I am enchanted by the simplicity and power of these little magical symbols.
Sigils help you to achieve goals, co-create your reality, self-actualize your potential and fulfill your deepest dreams and desires.
Think for a moment:
What would you like to do with your life? What unconscious stories would you like to reprogram? What habits would you like to replace? What parts of you would you like to transform? How would you like to use your will, energy, and creativity?
Sigil magic helps you to step into your power as a creator.
If you are used to playing a passive (yin) role in your spiritual path, it’s now time to experiment with an active (yang) role.
A sigil is a symbol you create with the intention of changing your reality in accordance with your will. All sigils are encoded with a specific purpose, for example, to attract a romantic partner, to set strong boundaries, to be more financially prosperous, to heal your inner child – the possibilities are limitless.
While sigils were used in the past to symbolize and conjure up spirits, these days, sigils are used in a personal way to symbolically represent and manifest our own desires.
What is Sigil Magic?
Sigil magic is the formal practice of creating sigils (or intention-charged symbols) to change your reality. Those who practice sigil magic incorporate self-reflection, creativity, willpower, and ritual to manifest their desires. Sigil magic is based on the philosophy that we are co-creators of our reality. As such, we are empowered to make the changes we desire so long as they align with our ultimate destiny and the will of Life.
What is a Sigil?
The term sigil is derived from the Latin word sigillum which means seal or signet.
A sigil is a symbol or design you create that works with your unconscious self to help bring your goals and dreams into reality. Sigil magic enables you to focus and become clear about your intentions.
Sigils and their many functions and powers were explained by sixteenth-century German polymath and physician Henry Cornelius Agrippa, in a book detailing different facets of Occult Philosophy.
How Do Sigils Work?
Sigils are essentially like little seeds that are planted within the unconscious mind.
Many things enter the depths of our minds, but not all of them are placed there intentionally or take root. What gives sigils their power is the energy and intention behind them – and that is what helps them to sprout and blossom into manifestation. The symbolic nature of the sigil also helps bypass the rational (skeptical) mind and enter the unconscious where possibilities are endless.
As the language of the deep mind is symbolic, sigils basically ‘speak’ to your unconscious. How cool is that?
Making a sigil is the process of creating a symbol or image to bring a desire to fruition through your subconscious mind. Incorporating sigil magic into your practice can take your spirituality to the next level. There are many different ways to create sigils which is lovely because you can customize a technique that works best for you!
When learning how sigils work, it’s essential to understand you’re trying to go around your conscious mind and connect with your unconscious self.
The conscious mind will put up barriers, skepticism, or place restrictions on your intentions, making it challenging to materialize your desires. However, if you can directly connect to your subconscious, your spiritual power isn’t limited!
No words are needed, and an intention-based symbol can communicate directly to your unconscious self! Sigils work by placing an idea into your subconscious, and by doing so, will begin to work towards your intention while you go about your daily life. This visualization will prompt your subconscious self to start looking for ways it can help manifest your desire or goal!
Once you’ve completed your sigil work, place it out of your mind and don’t dwell on it. You want your sigil to leave your conscious mind and simmer in your unconscious mind.