Happy Magickal, Mystical, Marvellous, Magnificent, Majestic, Merry, Manic, Manifesting Monday!
Hello delicious lovely! How are you? I am sooooo looking forward to Solstice and I have two Solstice gifts for you, which you will discover as you read and I want to wish you an amazing holiday season – however you celebrate and to say thank you. Thank you for being here, thank you for all your lovely emails and messages. Thank you for being you and sharing with me.
Solstice arrives on Wednesday the 21st and I am thrilled, as not only is it Solstice, it’s my youngests birthday!
But what does the energy of Solstice bring to you?
At the Winter Solstice, when the world appears to stand still, it can serve as a moment out of time, an opportunity to reconnect with our own souls once again.
I found a beautiful quote years ago that really epitomises this energy.
“As the nights get longer, I find myself whispering dreams and knowings, letting them surface in the gentle dark. Things which can’t yet bear the light of day can find their way to the surface of my being where I can begin the tentative work of exploring and holding and breathing them in.”
There’s a very special stillness about the season we are entering. Even though everything appears dead & frozen in the outside world, a new cycle is beginning. You can sense there is magic brewing deep down in the dark.
Winter is like being in the chrysalis stage in the evolution of the butterfly. It’s the time when the caterpillar is wrapped up quietly, in the dark of her cocoon. To the outside world it doesn’t look like anything is happening. (And this is one of the most challenging things about embracing rest: to the outside world it doesn’t look like anything is happening. Our brains scream at us, telling us “you’re not doing anything. You’re wasting your time.”)
But actually, deep in the dark, a quiet transformation is happening: the caterpillar is evolving into a magnificent butterfly.
This is the same transformation your spirit, and all of nature, is undergoing this season. To the outside world life is still & quiet, there’s no movement. You don’t see anything meaningful happening.
But in the darkness, hidden deep inside, a powerful transformation is occurring. You are evolving into a whole new place in your life.
It’s a time of Dreaming.
Dreaming up the dreams of everything that will grow in your life this year. Dreaming up new plans, new ideas, new ways of being that will blossom & grow, and become bountiful harvests in the year ahead. The dreams of everything to come this year are being sparked in your winter’s rest.
Winter is the season when things are revealed by turning deep within yourself. Embracing the quiet & the darkness – recognizing that you don’t need to do anything for the magic to unfold.
This is the season of receiving.
Are you willing to receive?
The first gift I have for you is the delightful story of the Yuletide Faeries, a wonderful story to read as an adult, share with children or grandchildren.
The second gift I have for you is a 20 minute guided visualisation called Winter Solstice – Heart Weaving. This lovely guided visualisation walks you into the warm dark, and you are going to meet some amazing guides and allies. Come dance with archetypes, myth, healing and shamanic transformation. And start dreaming into the space to weave something new.
And of course the delicious B.O.W.S (Book of Winter Solstice) is available to you as well.
Let’s crack on with the reading. When I went to the cards and asked who wanted to share this week I nearly cried. What perfect guides for this time. Blessed Be. Please let me introduce you to Blessed Be as these guides may be new to you. “May these cards and guides offer you ways to enter into deeper appreciation of your life and its manifold blessings. May you have hope, understanding and kindness. And most of all, may you know deep within your soul, that thou art blessed.”
Oh my gosh, positively perfect.

Did you remember to pick?
Shall we go look?

A blessing to help soothe the mind at storm with itself, and bring about calm and peace once again.
When you awaken, and trouble is sitting there, with you, right on your shoulder, speaking to you of all you must fret and be fearful of, let this blessing come to you, and be felt truly in your mind, where the turbulence has reigned for too long now.
Let the quiet of the natural day steal in, let the soft call of your spirit whisper to you that you have worried too long, and that it is time to set down your burden and let the angels and spirit beings deal with what cannot be unravelled by the labyrinth of thought.
Let it go, and let it be, for it is not for you to do what others will not, cannot, or remain ignorant of. It is for you now, to care for you. Let peace, that quiet blessing, softly take up residence in your mind, and speak calming words to you, soothing every objection your mind at war with the world creates.
Let the nurturing of the Mother, the planet herself, who loves you so and cares so much for you, take hold, and take root within your mind. Let yourself do only what must be done this day, and be very kind and very gentle all this time with yourself.
Speak softly, remove yourself from anything that provokes the disquiet unnecessarily, and calm yourself through the taking of moments to soothe yourself. Let your mind release, one by one, those terrible thoughts that have tortured you. Let your body relax, and move, and in the movement free yourself from the stress and tension. Let the idea of being at war with the world, isolated and alone, go, and for a time, seek out only those who show kindness and sensitivity to you.
Be patient with yourself, and in this patience, let the blessing of deep peace be yours.
A blessing for when we find ourselves lost and unsure of which way to go.
Whichever direction we turn in seems as dense and dark as the other. There is no one to show us the way. There is no light with which to see the path. There is no map for where you find yourself. When we find ourselves in that space where we are utterly bereft of where to turn, of what to do, of whom to trust, let this blessing help you find your way once again.
You once knew where you were headed. You once knew who you were. You once could trust in that inner compass that would help you turn and walk to the true north of your life.
May you surrender to this moment, and let yourself be still and quiet a while. May you seek not to move, but to observe, and to feel, and to come back into connection with yourself.
May you feel the reweaving of yourself with yourself, and as you do this, may you be blessed with the sight to pierce the darkness and see what lies ahead. When that moment comes, may you begin to feel your compass stir, and turn, and point to a path. May you begin to rediscover who you are, and in that rediscovery come a knowing of what the person you are must do next.
May a sense of relaxed and graceful certainty begin to deliver you from this period of vulnerability, yet let the gifts of understanding and compassion, of the inner knowing which can unite us all, be with you always.
Allow your core to speak to you again. For its voice was dulled by the noise of the world, and the apparent certainty of knowing who we are. When we lose that, we can finally have the moment in which we can see the soul, clearly, without bias and cliche.
We find ourselves, through the loss of who we thought we were, and where we thought we ought to go. May this process bring the re-enrichment blessing of your own self.
A blessing for connection with the land, for strong bodies and bones, for blood that flows bright red with energy, for grain to harvest and good food upon your table.
May you be blessed by the element of earth. May your body possess vigour and vitality, and may you feel the natural world alive within your own skin and bones. May your home grow up out of the earth and be solid upon it, and may the land upon which it rests offer its energy of solidity, strength and endurance to you for many years to come.
May the food upon your table overflow with nwyfre – the vital force of all things that truly have life-force, and may you share this food with those who bring to you great joy in being alive in this form this lifetime.
May your eyes shine and see, your legs walk straight upon the earth, and your feet go softly upon the path you tread.
May all the beauty and wildness and strength of Nature find expression through your life and your connection to the earth, and may the great mother of us all, the land, from whom you born and to whose womb you will return, offer you nourishment and strength all the days of this life.
May the ancestors within the earth send forth their wisdom to you, guide you, comfort you and encircle you with your soul family in times of trouble. When times are good, remember them, for they have been with you always.
May you feel the love of the earth, may you feel its protection, its nourishment, its comfort and finally, when you rest again within her arms, may she rebirth you gently into the next lifetime, ready to enjoy her pleasures more deeply.
Ahhh, my heart is filled with joy as I see the cards my guides picked. Wishing you an amazing holiday season. Please help yourself to the free gifts and there are 2 spots left for Opening the Doors on 2023. I am going to spend time being like a caterpillar in a cocoon and relax, rest, read and play. See you in January. Big hugs and big love. I hope your holiday season is filled with ease, rest and laughter. Thank you.