watch the sun slowly rise up over the horizon and then bask the ocean in liquid gold. Gathering (and pilfering) flowers to make a delicious flower mandala to offer as a blessing to the portal that was created!
Yes, I did say Portal, lol. (You can’t make this shit up!)
In the fairy garden there is a delicious wee portal woven out of ivy. So the other day I was sitting looking at it and thought “Wouldn’t it be cool to have a life sized portal?” (That’s where my mind goes sometimes). So last weekend driftwood galore was gathered in the early hours from the beaches, then a circle was drawn on the lawn and the building began and wow! Wow!
She is stupendous!!! all the pieces of driftwood wended together to create a 6ft Portal that then got set into the bank at the back of the garden where I have carved a trail through the brush up to an amazing little rocky park.
I wove ivy around her (keeping the roots in the ground) and then put tiny fairy lights onto her, and built an incredible rock stairway for her approach. The thing that is amazing is she looks like she grew there. I am chuffed to bits. I wanted her to be ready for Solstice, so a flower mandala was made on her threshold and then a cleansing and blessing spell was set with a very clear intention as to the energy she would hold. Last but not least 2 quartz points, a rose quartz and an amethyst were woven into her “horns”.
The perfect activity for Solstice followed by an outdoor Solstice gathering in the garden filled with great people, great food and ridonculous games (think water gun fights, light up frisbee and Yahtzee!)
The perfect way to mark such an intense Fire Celebration (and I will say I can certainly feel the Yang energy swirling).
Thank you to all the comments and feedback about the Book of Summer Solstice, I’m tickled to hear which rituals you are working with, how you liked the abundance spell and how so many of you have listened over and over to the guided visualisation. That makes my heart soar! And to answer your question – yes you can use this for the week following Solstice as well.
Oh yes, and with regards to the Summer Solstice Reading Special. Yes, I have 10 spots open and available from today until next Monday (June 28th)!
On the heels of the Solstice energy, Thursday we welcome the Super Full Moon in Capricorn.
As Forever shares: “There is a duality to the energies we feel on this June Full Moon. We may not know if we are coming or going or exactly what to feel, or how to progress. That is the nature of this Full Moon. It brings wildcard energy, stirring things until we are unable to see clearly ahead. It does not do this to annoy, but rather to get us to slow down and see things from a different vantage point.
When the dust finally settles and the room stops spinning, we can see where we have landed. We can also see what has been broken during our spin and what has stood the test of time.
Capricorn energy supports us in creating a life with a strong and solid foundation. Capricorn energy naturally nurtures things that are designed to stand the test of time, so we may find ourselves naturally drawn to focus on these aspects of our lives.”
Isn’t this great?
June has the energy of Shake Up, we have the Solstice energy of Lighting Our Inner Fire, and the Super Full Moon asks us to work with all of those and create a life with a strong and solid foundation! I so love how this all weaves together.
Okay, enough chuntering, let’s crack on with the reading. When I went to the guides and cards to ask who was willing to support and guide this week – there was no choice whatsoever. Isis Oracle were adamant and if you think about it – that’s no surprise.
Now if you don’t know these amazing guides, please let me introduce you. Have you ever asked who Isis is? Goddess of the Skies, Magick and Wisdom are just a few of the titles she is given. Let me take a moment to introduce you to this lovely deck – “You are a powerful Soul and you are awakening. Your thoughts, feelings and inner world is changing, and so too is your outer world. When a Soul is growing in power and strength, it can benefit from guidance to help make the path into a new way of being in the world that much easier. Isis offers Her wisdom and guidance to you to assist you at this time of spiritual growth and transition. She loves you, and wants you to shine and be your radiant self, filled with power and wisdom.”
Yes!!!!!!! “Shine and be your radiant self, filled with power and wisdom.”
Okay delicious lovely, let’s just settle for a moment shall we? Just breathe yourself back into your body, calling back any pieces that you have left lying around during the day or the week. Breathe long and deep and allow in your mind’s eye the energy of the sun to fill you, to pour liquid gold energy through you – soothing, nourishing and cleansing.
When you feel relaxed and ready, pick the card or cards that whisper to your wise self, your radiant self, your powerful self.
