Hello delicious lovely!! Happy Magnificent, Magickal, Manifesting, Majestic, Mesmerising, Mysterious, Memorable Monday! How are you on this glorious day?
Grab yourself a lovely cuppa as we have lots to cover this week such as Remembrance Day and working with the powerful 11:11 energy! Whoot! Are you ready?
This Saturday (November 11th) is Remembrance Day, also known as Armistice Day. It marks the day World War One ended at 11am on the 11th day of the 11th month, in 1918! 105 years ago!!!
So, the other day I was in a grocery line up, with my butternut squash, daikon and halloumi (won’t that make an interesting meal), and I was wearing a Poppy for Remembrance Day – in fact this year I have bought 3 as I keep losing them or they drop off. As I’m waiting in line for my turn the chap behind me started a rather odd debate with me about the wearing of a Poppy. He shared that he refused to wear one as it was a symbol of death to which I totally, 100% disagree.
The Poppy to me is a symbol of Remembering those who bravely went to fight for our freedoms and well being. It is also a symbol of Hope, hope for our troops that are still deployed all over the world and Hope for a time of Peace. As someone who was in the Military reserves and a reserve police officer, and also having friends who were or still are in the military, let alone a father who was and a grandfather, I feel very strongly about the respect and honour that is due to those sacrifices and those that are still away from home.
Personally, I think it is important to focus on those types of events, the ones that inspire Hope and Peace, and don’t get me wrong, there are all sorts of horrendous wars being waged all over the world. But drop back into that space of Armistice, Hope and Peace – it is sooooo possible on every level in this world (at least that is my belief).
Thus on Remembrance day we have the potent energy of 11:11. Great Jen, what does that mean for me (you may be asking)?
This day holds the number code of 1111, which is a power number in astrology and also an angel number.
If there is something you want to manifest or a wish you want to make, this is the day to set your intentions!
1111 heightens our ability to create and to leave an imprint on the tapestry that is all of life. It also indicates that we are in complete harmony and alignment with all of nature.
From this state of alignment, it becomes easier for us to feel grounded and connected to our life here on Earth, but also to the magic and wisdom of higher realms.
Close your eyes and remember the last time that you set an intention. Did you feel doubtful that your wish would come true, or did you have faith that the universe was listening, ready to help you bring your vision to life?
11/11 is one of the most powerful days of the year for manifestation – a day when we’re reminded that our guides are always with us, supporting us on the path to our deepest dreams.
There’s a reason why we’re told to make a wish whenever we see 11:11 on the clock. 11 is a master number, and its frequency speeds up manifestation, opening up channels through which angelic beings can send their wisdom and support.
“The number 11 grants us access to the 5th dimension, where the constraints of time and space do not exist. On 11/11, we experience 5D energy in the form of synchronicity, alignment, and acceleration. You might experience that “right place, right time” feeling – the reassurance that you’re on the right path, and everything you’re seeking is seeking you in return.”
The Law of Attraction, based on the Hermetic Principles, teaches us that everything we manifest is created by thought: Where your attention goes, energy flows. Every second, you’re thinking things into existence – so on this day, pay attention to where your thoughts tend to wander.
Are you focused on bright and positive outcomes, or are you subconsciously manifesting your worries and fears?
Work with the energy of 11/11 to positively channel your thoughts in service of your highest path. I recommend meditating at 11:11 am or 11:11 pm to best harness the magic.
Set aside 11 minutes to close your eyes and go within, visualizing what you desire and how it would feel if you’d already received it. Yes?
Another simple way to harness this energy is to free flow and write for 11 minutes about all your heart’s desires and intentions. At the end of the 11 minutes, go back and highlight the words that inspire you, make you feel hopeful, excited and then formulate them into an intention.
If you wanted to go a step further you could make a sacred Sigil!
So gorgeous bean, take some time on Saturday to Remember. To fill yourself with Hope and Peace and play in the 5th dimension and really visualise what you desire. Okay?
When I asked my guides how they wanted to share with you this week I was tickled to see that they picked the wonderful Sacred Destiny Oracle, who have been rather shy about doing public readings, but this week they were 100% on board.
