Happy Mischievous, Mysterious, Melodious, Magnificent, Manifesting, Magnetic, Moony, Marvellous Monday!
How has the Eclipse energy been treating you?
We had the Taurus Blood Moon eclipse on Saturday and so many people were reaching out saying “this is tough, WTF!”
Okay, let me give you some Coles Notes on this Eclipse as it ties in with Samhain (which is tomorrow!) Yes, this was a Taurus Full Moon Eclipse, but it’s on the axis of Taurus and Scorpio.
Scorpio is stagnation energy, shadow work and this whole eclipse is inviting you to purge, purify, detox and slow the fuck down. Pay attention to what’s being revealed or you will miss the magic.
Shadow work is where the gifts are and most of us spend 60% of our energy keeping the trapdoor closed on any “shadow work” as we perceive it as negative. It’s not!
This is the time of Shadow work, Ancestral Work, Womb Work, a deepening in and an inward journey. Just saying. It’s also the time to work with the gorgeous archetype of Hekate as she sits at the crossroads.
We had a glorious gathering in Creatrix Circle yesterday to walk into the energy of Samhain, invited in Hekate and the Ancestors.
With Samhain happening tomorrow you need to understand (or not).
We are beckoned to connect more deeply with our inner worlds and the ancestral realms.
The ancestors are near.
The ancient ones are communing with us in long-forgotten tongues.
They are speaking through the fire—through the crackle of wood, the dance of smoke, the burning of herbs.
They are helping us to remember who we truly are and the ancestral medicine we hold.
The elements are our ancestors, too, holding us in the eternal memory of what it means to be children of the earth.
If you have a loved one that has crossed over, on Samhain night say a special prayer, or do something to remind you of them. Eat their favourite food, or light a candle in their name.
And beyond reaching out to passed loved ones, make time to acknowledge the “deaths” both great and small in your life. There are so many things that have “died” this year, so honour the ones that matter most to you, even if they are a little painful.
Look to nature for guidance, as it is always showing us how it dies and rebirths itself again and again.
What if on Samhain you chose to release stuffing your shadows and really embrace, love and trust all the different parts of you that work together as you live your most creative, honest and beautiful life?
What if you actually remember and embrace all you are – a wholeness? Remembering the important life lessons that have come our way, such as: – I remember that masks that stay on too long will stick to my skin. I remember I always have a choice. I remember that if I am asked to keep a piece of me hidden, this is not where I belong. It’s about diving into your core values and living them.
So, when I went to the cards and asked who would like to guide and teach this week I nearly snorted tea out of my nose when I saw who was most adamant. (Seriously you can’t make this shit up!)
This is the first time these guides have come out to play in public. I will say it is one of the sets I have been using everyday since they insisted on taking them home (which funnily enough was 10 minutes before a Baba Yaga play.) And interestingly enough 4 of them wanted to join!
They use the word W.I.T.C.H – woman in total control of herself, and in a nutshell (as we are doing a brief into today). They invite you to become a disciple of inner devotion, resurrect the silver salvation of self-respect, believe in yourself and your wild holy heart like it’s a sovereign religion. As it is. And the world needs more missionaries.
Thus with the thought of wholeness, reclaiming the energy that you use to hide pieces of yourself or your pain, that sense of release – close your eyes down and just breathe. Just breathe, trust and allow this all to swirl. Then when you are ready, pick the card or cards that tug.
If you need a bit more guidance, come find your ancestors – as they have much to share with you.
Did you remember to pick?

Come see what the guides want to share with you.

Killer empathy is real. Most women never identify it, let alone unravel its suffocating grasp on their lives.
While empathy is a superpower, it is a double-edged sword. It enables you to be considerate of and cooperative with others, but on the other side of empathy is the rescuer, who, in her compassion, is determined to save those she loves and that which she cares about most.
This will lead her to sacrifice her time, energy and other resources in the name of fixing, saving, solving, helping and otherwise rescuing those people and situations she feels have a great need.
This side of empathy cuts deeply into her life force, often resulting in the haemorrhage of her time, vitality and creativity.
A W.I.T.CH, however, knows that her empathy must have boundaries.