Did you remember to pick?

Come take a look.

Protection of the Winged Mother
You are venturing through a time of significant spiritual growth and healing. There are many changes occurring internally and they will be reflected in your external world soon also. You are protected during these times by the love and strength of the Winged Mother, Lady Isis. You can relax and allow your transformation to happen. Let your Divine Guardian protect you now, as you learn to let go and trust in your own unfoldent for the greatest good.
Big spiritual growth can bring difficult challenges. Through such challenges, an Initiate can gain wisdom, power and awareness, and leave behind fears that once held them captive, free from past restrictions, free to live a life that is truly extraordinary and inspirational. Yet the challenges can feel deeply confronting. The Initiate may be tested to stay true to their own beliefs even if their loved ones do not understand or support them. Or they may be required to let go of what they have known to embrace something completely unfamiliar and this may be uncomfortable for them, and they may fear losing support, safety or friendship as they venture into a new life.
You have been receiving impressions and inner nudges that are from your higher guidance, which has been helping you with situations that are currently unfolding in your life and will continue to do so. You are, spiritually speaking, on the right track. Life does not have to be fixed or even clear at all times in order for you to be safe. Isis is with you. All is well.
Community of the Spiritual Sisters and Brothers of the Light
In community that is based in equality, respect, healthy boundaries and personal freedom, with a mutual desire for spiritual growth and honouring of innate wisdom, great miracles occur. You are part of this community of light. At one time it existed only in the spiritual worlds, yet now it is being born on the Earth. It is part of your destiny to help create and nurture a conscious community that empowers all of its members and is based in truth.
Letting the Divine Feminine nourish you now into new relationships, collaborations, community and friendships is very wise. There are many souls with whom you have spiritual contracts decided upon before you were born who wish to help you, and whom you can help too, as you grow together in peace and light and wisdom. Your light has value on its own of course but it is also of deep service when it is visible to others, lighting the way.
Mother Isis says that there is so much light awakening within our planet, and so much spiritual light gifted to Earth from celestial beings at this time, that it makes sense to build a large enough container to receive it. If you had enough electricity to power a city, you wouldn’t try to fit it in one house. Likewise, with all this spiritual electricity becoming available on the EArth, groups are needed to help it to circulate and flow.
If you accept all of this but still cannot find your spiritual home here, and have been wondering where your community is, you are not alone! They are looking for you too! Say ‘yes’ to opportunities to meet like-minded people and let Isis guide you through circumstances, opportunities and spontaneous moments as you and your beloved sisters and brothers find each other together for group benefit. If you have found that you have guidance to build community yourself, and are feeling a little overwhelmed at the thought, stay calm and stay in your heart.
Triumph of the Goddess
Beloved Initiate, there are times to surrender and let go, but there are never times to give up! Persist with your bold faith and inspired action until the impossible happens. Isis has the spirit of triumph and will never fail in Her quest no matter how bold or impossible it seems. Believe.
It is helpful on the inner path to let go and detach over and over again and yet we need to stay true to our heart and not give up on what we feel we are here to do. Whether it is reaching for enlightenment, for inner peace, for a creative breakthrough or personal healing, the triumph of the Goddess is with you now urging you not to give up, no matter how far away or impossible success may seem to be. Don’t quit! Persist until the impossible happens!
You are being reminded that you can surrender, let go of attachment as to how everything will happen or what it will look like, even if it is frustrating to surrender the vision into the Divine Fires yet again, waiting until you feel it naturally coming together according to Divine Timing.
The Spirit of Isis is willing to wait until Divine Forces collide and the miracle occurs. Remember, beloved Initiate, that the forces of growth, love and divinity are in your corner. There is nothing more powerful than these. Allow them to have their way and you will have yours. Your win is assured.
Those are some deliciously powerful messages! How did the card you picked resonate for you? Have a stupendous week, delicious lovely. Allow the energy of the sun to ignite your inner fire, use the energy of the Super Full Moon to ground you and most of all have fun! (Life is so much better when we remember to play!) Don’t forget the Solstice reading special runs for a week and the Book of Summer Solstice is still available to you. Big hugs and squeezes and flowers galore!