Happy Marvelous, Magnificent, Magickal. Merry, Musical, Moony, March Monday!
There is so much to natter about this week it’s fabulous! We have the glorious Spring Equinox (Ostara) coming up on the 20th/21st, as well as the Worm Full Moon on the 18th and how Ritual provides a delicious space amidst shifting energies.
Many of you have been reaching out asking if you can still take advantage of the Spring Equinox reading special and if it is still available. You bet! Until Monday March 21st at midnight you can take advantage of two new readings to help you set your seeds of intention for Spring. And yes (to all the questions), the Ostara Magickal Guide, filled with lore, card reading spread, rituals, spellwork and yumminess will be available until that time as well. Phew!
Okay seriously, I have to ask, who doesn’t want to celebrate Spring?
As a kid Spring time was filled with woodland flowers and baby lambs popping out everywhere and bouncing like mad fiends over the grass. Thus, I think that really nailed down the fact that I love Spring Equinox!
When I did this reading, there were glorious birds in my bird feeder, Fat robins hopping all over looking for luscious worms, and crows doing very vigorous mating dances! I took a wee wander around the newly dug garden and saw that the broad bean shoots were pushing up as well as the sweet peas! Everything is starting to reach, expand and grow!
After a wet, gray winter, the idea, the knowing and the full Trust that Spring is going to come is amazing. To me it is about NEW. New plants, new ideas, new ways of moving in the world and releasing the blaugh. This is the best time of the year to start new projects, focus your goals for the year, and plant the seeds for what you want to achieve. Don’t expect rapid movement, though, since things have to get going at their own pace (which could be fast, since many plants in spring seem to just appear from nowhere, but could also be slow, like a tulip poking its head gradually from the ground.)
Spring Equinox (also known as Ostara), after the goddess Eostre, is a fertility holiday, which celebrates the resurgence of life with such symbols as rabbits, cute little chicks and lambs (seeing any similarity to Easter symbols?)
This is a time when the goddess is the Maiden in all her youthful glory, the god is reaching manhood, and energy abounds. So why not tap into that energy to bring the light into your own darkness, if you have any? For example spring cleaning is not just about your home, it’s about removing old or negative energies accumulated over the dark winter months to prepare you for glorious growth. It’s about planting seeds of intention, seeds of growth, seeds of food – it’s about shedding that heavy winter coat and picking up something a tad lighter and a bit more fun.
Equinox is about looking at the Balance in your life.
Where are you over giving? What is out of alignment? In The Creatrix Circle this weekend we had our Equinox Gathering and it was magnificent! And there was a beautiful exercise of looking at what you receive with your left hand and what you give with your right – and are they in Balance. Are you in Balance?
This energy also ties into the gorgeous Full Moon in Virgo that happens on Friday, March 18th, aka The Worm Moon.
Why the Worm Moon? It’s called this because the earth is thawing and robins are greedily pulling up lovely fat earthworms and gobbling them down! (Now if that doesn’t conjure up the image of Spring for you, lol!)
March’s Moon cycle is considered the final Moon of Winter. The Spring season is upon us and with it, new life and excitement.
The Worm Moon spiritual meaning reflects the fresh starts taking place everywhere you look!
Tiny buds are pushing their way up through the earth, filling your heart and soul with pure joy. Birds, squirrels, and other critters scurry about and you wonder if they feel the same hope and anticipation you do.
Whether physically or metaphorically, it’s time to plant seeds that we can harvest and reap the rewards of later this year. What hard work and energy can you do now to help out your future self? This is the time to get deeply detailed on what your goals are, and harness focused energy towards your specific goal.
As the days continue to grow longer and brighter, earthworms begin to make an appearance as the soil warms and softens. Birds, enthralled with new feeding opportunities, descend upon them. More evidence that Spring is close at hand. During these spirited days in March, we celebrate the Full Worm Moon.
These small signs indicate the dark cold days are ending and a new season is now beginning. Earth is awakening from its deep Winter rest.
March’s Full Worm Moon spiritual meaning is full of optimism, hope, and new beginnings.
Thus both Spring Equinox and The Worm Moon are glorious times to set strong intentions and anchor them in with ritual.
I often get asked how to “do” rituals and why they are important.
To me a ritual is an intention made manifest, it’s that place of connection with the Divine, Universe, God/Goddess or however you chose to name it. In other words, a ritual takes an idea, thought or emotion and gives it a physical form in the world.
It’s important as the teutonic plates of our life shift, to take the time to mark that point. That point of change, that point of pause, that point of celebration or grief.
So for example when I invite or suggest that perhaps at certain times there are things that you might want to write down, release and burn – guess what? That’s a ritual. When you sit down at New Moon and write your wishes/intentions out, guess what? That’s a ritual.
All it took was a brief moment of time, paper, pen and something to light either a candle or the paper with. When you consciously put your crystals into the moonlight, on fresh dirt or in a bowl of salt water and whisper a blessing over them – that’s a ritual.
When you gather various herbs together, cast a circle of salt, call in the directions, offer up a spell or prayer – that is ritual. Are you with me?
To me ritual allows your body, your cells, your essence to understand your intention. Does that make sense?
Remember energy follows intention and where your energy flows, results show.
Can you feel it? Can you feel the energy beginning to surge and inviting you to move forward (or I like to think of it as Springing forward)!
When I went to the cards and asked who felt impelled to guide this week and help us with the gorgeous Spring Equinox and Full Moon energy I was surprised to see the Oracle of the Shapeshifters.
