Happy Magickal, Musing, Merry, Manifesting, Magnetic May Monday!
How are you most delicious lovely? How are you juggling the delightful energies of May?
So many of you, and various friends, have shared that it feels very much like you are in a blender and being spun and scrambled. I loved my friend Lisa’s description – “It feels like someone has taken a chopstick to my brain and stirred it all up.”
I totally get it, what with being in the midst of an intense Eclipse Portal, with a side of Mercury retro – no shit! But the bonus news is Mercury went direct yesterday! Whoot!
But to top off the delicious energies, the weather is doing wonky things and the heat has cranked up here.
It’s Hawt, Hawt, Hawt.
We have an unprecedented heat wave in effect which is meant to break records all over the place – blaugh!
Now, I don’t know about you but the heat makes me wilt, and rather crotchety and all in all, I’m not a supreme fan – Spring and Fall are my favourite seasons.
Yes, I do like a warmish summer day, and a cute sundress (with pockets), but not when it is so hot that it’s impossible to hang out in the sun. Grumble, grumble.
However, my garden loves it and things are popping up like mad, veggies, wildflowers, herbs, it makes me super happy.
I had plans with the boys on Mother’s Day to go play mini golf in the afternoon, but when I saw the temperature it was a quick change of plans.
They very kindly agreed to get up at 6am so we could go beachcombing, driftwood gathering (for faery homes) and shell finding.
It was divine.
Grounding, calm, fun and relaxed and oh so quiet as most humans were still in bed (thanks guys for getting up so early).
I love exploring all the various landscapes that surround where I live. The various beaches that are all different, the forests, the garry oak ecosystems, the meadows, the mountains. You name it!
I find it soul soothing and oh so wonderfully rejuvenating and nourishing.
With an Aries Moon in my chart my favourite self care and nourishment is to be outdoors in Nature and have a fabulous picnic somewhere after a glorious exploration.
I’m not a “Hang out in a bubble bath and read a book” kinda gal.
This week, on Friday the 19th we welcome the New Moon in Taurus and with that comes delicious grounding energy.
Take a moment and think about the image of Taurus.
It’s a great big bull/ox with a huge solid body mass and all four feet connected to the earth.
Grounding at its finest, or maybe I should say – most solid!
“Take a deep breath. Inhale through your nose and exhale out of your mouth, letting out a sigh. Almost like a sigh of relief. Feel the weight releasing from your chest and shoulders. Perhaps unclench your jaw or stretch your arms out. Settle into your being and soak in the wisdom the Taurus New Moon brings…
The Taurus New Moon on May 19, 2023, holds a grounding vibration, allowing us to rebalance our being and reconnect to a state of ease. We have been through much since the last lunar cycle and now we are given a moment to pause.
While this pause will give us a chance to centre ourselves, there is also some high-powered energy flowing through at the time of this New Moon, activating our Solar Plexus Chakra and inviting us to reconnect with our power.”
Taurus is a sign associated with stability and security, and that is exactly what is on offer under this New Moon. How can you create more security in your life? What steps can you take to feel more stable and secure in yourself?
Issues that crop up around the time of this New Moon may very well be linked to subconscious feelings of insecurity or a lack of self-worth. Pay attention to anything uncomfortable that arises at this time, and see if your insecurities may be playing a role.
Okay, enough chuntering, let’s crack on with the reading shall we?
When I asked the cards who wanted to come and share, these glorious guides were front and centre!
So in case you have never met them, let me introduce you – and if you have met them before, let me reintroduce you (as not to do so is rude!). “You have a sacred destiny; we all do. There is a powerful and profound reason that you are here on the planet. However, sometimes it may be difficult to understand what that reason is and perceive what is required on your journey into the future. It may be a challenge to know what the next step in life should be. This is the time to call upon the energy of nature and majesty of the natural world to provide answers to the heartfelt yearnings of your soul. In ancient traditions, shamans, medicine women, witches, visionaries, and prophets all accessed hallowed knowledge by observing their natural environment. These wise beings stepped through mystic gateways into inner realms to bring back meaning to the seemingly random event of life. “
I invite you to just pause, to be still, to allow the swirling energies or your mind chatter to gently slow down as your breath leads the way. Then invite into your mind’s eye, the image of the bull. Solid, grounded, earthed, connected. Then ask your wise inner self – what do you need to know to feel that kind of connection?
