Happy Magickal, Mystical, Merry, Magnificent, Manifesting Monday! How are you delicious lovely? How has your week been?
Mine was fab until the wee hours of Friday morning (4:30am) Where I got taken out by a goose and ended up with concussion! (Seriously, you really can’t make this shit up!) So I spent a few days feeling dazed, confused and forgetting appointments, which really irritated me, but what bothered me more was having to say “Sorry, got smoked in the head by a goose at 430 in the morning.” There were many sideways glances, to say the least!
Ah well, life happens lol.
I had an interesting question from a client where she was talking about all the “energetic themes”, and how confused she was as to which one to pay attention to. As we dug deeper she was getting a tad irate and saying “There is a seasonal energy, there is an elemental energy, then you share the shamanic energy of the month, I love my monthly energy reading but there are the moons as well – which do I fucking pay attention to?”
Aaaahhhh, grasshopper. Good question. Pay attention to what resonates for you. You don’t have to take all of them on, unless you understand how they weave or are at least willing to play with the weaving.
Here’s my personal example:- Okay, we are in early Autumn and the element is Water, the Divine Feminine, communication, creativity, connection, expression (think second chakra). I take that as the umbrella as this spans a few months. Then under that gorgeous umbrella I work with the shamanic energy of the month (which we will explore in a mo), as that gives another broad brush stroke to what to allow to perk and play. Then I have my own monthly energy reading, which shows what under those two gorgeous canopies will play out for me personally. Then of course there are the energy of the new moon and full moon, and those both come under all the rest. It’s not complicated and it shouldn’t cause stress – it’s more a case of looking at the broad vision and then bringing it into yourself. Does that make sense?
So for example we have the element of Water in play right now, yes? Which we have referenced above now let’s look at the Shamanic Energy for October:- REWRITING YOUR STORY. The best person to explain this is Lena – Do you love every aspect of your life? Do you love what is happening in the world, on our planet, with your friends and loved ones? Do you wake up every day and feel that everything is perfect and right and you would not have it any other way?
If you answered yes, you are a rarity, as most of us have aspects of our lives that could be much improved and there are parts of our personal story and what we see happening in the world that we would give anything to change.
This month we have the opportunity to shift the cycle of feeling victimized and imprisoned by our story and to put into action our dreams for a better future. This is not going to happen passively. This is an active time of releasing the old story, the attachment to suffering, blaming and complaining, and resetting the patterns to begin manifesting a new dream and living a new story. It seems simple when put into words. However, the attachment to the comfort zone, no matter how unsatisfying it is, can be an enormous challenge to overcome. We simply do not believe we have the power to rewrite our story. Our story is the product of a set of rules, some conscious and some unconscious. In order to rewrite our story, we need to change and rewrite our rules.….. to read more, you can find Lena here.
Okay, so do you see how the element of Water, the Divine Feminine, emotions, communication now feeds into REWRITING YOUR STORY? Then my personal energy report for the month is all about shifting, celebrating and communicating in a way that is a tad more aligned and challenging. (Which again ties in to the two tiers above). Then if we look at the New Moon we just had in Libra, which was about balance, communication etc. Voila! It’s like making a glorious cake with multiple layers. The cake wouldn’t be as amazing without each piece. Yes? Does it become clearer now for you?
Phew, I hope so! If not, let me know. (I could still be dazed and confused from a goose attack lol).
Enough chuntering, let’s go see who wants to work with you this week. When I went to the cards, there were two decks that wiggled and jiggled and then one bounced the other out of the way (cheeky monkey’s). The Oracle of the Dragonfae were most clear – they had messages and guidance they wanted to share. Now if these guides are new to you, please let me introduce them:- These guides are the magickal and mystical that weave through the threads of every day, they are the Dragonfae, Gods and Goddesses who dwelt in dimensional lands….Eden, Avalon, Ys, Atlantis and Mu, they are Morgan, Guenevere, Merlin and others – fully alive and filled with magick! They are the deliciously magickal beings that have always been there, we just forgot, and when we connect with them, we reconnect with the lost parts of ourselves, allowing us to fully explore the gift of life on this beautiful green and blue planet, known by some as Gaia, by others as Dana, and by many other names.