For a brief moment I was perplexed as to why they were adamant to come and guide and then I remembered and nearly laughed my soxs off! If these glorious guides are new to you, let me please introduce them (as that is the polite thing to do)! “These are the magickal familiars, once the companions of shamans, witches, wizards, and wise ones – and now they are here for you. Now is the time for you to undertake a great quest – to rebirth yourself within this lifetime and this quest of evolution does not need to be faced alone. We change and we change again. We fear change. Yet it comes. For us to fear change is as foolish as winter crying for the coming of spring. Change is. Fear corrupts. These guides are here to support, encourage and help you through transformation and to teach you to let go of fear. True , deep change must take place for you to fulfill your soul contract. You may have turned from possibility to what you have convinced yourself is probable: You diminish your possible self, reduce who you are, and dilute your spirit. But even when you have sought to remain invisible and hidden away, and said yes to everyone else, life will find you – and transform you. You are never alone with these beings.” Phew! So there we have it, are you ready?
The crystals that wiggled and jiggled to come and play are Apatite, Angelite and Chrysocolla. And of course with Equinox just days away the lovely Spring flowers wanted to participate, so we have a cheerful pansy, a dashing daff and a gentle grape hyacinth! (Who could ask for anything more).
Ready? I invite you to breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth for a few deep, long breaths. As you breathe, see in your mind’s eye gorgeous roots pushing down into the earth as it warms, connecting, grounding and supporting. Breathe this way for however long you have and when your shoulders have relaxed away from your ears and your jaw is loose, pick the card or cards that resonate for you at this time.
Did you remember to pick?

Let’s have a look shall we?

This sweet faery being holds within her arms a fierce, loyal, and very strong Rottweiler who will keep all predators and bullies at bay. He is unwaveringly devoted to protecting his faery friend – and to protecting you. The Loyal Guardian is so powerful that he is unable to be hurt, and he will stand guard and watch, growl at, fight, and even kill any who attempt to harm you at this stage. There is fierce, protective magick surrounding you or another one with you who is fragile.
Think of yourself as a newborn: Babies are at their most vulnerable after transitioning from the sea of the womb to the world of breath and air. You are making a huge change, and this makes you vulnerable. When you are rebirthing, changing your life, you need mentors and strong, calm guardians to assist you in moving into a world that seems full of danger. With my steadfast, calm, confidence, you will be safe. You can face the changes and the threats without becoming overwhelmed or rushing back to the familiar, less sensitive state because it seems safe.
You will have with you energetically at this time a very protective guardian. There may be some new people or situations in your life that make you feel threatened, uncertain, and uncomfortable. This wariness has been noted, and this shapeshifter in the form of a large, devoted, and very powerful companion will be at your side, sniffing out danger, sounding an alarm at any threat, even readying to fight for you, should it come to that. If there has been bullying or behaviour that has intimidated you, you have someone on your side who will not let you down and who will not let you face this alone.
This mysterious magickal companion will help you to find out what lies beneath the stories and beliefs you hold. She will show you the Universal laws that are being played out and the truths of situations that may have been hidden by the detail that can sometimes cloud our wisdom. She also will indicate some new and interesting ways of producing energy, growing food, receiving energy and nutrition and renewing yourself. She will take you deep and show you dark jewels of the self, help you to take certain things seriously and fearlessly, and show you that the monsters you feared can be rendered harmless.
There are alternative energy sources. There are solutions to your every dilemma. There is a truth beneath so much of the mystery. There is so much undiscovered in the world, in the great beneath. Just as the world has so many creatures and beings that walk among you undiscovered, you, too, have deep, hidden potentials. I am here to show you that there are places you must go that you have feared exploring – that you must go deeper, dig down, down into your own self, and explore alternatives in the world.
New discoveries about your own capabilities are happening now. The energy you send and receive becomes known to you; you see the relationship between what you feel, send, and create in your own life. It all becomes; where once it was frightening, now you can see the beauty of this responsibility. A radical truth. You are responsible. It’s time to play with the wise wizards like Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein and know that you are fully supported, growing, expanding as you explore and create a new way of being for yourself.
Sometimes the transition between one cycle or stage and another is easy, fluid, flowing, and smooth. At other times it is rough, harsh, cruel, and painful. It is inevitable that, if we are truly alive, we will experience discomfort and challenges when confronted by the unfamiliar. This is no curse – it is evidence of wisdom being taught to us.
We change. We alter ourselves. We adapt. We choose. We become. You are now being shown a way and the gifted magickal tools to strengthen yourself while you develop your skills. You are also being sent a trusted companion to guide you through the deep forests of change. You feel very vulnerable, and there is fear in your heart. But why would there not be? Life is full of transitions, shifts, and epic moments when we can choose between our best self and the tired, conditioned, most often deflated self. In these time of change, there is no map, no guidebook, no previous knowledge to comfortably fall back on.
One cycle has ended. When a cycle changes or when we choose to create change courageously be challenging our limited self-beliefs, questioning our attachments to “truths”, or releasing our attachment to the way in which our lives “should” manifest, we are, either by choice or by contract, undergoing an initiation. A new friend, advisor, or piece of information will empower you. You must now shift the focus from what you fear to what you wish to become and face what it is that is frightening you needlessly.
It will not kill you. It might hurt a bit, but results will make it worth it!
Wowzer! Well there we go delicious lovely, what a fabulous reading for this glorious Equinox and Full Moon energy! Wishing you a stupendous week filled with bright Spring flowers, sunshine and ease. Remember if you want to create a memorable Equinox, grab the amazing Ostara Magickal Guide, and if you want to go deeper you can join us in The Creatrix Circle, or take advantage of the Spring Equinox Reading Special. Have a glorious week, remember to smile and laugh often and don’t forget to practice gratitude! Huge hugs and squeezes.