So in case you have never met them, let me introduce you – and if you have met them before, let me reintroduce you (as not to do so is rude!). “You have a sacred destiny; we all do. There is a powerful and profound reason that you are here on the planet. However, sometimes it may be difficult to understand what that reason is and perceive what is required on your journey into the future. It may be a challenge to know what the next step in life should be. This is the time to call upon the energy of nature and majesty of the natural world to provide answers to the heartfelt yearnings of your soul. In ancient traditions, shamans, medicine women, witches, visionaries, and prophets all accessed hallowed knowledge by observing their natural environment. These wise beings stepped through mystic gateways into inner realms to bring back meaning to the seemingly random event of life. “
Woosah! Perfect guides for this perfect time! (You seriously can’t make this shit up!)
Thus, I invite you to slow down for a few minutes. Just breathe yourself back into your body and the here and now. Let your breathing slow down, your jaw soften and a sense of Hope, Remembering and Peace fill your mind’s eye. Gently swirling and soothing you. Then, when you are ready, pick the card or cards that whisper to you.
If you need a bit more support there is a wee guided visualisation for you.
Did you remember to pick?

Come have a look.

A meandering river is a waterway that curves, bends, turns, and seems to swing side to side as it flows forward. Viewed from above it looks sinuous and even snakelike. Meandering rivers are dynamic as they wind their way across valley floors and bring life-giving sediment to new habitats.
The word meander was derived from the ancient Meander River, which flows into the Aegean Sea. The Greeks created symbols for “meander” that have been described as some of the most important symbols for ancient Greek culture; they represented the fluid movement of water and the eternal flow of all life. The twisting patterns were also thought to represent the serpent which was the symbol of healing, hence our present day symbol for doctors is the caduceus.
What does this sacred landscape want you to know?
There are times to hold on tight to the shore, and there are times to enter the flow. Notice where life is going and move in that direction, Watch for signs and follow them. Don’t resist.
When you go with the flow, your life-force expands and healing on all levels abounds.
This is also the time to release old, limiting patterns, forgive, and let go of the need to be right about your beliefs. If you aren’t feeling the smooth currents of life, it might mean that you’re being self-critical and judgmental.
When you enter the flow with gratitude and love, you will find blessings surrounding you. You will enter into a state of grace, and healing will abound.
Our beautiful home galaxy is so large that if you traveled at the speed of light, it would take you 100,000 years to go from one end to the other. (It is small compared to some galaxies – for example, the Hercules A galaxy would take 1.5 million years to cross at the speed of light.)
The realm of galaxies is so vast and so wide that it is beyond human comprehension, which is why the galaxy often symbolises great enlightenment as well a faith in the forces much greater than us.
So what does this sacred landscape want you to know?
Enlightenment occurs when one steps out of the confines of an ordinary definition of self and expands into a greater awareness of the self within the Universe. You are now reaching into the invisible realm of Spirit and connecting with what you cannot see. Forces beneath the surface are supporting you on your journey.
Have FAITH in yourself! You are so much more than you believe yourself to be. Have patience that there is a plan unfolding. The sky’s the limit! You are entering into a time of expansive transformation in a luminous and remarkable way.
Trust that the changes ahead are for the greater good, for most certainly they are. And if you ever doubt, step outside and let the stars remind you!
In ancient times, our forebears took refuge in caves. It was there that they could seek shelter from the weather and be protected from predators and enemies. The cave offered a safe place to prepare food, sleep, heal, and build community.
Caves were also the places where sacred spiritual ceremonies occurred, evidenced by cave drawings and altars that had been built along the ledges. Symbolically, caves often represented a secret pathway to the underworld, the divine womb of Mother Earth, and the sacred heart. Also, caves can be energy portals for shamans or other spiritual explorers.
What does this Sacred Landscape have to share with you?
You are safe and protected. No matter what is occurring in your life, you are in safe hands. Those in the realm of Spirit are watching over you. You can relax and let go.
Once you’ve taken measures to protect yourself and those you love – such as making sure everyone has their seat belt on in the car, making sure your insurance is paid on time, or replacing the filter on your heating unit – then let it go!
If you have been hypervigilant lately, take a break. Relax; know that all is well You can turn it all over to the Creator. And when you forget, breathe into the warm, welcoming cave that is held in your heart!
Wowzer, what glorious messages for this week. How did yours resonate for you? So gorgeous one, I wish for you a wonderful week filled with Hope, Flow, Enlightenment and Ease. Big hugs and squeezes! (And Remember to Remember). See you in two weeks.