The crystals that wiggled and jiggled are:- Amethyst – aids healing and intense spiritual growth, also a gorgeous stone of protection. Chrysocolla – revitalises and balances the base, navel and solar plexus chakras. Lepidolite with Micca – One of the best mood stabilizers, it doesn’t require a prescription and side effects include a sense of calm and tranquility during times of stress and chaos.
So are you ready? Are you ready to at least perk Water and Rewriting your story? Breathe little one, take a big breath out through your mouth and then a deep inhale through your nose. Hold for 4 and then sigh it out. Let the cares and worries drop to the ground. Remember you are part of the Divine. You are connected to Heaven and Earth. If you need some help remembering that there is a cool guided visualisation for you.
As you breathe, ask yourself what tiny piece of your story are you willing to rewrite? Breathe that in. Breathe that out and then slowly back in. When you’re ready, pick the card or cards that whisper, nudge or jump out at you.
Did you remember to pick?
Let’s go look.
Dear one, never be surprised at the ways in which your connections to the Mother and to the Earth are being birthed into the world. If you are experiencing prophetic dreams, sift through the images, and the messages and know that all insights are worthy of attention, and most especially your own. The inner world and the Earth’s magick are both speaking to you, and wishing for you to answer. Do this by connecting with your own inner self. We know that you are searching for answers that are indeed within you, and that the path you are walking is not easy under your feet.
We all return to Her, the great Goddess, our Mother. The Earth wishes for you to reconnect with her in simple, pleasant and joyful ways – friends and food, laughter and love. Do not fear your own true self, your intuitive self. There are many words your people use for the truth of who you are, which can lead to confusion, and there has been fear and suspicion seeded in your minds, which can lead to mistrust.
Know from your true magickal self that you are a being of magick; with a unique blend of earth, air, fire and water magick making up your spirit. You are receiving messages – and yes, you also can hear them, just as we can “hear” each other’s thoughts before they have even developed into words. In time you will come to understand these silent ways of communicating and know the truth of your belonging to the old ways.
Know that all beings – plants, animals, and etheric – have so much to share with you. You are never alone.
Here I stand, offering to you the protection and safety of my guardian being, wanting you to know how very protected you truly are. Never need you fear again those who have done you harm. This is over, and never again will disrespect and tyranny blight your path and light. Know that from this moment on, I stand with you, as does this magnificent Moondragonfae guardian, and together we say you may live as you wish, you may love as you wish, you may worship as you wish. No longer will others who feel they know best have their way with you, in spirit, in your heart, in your body, in your eternal soul. You are a radiant being of moonlit power, and the Goddess, our Mother, is overjoyed at your brilliance, your wit, your beauty, your freedom.
I repeat. You are safe. You are protected. You are divine. All else is a lie.
Allow yourself to take flight, and explore the night and the freedoms it holds. The Moon cycles have much to reveal to you now, and as she wanes and waxes, and shines fully, you may stand beneath her and feel her rays shining through your every cell, filling you with natural magick that sustains your freedom, your true soul self, and brings you a warrior strength that by no means decreases your brilliance as a woman, or your femininity. Be receptive, and Aine will guide you to her magickal places, and this galactic Dragonfae being will help you see beyond our own star, the Sun, into the realms beyond. Your freedom and your self is as boundless as the night sky.
Celebrate yourself!
There is no true happiness without joy in being who you are. Over this next moon cycle, the forthcoming 28 and a half days, many opportunities will come to you to play, revel, dance and explore the moonlit and joyful part of yourself that has been truly too long neglected!
It is time to come forth from the place where you have been taking shelter and quiet time, and partake of the joy of good sweet company. Know that everyone, including the beings of the Dragonfae, is delighted and happy to know of your ability delight in your own self.
Celebrate, and we celebrate with you. Hail, joyful kindred spirit and be welcome to the feast!
Have a stupendous week. Play with the themes. Remember please, please. You are here for a purpose and you are part of the Divine. You are connected to Source and to Earth. Play with rewriting your story, play with the water energy and most of all – play! Laugh, smile, get outdoors and celebrate the colours. As next Monday is Thanksgiving here, I plan on a glorious explore and family time. I will see you the week after.
Massive hugs and squeezes!