Happy, Happy, Happy Marvelous, Manifesting, Magnificent, Magickal, Miraculous, Mellow, Magnanimous Monday! And the last reading of the year! (Holy Hannah it has certainly been a year).
Another turn of the Wheel, another cycle of growth, coming to an end.
But let’s be honest – we are blessed to be here!
Think back to who you were a year ago. The person you were heading into the 2021 cycle. Think of all the life you’ve lived over the past year. You’re different now.
You’ve faced challenges. You’ve had to stretch & push yourself to get through them. You’ve learned things because of them – about yourself, about the world around you.
You’re wiser than you were a year ago.
It has been a long hard year. And now you get to rest.
This Winter Solstice carries us into the season of deep, profound, medicinal rest.
Resting is your MOST IMPORTANT WORK in the season ahead. Can you make ‘Rest’ the most important thing on your To Do list this winter?? (And for more amazing ways to mark this season of Solstice, The Book of Winter Solstice will help you there!)
I sure am! With Solstice tomorrow, I am giving myself the time to reflect, nourish my soul and relax. So effective Solstice I am taking a couple of weeks off and the only “planned things” are prepping and cooking for the homeless on Xmas Eve and Xmas Day, then doing the family dinner on Boxing Day.
The rest of the time I plan on doing some glorious deep exploration with my soul, unraveling of this last year and visioning for 2022, oh yes, and reading all those books I haven’t had time to! (I am so excited!)
How are you feeling about 2022? What do you believe it holds for you, or are you leary to even venture down that road? (Because let’s be honest the last two years have certainly been most “interesting” to say the least!)
A gentle reminder that the Winter Solstice reading special is still available for a few more days, and one of the readings is working with the tarot and capturing the major energy that will be in play for you personally, in 2022. (Mine was so accurate for this year it was uncanny). These will be delivered in January.
There is one thing I would like to say to YOU (yes, that’s YOU).
I am so grateful for YOU.
All the amazing messages, stories and heartfelt longings that you have all shared with me over the last year have been incredible. The sharing, and your incredible strength and vulnerability, fills my heart with huge gratitude that you are part of my community. So massive thanks! You are really quite amazing!
I wish for you a season filled with rest, relaxation, love and magic! Give yourself time to dream and the little seeds of your future that are tucked safe into the earth, let them rest as you breathe them into being.
Okay, let’s crack on with the reading. It was quite interesting today, as I know for a fact I was guided to the 3 cards that should be shared and yet when I laid them out there were 4????? Ah well, there is a message here that really wants to be shared!
So when I went to the cards and asked who would like to guide and support this week I giggled when I saw it was The Oracle of Shadows and Light. With the invitation to walk into the darkness of Winter Solstice and soon to be Winter, as well as the Full Moon. Perfect!
Now if these guides are new to you, please let me introduce them:- Wisdom for Misfits, Mystics, Seekers, and Wanderers.
Bittersweet…Unheard…Unconventional…Rebellious…Cheeky…Whimsical…Invisible. They’re not the words you often hear associated with the spiritual world, are they? Nevertheless, some of the most spiritual beings who have ever lived are those who have been most at odds with what we call the mainstream. They do not fit in. They have had moments of despair. And they know being truthful, and being real, is one of the greatest strengths and spiritual paths of all! They ask you to step out from the shadows, to no longer hide your light away, and to consult with an oracle that acknowledges your individuality and strange genius!
How’s that for a warm welcome?
So take a moment dear one to just breathe yourself back into your body. See your heart as a delicious magnet that pulls all the pieces of you back. Pieces you may have left in the bustle of getting ready for the holidays. Pieces that may be attached to an old hurt. Just allow your amazing heart magnet to pull them all back to you, here and now.
Then when you are ready, listen to the guided visualisation and then pick the card or cards that call to you.
Did you remember to pick?

Come see.

This sweet fairy is showing you a way through a barrier you have reached in your life. This may be in any area of your life – but it does feel that you have come up against a very solid obstacle. This gentle fairy, with her bright lantern, can take you to a place in this wall that has already come down, so you can move through this obstacle without force or fear. Your only requirement is to trust this fairy and then to take down several bricks after you have moved through so the wall between this world and the next, your love and your life, becomes slowly less and less solid. The wall is coming down: this is the fairy’s role, to help you move beyond the wall. Trust her. She will guide you.
Sometimes, people say you should be cautious about where information is coming from. And that is indeed true. I am simply holding up the lantern I carry and gently letting you see the likely outcome of the decisions you are making and offering a clear solution to the problem at hand. Something has come to an end. A true end, and you have, as they say, hit the wall. You could try digging under it, or climbing over it, or you could try taking down the wall brick by brick. But if you follow me, I can show you a place where the wall has already come down, and where you can move through this obstacle without pain. My guidance is safe, clear, and gentle. I am here to clear the way and light the path. It is up to you whether you make it harder than it needs to be.