She helps those who help themselves, jumping in to assist rather than save or fix. She trusts that others have their own guides and their own soul’s code to assist their journey, just as she does.
She’s willing to resist the impulse to care-take or rescue, allowing others the opportunity to grow, expand, and develop their own agency.
Now is the time to resist the urge to manage another’s experience and keep your precious empathic energy in balance.
You know that voice of the psyche that wants you to comply or conform in order to fit in, or shames you for being selfish, or tells you it’s honourable and responsible to deny your longing, demanding you fold your dreams away into a people serving shaped box?
It’s a predator you adopted as a family.
The voice condemning and convincing you that following your desires will hurt other people?
It’s inside you.
The call is coming from inside the house.
That predator is an unholy inquisitor. He might have first showed up outside of you in your original home, church or school, and most certainly in our culture as a whole.
But he is now alive as the inner patriarchy.
It’s the force that wants to control you in order to keep you small and unthreatening.
It’s moved into the psyche, as it does generation after generation, if left unquestioned.
A W.I.T.C.H. knows it’s purposeful to speak truth to power, to stand up and march for justice, fairness and decency. But she is also determined to march on behalf of the girl inside of her living with a monster.
She is willing to take to the inner streets to clean up the injustice of bullying thoughts, blaming self-talk, and name-calling.
She speaks up for fairness when the internal predatory voice demands she please everyone else before herself.
She embodies fierce decency when her dreams or hungers or passions are shamed and belittled from within.
It is time to take a stand against the unholy inquisition of the psyche, and develop the tools to defeat the toxic patriarchy living there.
You deserve nothing less.
You are connected to all things.
Remembering this is part of your empowerment. Forgetting it is part of your diminishment.
When we honour our Earth as Mother, our Sky as Father and praise the wind cousins, the water ancestors, the stone family and the fire friends, we are taking our place in the great family.
The animistic way of being in the world is remembering that spirit lives in all things, not just humans.
This is a time to remember ritual as an act of inclusion. Ritual is your way of acknowledging your part in the Great Family.
Accept its blessings and be grateful for the ways life conspires to bless you.
The sun creates enough energy in one day to run all the machines of the planet for more than a thousand years.
There’s more oxygen available than you can ever breathe.
The water on this planet was the same water available to the dinosaurs, to Mary Magdalene, to Gandhi.
The planet you were born to is genius in both generations and regeneration.
We are sharing or squandering its riches, and the potential of our own psyche, in any given moment.
A W.I.T.CH. understands that when she praises the sunrise and sings to the moon, she is joining creation’s ongoing conversation.
She is unafraid to petition these forces for support and alliance, but starts first with the gratitude of all the blessings she didn’t have to earn: a place on the planet that is distinctively hers, with an abundance of natural resources she didn’t have to create.
Now is the time for ritual.
Put your gratitude and prayers into song or dance or the quiet intensity of a candle flame.
It doesn’t matter how you create a sacred moment for ritual, just that you do it.
Now is the time.
Death comes for all of us.
But this isn’t a death card; it’s a rebirth card.
It’s an invitation to clean and clear out what needs to end, in order to welcome the new.
What ideas or beliefs have become weighty? Overwhelming? Outdated? What thoughts no longer fit you? What convictions cause exhaustion or illness when you embody them?
Our Lady of Perpetual Rebirth is here to usher out the old and midwife the new. Pay special attention to your dreams. There are signs and symbols showing themselves to you right now that will indicate what wants to be loosened and released.
The new vision, new awareness, new life that is circling you right now will also send out strong signals. Pay attention.
Listen, watch, observe. This is a time to let go of what no longer serves.
A W.I.T.C.H. can welcome death with the same enthusiasm a moth displays when flying into fire.
She hurls herself towards her own endings, knowing her next beginnings live inside the fire of her passion, the heat of longing calling her forward.
Are you listening?
Holy Hannah, if those don’t make your jaw drop as super clear guidance messages at this time, then I have no clue what will. Wishing you a wonderful liminal time, I hope you peel off the masks and embrace your whole self. If you need more support with this celebration the Magickal Book of Samhain is available for one more week. Huge hugs and squeezes!