Then when you are ready, pick the card or cards that call to you.
Did you remember to pick?

Let’s go look, shall we?

Frozen Tundra
The tundra is a stark and severe landscape found in both the southern and northern hemispheres. It is usually bereft of most plant and animal life, and can only support very low-growing plants such as mosses and lichen.
The soil is frozen year-round, so it is impossible for trees to grow in that barren landscape. In the winter, the landscape is very cold and dark, and wild winds surge across the desolation.
Even in the summer, the land remains frozen, although the surface can be soggy and covered with lakes, marshes, ponds, and bogs that become havens for millions of migrating
So what is the message in this landscape?
Take a step back from a project, situation, or relationship, even if for just a few moments.
Mend bridges. Slow down. Breathe. Be Still. Go within. Listen to your inner voice.
Take time to connect with your spirit guides, ancestors, and spiritual guardians. Listen to your higher self.
Timing is everything.
This is not a good time to start a new cycle. Wait. Incubate. Fix things that need fixing. Heal things that need healing, and think things through.
Most importantly Forgive yourself and others (forgiveness truly given is a powerful tool).
If things seem barren, or even bleak, or the energy is flat, hold on.
Just as the migrating birds find new life in the tundra marshes in the summer, you too will expand once again during the coming thaw in your life.
Spiralling Tornado
Energy in our Universe spirals. Water spirals in the wake of the fish that swims through the stream. Air spirals in the wake of a bird in flight. The moon spirals around the earth, which spirals around the sun, which spirals around the galaxy.
Even our DNA is a spiral. It is the healing principle of life.
It’s not an accident that the ancient symbol for healing is the caduceus: two spiralling serpents.
It is the sacred spiral.
Most people assume that there is nothing good that comes from tornados, but every part of nature has value.
For example, although some birds lose their habitat from a tornado, birds such as the prairie warbler, whippoorwill, woodpecker, grouse, and woodcock, as well as forest salamanders, all benefit from the new landscape created by tornadoes.
Downed trees provide habitat for black bears and white tailed deer and create dens for many kinds of animals.
Tornadoes churn up the soil in ways that rejuvenate the earth.
So what is this landscape sharing with you?
When you pick Healing Chaos you are acknowledging potential chaos (or the need for chaos) as an activator for profound healing.
If your life seems chaotic, know that it has an underlying energy of healing. You are being healed on all levels. You are a healer.
However, if your life is calm to the point of being stagnant, it might be time to create a bit of chaos in your life. It will really activate healing, shift and glorious new energy.
Do the unexpected. Mix life up a bit.
A floodplain is a naturally occurring phenomenon in which the land adjacent to a river floods out to far banks of the surrounding land during times of high water.
Land that is normally dry may be underwater for a period of time.
When this occurs, silt, sand, and nutrients are deposited. For this reason, floodplains are often areas of great fertility as well as rich ecosystems. They are excellent areas for lush, abundant crops.
It is a natural occurrence that allows life in all areas to thrive.
So what do you believe this landscape is saying to you?
Sometimes life overflows with emotions, which can feel uncomfortable. (As water is very much associated with emotions). However, the ensuing result of this discomfort can be of great value, perhaps arising from an unseen or unknown source.
Do you feel your emotions are overflowing, or not flowing at all?
Cherish the overflow of emotions, and embrace the times that seem murky, for your inner floodplains are being replenished, and as a result, there will be massive spiritual and physical expansion.
Embrace all your emotions; don’t judge them. After all, when we look at the word e-motion, it is energy in motion and needs to flow.
When you embrace all your emotions; greater prosperity and fertility can flow into your life.
If your emotions have been blocked, now is the time to explore them, feel into them, and experience them so they can move and flow like the water.
Woosah! Wow, those are amazing messages for getting grounded, don’t you agree? Wishing you a stupendous week, take time to ground, root and get outside! There won’t be a reading next week (I don’t believe lol) as it is a long weekend here and I plan on playing and getting outdoors. Massive hugs and squeezes and be kind with yourself.