Happy first Monday in March! I keep telling myself Spring is coming, Spring is coming! (Albeit, with snow every day for the last 3, it doesn’t feel much like it). However, I think even the birds are aware it’s coming as every afternoon around 4ish I get serenaded by a delightful “crowcophany”. It’s as if every crow in the area comes flying in, chattering away and then roosts in the large cluster of cedar trees behind me. As they settle their noise changes from a caw, to a hilarious kind of plunking sound. Have you ever heard it? It’s quite good fun, it makes me giggle. It’s as if the crows are telling each other jokes and then laughing.
The crystals that wanted to come play this week are black snowflake obsidian, angelite and mookite, all with very different energies and meanings, and of course Selenite which is a fabulous amplifier. As I was preparing for this reading a phrase from A Course in Miracles came to me: “Would you be hostage to the Ego or host to God?” In other words, Littleness and Magnitude are the choices open to your striving and your vigilance. You will always chose one at the expense of the other. The Ego represents littleness, taking the easy way out, giving over to overwhelm, trying to be like the other 80% and holding onto your past. I would never wish Littleness for you, instead I would invite you to be host to God and celebrate your magnitude, your purpose, your passion and how scrumptiously gorgeous you are. So with that in mind are you willing to come on a little explore, possible adventure? I promise there will be no sharp objects to bump up against, let’s go play, I’ve created a fun little visualisation for you.
So with your magnitude whirling around you, take a breathe and pick a card.
Ready to go see?
What wild unconventional voice is calling to you? Can you hear it? It is so different so unusual, it might be hard to decipher – like hearing an unfamiliar language for the first time. It might be hard to discern with great clarity now but there is an affinity between you and this strangely beautiful newness seeking to manifest.
There is a stirring at the deepest level within you. Something new will break through and the process of this birth may be a shock to you. The shock will transform into great joy and a sense of tremendous liberation, but you must bear the strangeness first. That strangeness might be something that rattles your beliefs about yourself and your world, daring you to become more of yourself, more open to where life is leading you and more willing to be the unique sacred art being crafted by the hand of the universal creator. This is life creating the stage upon which you will experience greater fulfillment. Don’t reject it, no matter how small or insignificant, or how powerful and life-changing it may seem to be.
You are being asked to dispense with your reliance on the past and what have been your tools to navigate life. You have outgrown your old methods. You will have to fly by the seat of your pants, so to speak, as you experiment with new ways to be. Life will show you the way.
It is safe for you to become naked with life. This doesn’t necessarily mean stripping off and running wild in public. It does mean stripping back your beliefs, strongholds and mental or emotional security blankets so that you can live with less obstruction than ever before. Imagine the conditioning that has kept life away from you, just kept it dropping out of your hands like keys, coins or clocks. Conditioned beliefs about money, time, security, having, locking away, holding and controlling can be surrendered and allowed to fall away. What would it be like to feel as though you were on holiday every day?
Sometimes we need our defences. At other times, it is clear we are outgrowing them. There is something that you have outgrown. It has to do with your ideas about productivity, time, control and money. It has to do with abundance, trust and living with the fundamental belief that everything is going to turn out okay. You are ready to be much more vulnerable and exposed in life. You don’t have to hide behind being organised, perfect, in control or financially secure and stable.
Likewise, you are being stripped of internal beliefs that are failing you, perhaps externally as well. Whether this seems to be your choice or not, make no mistake, it is your own spirit in cahoots with the loving spirit of life that has brought this situation about. You are being guided to trust!
Sometimes we believe what others tell us we are, as though the self we see reflected back to us through their eyes is truth. You have been putting rather too much faith in the reflections others have of you – to the point that you might not be honouring all that you are and all that you are becoming, because you believe too little of yourself.
You are to begin to develop the art of direct perception. This is the ability to recognise yourself not only in the eyes of others, but from how you feel about yourself, how you experience yourself and how you observe yourself (with compassion and kindness) from within. This is a step towards a radical empowerment that does not require perfection in order for you to recognise you are loveable and have much to offer. It is empowerment based on the acceptance of all that you are.
If you are getting confused about who you are and your motives or actions based on what others are saying or how they are responding to you, step back. In your quest to be a responsible person, you may be unintentionally taking on the feelings of others, making their reflections of you more than they are in truth. More often than not reflections are more about the state of the reflector than what is being reflected. Let those external perceptions go. Can you just acknowledge yourself? Do so and be free!
Wishing you a glorious week. Remember to step into and celebrate your magnitude at every opportunity, the world needs you! Magnitude is available in an instant. Believe that you are. Believe you can handle it. Believe you are not alone. Huge hugs and if I could make the plunking sound of a crow I would, to remind you to laugh!
Wow thank you Jenny – this was amazing! Thank you for all this timely confirmation that was so beneficial ox
So glad to hear that Shell!