Happy Magickal, Magnetic, Mesmerising, Marvellous, Moodling, Mild, March Monday!
Here we are on the first Monday of March, Spring is frigging coming! I don’t know about you but I can most certainly feel it in the air, energetically in my body and most certainly in my mind. In fact this last weekend I spent time playing outdoors, cutting out faery doors and listening to the birds that woke me early in the morning.
Spring Equinox is a joyful celebration centred around rebirth and growth. Spring represents a new day; it’s dawn in the wheel of the year. A new sun is rising. Life is waking up in the warm sunlight & your spirit feels ready to make a fresh start. It’s a gorgeous invitation to take off the heavy coat of winter, to gently step out of the cocoon or cave and plant the seeds you want to harvest. (And to help you with that I have two lovely gifts for you!) The first is the Ostara Magickal Guide and the other is a glorious Spring Equinox Reading special, but read on.
With the Spring Equinox your spirit is waking up with new ideas & new dreams for your life.
It’s fresh, warm energy has the power to make you feel alive & inspired. It’s time to think of the seeds you want to plant from your winter slumber and harvest this year. The end of winter can sometimes feel a little rocky. The energy shifting from an inward-focus to outwardly-focused can make you feel a bit off-kilter.
The dark months are now over & we’re moving into the warmth of the light. (The sun will continue to grow until the Summer Solstice, when it begins its turn inward again.) Implementing changes required in order to grow & flourish, can really disrupt your sense of equilibrium in late winter. But with the Spring Equinox, the Earth returns to a place of perfect balance. Day & night are equal, the light & the dark––bringing the return of some much-needed balance into your own life.
This is why I have created two gifts for you! (As the Creative Juices are flowing).
The first is the Ostara Magick Guide (or as I am fondly referring to her as – OMG!) Rituals, lore, how to harness this spectacular energy, card spreads, crystals and all sorts of other yumminess.
The other gift is a Reading Special (as many of you have asked is there going to be one), and yes. Yes! There will be a simple one to point out where you need to focus and then a brand new one!
A first time, gorgeous Spring Equinox reading special where you plant your seeds, see what needs to be weeded out, how to nurture, fertilise and what is going to unfold. As after all, this is the month of Opportunity.
I will let Lena share the Shamanic energy of this month. The main theme for March is “OPPORTUNITY”.
“March is a potentially magical month of manifesting, movement, expansion, resetting and refining intentions, increasing your intuition, and creating something new. We should all feel a sense of relief as obstacles and challenges are sidelined and take a less active part in our daily progress. Of course, we have to allow for more ease by trusting that what is showing up as an opportunity is not too good to be true.
So, this is the month to reverse caution and inhibition, and to infuse ourselves with inspiration, hope and trust. The biggest obstacle we face this month is our own distrust and resistance to having things go well for a change. The opportunity to shift attitude from cynicism to optimism is huge. Optimism is expansive while cynicism diminishes the options. Even if you are not naturally an optimist, make it a disciplined practice to include it in your day.
Opportunities this month can take many forms. ………“
So with the energy of Spring approaching and Opportunities abounding, remember – some days you are going to be so inspired and filled with so much vim and vigour that you want to go conquer the world, other days you may feel like you want to hide out in a dark closet with a large bottle of wine and a straw!
The most important thing is to just let it flow and stay focused on your Seeds of Intention, okay?
Okay, with that all being said – let’s crack on with the reading. The cards that were dancing with glee to come and guide this week are the wonderful Oracle of the Dragonfae. Now if these guides are new to you, let me introduce them (as that’s the polite thing to do). These guides are the magickal and mystical that weave through the threads of every day, they are the Dragonfae, Gods and Goddesses who dwelt in dimensional lands….Eden, Avalon, Ys, Atlantis and Mu, they are Morgan, Guenevere, Merlin and others – fully alive and filled with magick! They are the deliciously magickal beings that have always been there, we just forgot, and when we connect with them, we reconnect with the lost parts of ourselves, allowing us to fully explore the gift of life on this beautiful green and blue planet, known by some as Gaia, by others as Dana, and by many other names.
So let’s settle in shall we? Just take a moment and before you pick a card or cards, allow the energy of Spring to swirl around you. New beginnings, growth, transformation and light. If you need more help there’s a glorious guided visualisation for you (and it isn’t long, so don’t fret).
Then when you are ready, pick.

Let’s go have a look shall we?

Nothing is impossible
Nothing is impossible. Nothing. Those who tell you now that what you wish for, that what you year for, that the road you take is too hard, too difficult, too challenging…that it is not for you, for yours is not of the adventure of the dream, yours is of compromise and slow heartbreak…I am here to tell you they are wrong.