Old patterns are being removed, little by little, but will need your trust. Old shielding against certain energies needs to be replaced and reworked, as it is no longer in line with what you wish for and in fact may be proving to be a barrier, which is keeping you isolated instead of protected. Trust where the light leads you – go where you can feel true love, kindness, and freedom. Avoid all that comes from anger, hatred, judgment, blame and ridicule.
Storms fly about her, electrical whips crack through the heavy air with their bites of fire, and she sits among them, hugging her hourglass, holding everything together till the force creating the change has done its work. When the Witch at the End of the World makes her appearance to you, you will know that something’s time has come. There can be no more delaying, for the change has begun. So the best thing for you to do now is prepare for this change. Find solutions to challenges that will come up when the change comes. You will be fine, by the way, and all will be well, but there will be a time of seeming chaos and difficulty. If you are prepared, and ready to let go and change, and let something end, the little witch’s countdown will not affect you as it will affect others who refuse to acknowledge that changes are coming and become fearful at their inevitable approach. There is nothing to fear, but plenty to prepare for. You will be safe, and well, and very ready to embrace the new world.
I am not wicked, but I am a witch, and changes are made when the world bends and shifts. I hold this hourglass up to you now so you know that the time for an ending is almost upon us. You can see the signs all about you – the strange weather, the hurricanes, the cyclones, the earth changes all about us – but so many simply say I am wicked for showing you this. They blame me for what they call the catastrophes, and they ignore the signs. They are with you, and it is time to be ready. We are all about to experience a huge change – and it will be for the better. But while we hold on to the old, the storms will blast us, and the land will shift, and self-healing will look like destruction.
There is nothing to be frightened of; only a voyage to weather, and you’ll make it through to the other side of the storm. The changes are part of our journey to a fifth-dimensional world, of the shift to a more peaceful planet, where shadows and light are loved and accepted. All is well.
Here she comes to gather up your heart’s sore pieces and place a sweet bandage on the place that is most wounded. And this one tender gesture does more to heal you than could a thousand years of therapy. It’s time for small kindnesses to be received, for you to know that the little gifts of friendship and sweetness are the ones that will assist you most at this time.
Allow yourself to be treated gently, to be attended to with kindness, and to be hugged. Allow yourself to accept that this is a time when you need to take good care of yourself. You are healing, and on the mend, but do not undo her medicine by forcing yourself to hurry up and get over it!
When you have heartache, it is important to treat yourself well: take time away from the flurry of shoulds you are so often confronted with. Why not take some time to snuggle on the couch with a favourite old movie, and have a sniffle. Have a long, comforting bath, and be sure to make a promise to yourself to let close people who are worthy of you and of your love! It is not about being bitter or guarded, but you are a sensitive and tender sweet being, and some people are just…not! So now is not the time for harshness. Soft blankets, sweet dreams, long baths, and a reduction of the harsh energy around you are best.
Then the Mend A Broken Heart Fairy can fly in to soothe you….. You will feel her presence, and she will lift the pain, until all that is left is sweet, gentle wisdom!
It’s time to be brave.
The Fairy of the Highlands does not want to fight; she feels it is not in hernature. She wants to resolve disputes peacefully. But she will fight if it must come to that. And she is showing you now that you too have the means to stand up for yourself – even though you have almost chronically avoided conflict and allowed others to take advantage.
It is time to take up this sword, step into that part of yourself that knows how to take a stand, speak the truth, and not back down when the threat of conflict looms. It may seem unnatural, and wrong, and frightening, and this little fairy knows it. But it is time; and this giving up of what you have worked so hard for in order to avoid conflict or confrontation is no longer right. Take the stand, and hold up the word.
The time of truce is over. It is time to speak your truth and be strong. People have been taking over your ground, wanting what you have worked hard for, without doing the work themselves. They have done so by taking advantage of your peaceful nature. But enough is enough. Sad as it is, it is time to change this, to cut away the cords between you and those who have taken so much, and now you will go into battle. Yes, it is sad. Yes, the Highland Fairy is sad for you. But do not allow sorrow and guilt to neglect self-protection.
Honour yourself, raise your sword, and do not back down!…………………………………..
Woosah! Delicious and clear and interestingly enough 2 of these cards have turned up at this exact same time two years ago. So there is a message there!
Anyhow, delicious lovely. Blessings on your holiday season. Don’t forget the Guidance for 2022 is available for the next wee bit as is the Book of Winter Solstice.
May you be well, May you be safe, May you be at peace, May you live with ease.
See you next year. Big hugs and squeezes!