Happy Magnetic,Magickal, Marvellous, Musing, Merry, Musical, Magnificent, Manifesting Monday!!!!!!!!
With the energies feeling like they have sped up tenfold and all sorts of delightful opportunities for growth swirling around – this will be a delightfully brief post as it’s Equinox!
I had the joy and honour of leading a glorious in person celebration yesterday, with fire, ritual and amazing women! Then another glorious celebration with the incredible women of Creatrix Circle first thing this morning.
So now it is time to go play and celebrate in the woods.
However, I do have 2 glorious free gifts for you to enhance your celebration and help you with your intention. I will share them throughout the post.
So here we are my darlings.
This is the Spring Equinox here in the Northern Hemisphere.
The time of Beginnings, Fresh Energy, Setting Intentions and planting them with love and care.
With the Spring Equinox your spirit is waking up with new ideas & new dreams for your life.
What are you going to plant?
In the glorious Southern Hemisphere Mabon is being celebrated, the Fall Equinox, a time to start to harvest what you have sown and to dance within the weaves of gratitude.
What are you grateful for?
Equinox is a good time to consider balance in our lives, not only of happiness and sadness, but also of the areas in which we are active and passive, successful and falling short, giving and taking.
What are you receiving (and do you want to keep it)?
And what are you giving (and do you need to)?
Right after this glorious Equinox time where we consider balance the delightful New Moon in Aries comes in.
Aries starts the new astrological year, and is fiery. Fiery with supporting you in creating something new (see how it ties into the Spring Equinox)?
She brings with her an inspirational time to create, ignite your inner fire and to step into what your soul desires. She also supports checking in with your inner truth and making sure you are coming from the place that is truly YOU.
Trust that your intentions and desires will be truly supported and nurtured.
Your task is to set your intentions, receive what is offered and most certainly to have good boundaries against any lower vibration thoughts, people or situations that attempt to undermine this potential.
Perfect, then let’s crack on with the reading. If these guides are new to you, please let me introduce you to Blessed Be.
“May these cards and guides offer you ways to enter into deeper appreciation of your life and its manifold blessings. May you have hope, understanding and kindness. And most of all, may you know deep within your soul, that thou art blessed.”
Frigging perfect!
So take a moment to become present. Right here, right now, right in this minute.
As you breathe, allow your mind’s eye to show you the balance. The balance between what you are giving and receiving. Then when you are ready pick the card that calls to you.
If you want to go deep. One of my gifts to you is a glorious guided Spring Equinox meditation/visualisation. This visualisation will really help you tap into your heart and the potent energy that wants to support you.
Did you remember to pick?

Then let’s go have a good gander shall we?

A blessing to bring you the gifts and guardianship of your ancestral family.
Within your bloodline, and within your spiritual line, there are thousands of relatives who care for you, and whose cells now sing within your body. You are their future dream, you carry forward the hopes of your distance and most ancient family.
They have seen so much – yes, in other times and faraway places, but they come to you now and bless you with all the wisdom of their experiences, making you the sum total of a thousand thousand wise ones.
Call upon the wisdom of the blood, the old ones who stand behind you, supporting and holding you, clearly giving to you the knowledge that experience taught them.
Let only the ancestors who can free you, aid you, support you, and celebrate the best of themselves within you come forward, and may the ailments and regrets of those who have gone before teach you what not to do in this time.
If the family be thin on the ground, or if there is estrangement at present, let the arms of the old ones hold you, form a circle about you, and infuse you with everything you may need at this moment.
You are loved across the distance of time.
May you be blessed and may you have with you the essence of the Elder, the Teacher, the one who shows, the one who shares with the younger ones, the one who keeps the skills alive inside you, and all about you.
A blessing for a friendship where your best self is given permission to emerge and grow, and where mutual love is shared in good times and in bad.
May your friendship be blessed with laughter, but never at the expense of the dignity of one of you.
May your friendship be a delight to you both, a time of warmth and sharing, give and take, small offerings of what you have sent back and forth between you. May you be kind to each other, and honest too.
May you have the trust that true friendship needs to speak of things for the soul, and may there be loyalty, one to the other, without chains or obedience, but freely given.
May there be affinities of the spirit, differences to exalt in, and if harsh thoughts or words enter in and blight the path or your companionship, may you pick them up as a stone in the road, and move them out of your way.
Let there be mutual care, and may your friendship endure amidst the inconsistencies of the world. Let your friendship have its seasons, but let it turn, on and on, ever – changing, ever-returning, to the place where you find love for each other, and greater love of self for knowing one another.
A blessing to be able to be free of the burden of grudges and vengeance, a prayer to help you open up to the blessing that is forgiveness.
Forgiveness is a tricky beast – and yes, for all it is a gentle word, it is a great beast, forgiveness. For when we seek to forgive, we must wrestle with the wrongdoing that lies at the heart of our resistance to let go of the pain we are holding on to. When we need to forgive, it is often that we are too raw, too far away from justice to be able to even touch the side of the balm of forgiveness.
Yet staying angry for long periods of time can develop into a compacted bitterness, and bitterness is a gall to all who wish to live freely.
But what can we do when the wrong is still very much alive,and to forgive another seems to be diminishing their harm, and their potential to harm others.
Justice and forgiveness must work hand in hand, and in this blessing they will now begin to entwine, so that while you begin to forgive first yourself, for whatever wrong was done to you, there is often an element of self-blame.
First, know that whatever wrong was done to you, it is not your fault. And begin the work of forgiving yourself.
May the blessing of this self-forgiveness be bestowed upon you now, dear friend. Know you will gently untangle the doubt and recriminations that have settled like thorns about your heart, and invaded your mind’s peace. And as begin to forgive yourself, you will also begin to find forgiveness for the injustices you have endured
Let the anger burn down into coals from which you, phoenix-like, can arise.
And know you have forgiven – forgiven the other for their dark gift. Forgiven life. And most of all, delivered the pure medicine of forgiveness to yourself.
Wowzer, those were glorious guides. As quite frankly, if you aren’t willing to work with forgiveness you can’t create something different, something more supportive. So my delicious lovely, another free gift is a beautiful ritual to plant your Seeds of Intention. Equinox blessings and see you in 2 weeks.