People may be speaking to you from their fear; they tell you that what you wish for and hope for cannot be…and it’s not about the mundane, it is about precious jewels of hope that form our existence and our identity. The question truly is:who do you wish to be? An amalgamation of the fear and conditionings of others? Or do you wish to bravely be yourself and risk the falls that may come? Because The Lady of the Blue Rose tells you that falls will come, as will resistance, but she also tells you that breaking through to the other reality is your role this lifetime: to carve out a path for yourself and to light the way for others travellers. You are unlimited – do not allow fear to bind you and burden you. You are free, and as such, the impossible is simply an act of magickal will and self-determination.
Summon your inner courage, and cast away the thought that courage is muscled and wears armour and a shield. Courage can be gentle and delicate too: it simply needs to stay true to who it is and what it does. Take steps to separate advice that come from experience (wisdom) and advice that come from fear (conditioning).
Understand that you are the being who must make the decision about your path: no matter how caught up and bound you feel you are, there is always a way to be truly free. And that is by expressing the essence of you, and being true to your own heart and talents and powers. Stay strong, stay true, and do not waver.
A knock on the door
I know you wish to reach out, and yet you hold back. I know you feel drawn to knock on this door and to see whether it will be answered this time…and yet you fear so much. You fear that it will not be answered…that the answer or the face that appears beyond the door will not be to your liking…that if you enter, you may never return… I cannot put your fears to rest, for only you can do that. But I can tell you what I see.
I see a spirit whose flame has flickered low,, whose light is in danger of going out if it does not take the next step. For years you have passed this door and many times you have found yourself here. You may even have knocked at the door, only to flee, like a terrified child, before the door was opened to you.
I say to you now: it is time. Reach out. Knock at the door. And let what will be, be.
Nervous about a new chance…feeling as though your comfort zone is far better than the unknown; longing to travel and to change, yet unwilling to do anything about it; procrastinations and old habits keeping you from reaching out and accepting what is being offered.
You are ready…it is simply nerves that are holding you back, conditioned fears and internalised voices from the past. Reach out…take a hold of the handle and be ready for the wonder of the unknown that lies beyond the door. The doors of perception are about to change…forever.
You have nothing to fear, except fear freezing your hand, again. Knock on the door. All is well.
You are stronger than you think
I know who you are. I know the good of you, the multiplicity of you, and the incredible richness of you. I know what you have survived. I know what great lies have been told. I know how hard the path has been, how deep the despair, how savage the untruths. I am here to help you restore your own sense of glory, your own truth, your own shining self. The truth is that you are all things and all beings, you are magnificent and truthfully Heaven is your mother, the Earth is your mother, the sea is your mother and the fire of creation is yours, too.
You are all these things – star being, dragonkin, sea-creature, Earth dweller and forest child. You are sea and salt, and wood and stone, and you are grander and more magnificent than words or thoughts can tell you of.
Tiamet’s energy can be almost overwhelming, but she is such a strong, super-protective mother being. Yet she is here to remind us of our very nature, the roots of our existence, the atoms of our being. It’s time to work with the knowledge of the eternal nature of the soul, be aware of your own soul’s journey through time and space, be aware that you are made up of galactic (star) material, earthly materials, of the ocean of fire. A time when others say things about you that are not only untrue, they are inspired by their own fear. Soon you will have recognition and a kind of rebirth, and you will realise that you are a strong warrior, a being whose spirit can never be vanquished, just as your complexity and brilliance can never be fully captured in words or images.
Build something for you, now, and for the generations to come. Consider the legacy you wish to leave for your descendants and for the panet, and work from this place. Surround yourself with people who share your values and insights, and learn more about what it is that you can do to stop others being persecuted. Know that no matter what appears to have happened and no matter how tragic or disastrous it may seem to be, you are in fact strong enough to not only cope, but to transcend this circumstance and rise again.
You are greater than those who have hurt you and you no longer need to live with fear. You will soon be free, washed clean and reborn to yourself. Never underestimate your own strength. Just quietly begin to build again.
Wow! Deliciously fabulous and such powerful messages from the Dragonfae guides. Opportunities, Transformation and Choice. Yum! Wishing you a fantabulous week and may the approaching Spring energy lighten your heart, inspire your creativity and guide you to the seeds to plant. Remember to grab one of the Reading Specials and the Ostara Magickal Guide (OMGoddess), they will both help and support you as we come to this place of balance and new beginnings. Big hugs and squeezes.