Happy Marvellous, Magickal, Magnificent, Moodling, Manifesting Monday!
How are you? How are you feeling? In the wee hours of Sunday morning we were greeted with the Super New Moon in Scorpio, were you able to take some time and explore the energy of this most interesting New Moon (and the last New Moon prior to Eclipse season)? Remember you always have a few days either side of any more for introspection, ritual, magick making or just sitting with the energy for a while.
As Forever shares: “Whatever needs to come to the surface, especially on an emotional level is going to be stirred within us. We are going to feel the rainbow of emotions that make us human. The rainbow of emotions that in many ways, are our birthright.
We come to this planet to feel. We come into these bodies for a human journey in order to experience the array of emotions that are possible. It is through these emotions that art is created, that truths are revealed, that awakenings happen, and that love can bloom.
Under the dark night of the Scorpio New Moon, we are being guided to sit with ourselves and all of our emotions. We are being guided to allow the deepest of fears, loves, hopes, and dreams, to rise up from the pit of our belly, up and out into a new space of awareness.
It is our duty to sit with our thoughts and feelings as they arise, from a place of non-judgment. It is our job to recognize that we are not our feelings or our thoughts, we are the ones experiencing them.
Lean into that idea a little longer – you are not your emotions, you are simply the one that is experiencing them.
Your emotions, your thoughts, your story, are not who you are. They are simply the cloak that you wear as you travel from room to room on this journey called life.
As we enter the darker depths of the murky Scorpio waters, it may not feel comfortable, but it is indeed, necessary. Sometimes we have to do what is uncomfortable, sometimes we have to face whatever is lurking within the shadows of our own fears and doubts. For when we do, we gain so much. In those moments of wading through what is uncomfortable; when we realize and see fully and wholly our greatest pains, we gain a strength and a wisdom.”
Now for some of you that may feel rather “dark”, which is just a perception. As we are all aware – there can be no light without darkness and the darkness isn’t “Bad”, as it is often portrayed in many media circumstances.
In fact the darkness is loving, soothing and often a time of incubation and restoration. The darkness holds a warm container for deep healing and spiritual evolution, if one is willing to play in that arena.
Here in the Northern Hemisphere we are heading to the shortest day of the year (Winter Solstice), and I have noticed that my body is responding like a tree. I’m pulling the energy up into my roots, down from my branches and into my core and spending more time in silence, witnessing and contemplation.
As I sat out yesterday late afternoon I watched the sky change, the light move from blue sky to grey dusk to dark and as I stood up I thought – gosh it must be late! It was only 5:45pm!! Yet I wanted warm, rich food. To go inside and snuggle with a good book or my knitting, to cocoon and contemplate. To write, to slow down and really connect with myself.
So let me ask – how do you welcome in the darkness into your life? Are you willing to welcome it in and explore it, or do you need to push it away. In essence turn on all the lights, the music and be active to avoid?
Something to ponder with the energy of this lovely New Moon in Scorpio. Perhaps do some journaling, or if you feel inclined set some New Moon intentions with the energy in mind. If you have never worked with New Moon wishes, I’ve got you covered.
And this New Moon provides some delicious energy to play with prior to the start of Eclipse season (which happens at the Full Moon this month). In fact in Creatrix Circle we are having an incredible Full Moon Gathering to work with the energy of the eclipse through ritual, magick and intention. As if you’ve been with me awhile you know that Eclipse time brings a lot of hidden things to the surface. However, we will unpack that next week, okay?
Okay, enough chuntering. When I asked the cards who wanted to come and guide this week I was tickled to see The Wild Kuan Yin Oracle jump up and down. These glorious guides have been quiet on the public front for quite a while. Now if these guides are new to you, please let me introduce them (as not to would be rude).
Within you beats a wild and compassionate heart, alive with fierce optimism. Your heart knows that love has the power to conquer fear. You have the courage to walk a path of transformation. You are not afraid to shed old skins to become more of your divine self. You dream of living your highest destiny with fearlessness and joy. You are one of the wild ones. You will not be tamed by convention. You will not be censored by the fears of others. You are not afraid to be different. You are not afraid to be open to life, to take risks for what you love, and most of all, to keep hope in your heart. When the loving peace of Spirit seems too far away from the troubles of the physical world the Divine Mother will hold your hands, close to your heart, or rest gently on your forehead. She will bring you comfort. She’ll remind you of your fire, your boldness, your unique beauty, your passion, your courage. She’ll guide you through even the darkest loss into the blessing of new life.
Absolutely perfect guides for this time! As who doesn’t need to be reminded of love? Oh yes and the gorgeous crystals and rose petals were also most adamant!
Okay gorgeous one, take a moment. Breathe. Breathe yourself back into your body and just BE for a moment. As you breathe, invite in the warm swirl of darkness that holds so much richness for you and allow it to wrap you in its warm embrace. Then whilst in this space pick the card or cards that call to you.
Did you remember to pick?

Let’s go see what needs to be shared, shall we?

In your heart a desire for union grows, an impulse to move deeper into love’s embrace. As you open your heart, I pour forth my healing balm and my blessing. It is never too late for love. It is never too late for joy. It is never too late for connection. As my blessings vests in your heart, a path will open up for you, leading you into love’s expansive landscape. You too shall be as enchanted in love as I am, cherished and adored, surrender in love. Love’s blessing and presence finds you now. You are worthy of such blessing and shall be safe in the joy of its embrace.
In the Tibetan tradition, the white silk scarf, known as the khata, is a positive symbol that augurs new relationships with blessings for good fortune It is a symbol of devotion, and is also a visual reminder of divine blessing granted for a successful transition into a new chapter of your life in whatever way that manifests, including through a new or deepened relationship. This is your khata from the Divine Mother, Kuan Yin. It is her acknowledgment of good intention and goodwill, of divine presence in new relationships, and is an auspicious gift for new beginnings. These blessings are very special and this oracle is a vessel carrying that blessing to you now.
To receive the blessing of the khata as fully as possible, intend to open your heart and allow love to have its way. This may mean that some relationships, unable to be healed at this time for whatever reason, need to be released. This is so you can grow and open your heart more freely to those able to love you the way you wish to be loved, to those able to receive your love the way you are able to give. Remain open to love’s will, whether you understand it or not, which you can do by centering yourself in your heart. Let your feelings guide you and trust in whatever is happening now in relationships or the new beginnings in your life. You are not required to do anything except receive the Divine Mother’s love.
I have a task for you. It is a sacred purpose burned in your heart, and you experience it as desire, as the big, bold dream that you may not dare to speak aloud. You must trust me and my power, for that is greater than any doubt or fear. I have created this task, this sacred purpose just for you. It will ask many things of you. You shall have to give up what you have been holding onto in order to open your arms to receive it.
In dropping your ideas of impossibility, and stepping into the joy of the journey, my beloved divine wild child, your destiny will be manifested through you rapidly, and all manner of miracles shall assist you on your way. Such fun you shall have in the process of discovering what you are capable of when your heart is open and you believe in me unconditionally! When you leap, do it with joy upon your lips as you squeal with glee, and know that even the trickiest ask shall be made attainable through my grace.
There is something you are meant to do. You’ve been growing towards it your entire life. All your life circumstances, lessons and situations have been teaching you valuable skills and wisdoms so that you are equipped for the tasks demanded by your divine destiny. You may know clearly what those tasks are, or they may as yet be a mystery to you. You may not be a big picture sort of person, preferring to focus simply on accomplishing the many smaller tasks before you each day. Even without the vision, this daily disciplined approach will lead you higher and higher until you have ascended the peak of your own personal mountain and can see the broader picture of how all those smaller tasks have prepared you for a bigger journey of passion and purpose.
For you to take this next step, whether it feels like the leap that will launch your destiny into an entirely new level of manifestation, or whether it just feels like the next step (and not a particularly significant one at that) on your journey, you are being guided. To truly take this next step, no matter how big or small you may imagine it to be, you must let go of doubt, fear, hesitation, judgement and control. Now that is no small task!
At a certain point in the journey, when we have learned to surrender judgement, and learned to open with increasing acceptance to all experiences that life delivers – even the ones we would prefer never to have to repeat – we will be ready for this new way to be.
You are being called to that place. It is simple but profoundly high in frequency. Whether you recognised it or not, there is a wellspring of joy within that never dries up. It is not always easy to feel it, and that is part of the mystery of human experience. Yet the time has come when another step is upon you and you need access to that joy within – the high frequency it releases within you – in order to take that next step on your life path.
There is nothing that is impossible. Approach your decisions from a place of joy. Follow your bliss. Do what you love and learn to hold love for your process, even if it is during a dark or challenging time. You are promised an outcome. Remain open in your heart and mind, and the Divine Mother shall orchestrate an offering according to the perfection of her joyful grace.
You know what you know. Even when you don’t know how you know!
I speak to you through that knowing.
The institution that is beyond logic. The feeling that has no physical proof as yet. The instinct to keep going, to trust yourself and take the journey before you. Even when you feel like you know too much, or are too sensitive, you do not need to shut down or try to protect yourself from feeling.
What will work better for you is to be open and truthful with all that you feel and resist nothing. It shall then simply flow, changing like the phases of the moon, naturally and without effort on your part. I will guide you and show you how to do this so that you will never be afraid- even of the passing experience of fear itself – and you shall become surrendered into life, moved by the moon, a living embodiment of grace in motion.
Something is happening. You cannot see it, but in your most sensitive and responsive moments you feel it. Others around you may not have any sense of it. You may be the one who can acknowledge the reality that is, as yet, still energetic, not quite yet obvious to a less attuned mind.
You may share your feelings with others, and they may accept what you say or see – or they may call you mad and reject it. Perhaps you may be keeping it to yourself because you don’t know what to do with the information or feelings you have, or are fearful that others will be afraid and judge you.
Don’t worry about this.
Explore your particular way of sensing energy. Don’t discount what you feel. Recognise, honour and be moved by it. You are gifted with an ability to feel what is before the conscious mind of others recognise it – a gift for perceiving what is going to be because you feel it in your bones. It is not prediction or guessing taking place, but attunement to the worlds of energy.
If you have been wondering if you can or should work with energy for healing or spiritual growth as a career or for personal development, this is confirmation of this. If you have been feeling more sensitive lately, even perhaps more emotional, and are wondering why – you are opening up psychically and intuitively, and becoming more receptive and conscious of subtle energies. These are the forces of spirit, mind and emotion, thoughts and feelings, that cannot typically be seen with the physical eyes but can be recognised and felt with other faculties of subtle perception.
Always call on the guidance that loves you unconditionally and then follow your feelings as they guide you along your divine life path with intelligent grace.
Oh how deliciously perfect for this moment in time! So gorgeous bean, I wish for you a most glorious week. If you feel inclined, take the time to play with the energy of the New Moon, plant some seeds in the darkness of the time and be gentle and kind to yourself and those around you. Oh yes, remember BIG mugs of hot tea and to BREATHE! Sending you huge hugs and squeezes. See you next week.