Happy Magickal, Moonlit, Majestic, Manifesting March Monday! How are you delicious lovely? The first day of Spring is almost here and I can most certainly feel the energy building and getting ready to bud – I’m so excited, kinda wiggly like a labrador puppy! We have so much to explore this week (and this is why I am creating something new where we can go deep into all sorts of things as it’s tricky to write about them all in one post!) Also there will be two glorious Equinox bundles (for the Northern Hemisphere and one for the Southern hemisphere) being released on Friday, packed full of rituals, magick, ideas, information and all sorts of goodies to help you really plant strong seeds and step into this powerful energy!
Okay, we have just had International Women’s Day, today is a Full Moon in Virgo, Why you need to Watch Your Words and Spring Equinox is only 10 days away!!!
Yesterday was International Women’s Day! Did you know that the first International Women’s Day occurred in 1911, supported by over one million people? (Think about that, the year alone). Why do we celebrate IWD? We celebrate this global day of recognition to acknowledge and celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women and girls, and to raise awareness of the work left to be done. I love the “theme” for this IWD – An equal world is an enabled world. So strike the pose of holding your arms horizontally in front of your body and make the “equal” sign with them. Think what our glorious world would look and feel like if we empowered all genders to be equal, enabled and embraced! Whoot!!
Today is a glorious fat, delicious Full Moon in Virgo which will shine a light on any area of our lives that has been hidden or ignored for too long. We may discover new realisations, or find ourselves feeling the need to purge and release the past so we can move forward. It’s a delicious time under this glorious Super Moon to accept ourselves, our lives, and the circumstances we find ourselves in. Remember acceptance allows space for healing and moving forward.
As Lena shares:- “ This is a practical moon good for supporting discrimination and discernment. Spend some time taking an inventory of your resources. Identify the ones that are not really resources, the ones that are already spent, the ones that need to be acknowledged and used, and the ones that are not yet in your field.
This is a super moon and a good one for visioning, praying, asking for help and committing yourself to better boundaries. Take some time to sort and clear something in your physical environment. It is always a good expression of your internal intentions. Some self-care and alone time should be on your list for today as well. See yourself as a point of reference for others. What kind of a point of reference are you? A positive one that embodies hope, calmness, well-being and neutrality? Or one that embodies negativity, fear and obsession? Your choice.”
On Saturday I went to a great Law of Attraction Workshop put on by Michael Lozier. I had read his book about 8 years ago and had enjoyed it, but I felt I needed a tune up. Which is exactly what I received. A glorious reminder about my language, as Words Have Power. I am being more aware about eradicating the words “Don’t, Not and No” from my vocab. As words create our thoughts, our thoughts create our vibe (feelings) and that influences our results.
So for example on this glorious Full Moon I invite you to take a situation in your life; could be a relationship, work, financial, travel – whatever you chose and then write on the top of a piece of paper “My Ideal…….(fill in the blank). “ Then on one side of the paper write 10 things you don’t want, about in your ideal…….. Then when you have done that list, review it and ask yourself “So What Do I Want?” On the other side of the paper take each “don’t want point” and ask what DO I want (in other words a reframe). For example if you were writing about your ideal new job and said:- I don’t want rigid hours, I don’t want negligent management etc. The reframe would be – my hours are flexible, my management is understanding and reliable. Get it? As you make your way through each point, please remember to cross out the “Don’t want list”, and then light a candle and burn that sucker up. Offer it up, release it and realise that you now have a clarity list and these are the words that you use to describe it, which creates different thoughts, which creates a different Vibe, which creates different RESULTS.
Always remember you have a choice, a RESET button in every moment of every day. Just make sure you know where you put it!
Oh and the other piece of good news is that Mercury goes Direct on Tuesday March 10th! (Thank frigging goodness.) I have heard from quite a few of you that you have found this a rather challenging, frenetic, fast paced time. So with the Full Moon happening the day before, it’s time to release all that energy and fears, yes? Make the above contrast and clarity list.
Okay, I have chuntered on so let’s crack on with the reading. When I went to the cards and asked who wanted to guide I giggled when I saw the glorious guides of Oracles of Shadow and Light were front and centre. Now if these guides are new to you, please let me introduce them (as it would be rude not to) Wisdom for Misfits, Mystics, Seekers, and Wanderers. Bittersweet…Unheard…Unconventional…Rebellious…Cheeky…Whimsical…Invisible. They’re not the words you often hear associated with the spiritual world, are they? Nevertheless, some of the most spiritual beings who have ever lived are those who have been most at odds with what we call the mainstream. They do not fit in. They have had moments of despair. And they know being truthful, and being real, is one of the greatest strengths and spiritual paths of all! They ask you to step out from the shadows, to no longer hide your light away, and to consult with an oracle that acknowledges your individuality and strange genius!
How’s that for a warm welcome?
The crystals that wiggled and wobbled are:- Black Moonstone – a powerful connection to the Divine Feminine, Black Madonna, helpful to the oversensitive. Moonstone – mystery, self discovery. Mystic Merlinite – can awaken those parts of the mind that are dormant and activate the full potential of the mind. Oh yes, and some delicious calendula flowers that were eaten shortly afterwards!
Ready? Willing to just settle in for a few minutes? It won’t take long, the invitation is to breathe and just BE for a few moments and with this amazing Full Moon energy swirling around you pick out something you are willing to release and reframe. Got it? When you are ready pick the card or cards that tug at your soul strings.
Did you remember to pick?
Let’s go look, shall we?
This beautiful fairy is dressed in storms: energy around her crackles and sizzles, but she is calm and unharmed. Now it is your time and turn to learn to deal with the energy that is around you, without compromising your own! She appears when energies with major differences collide: when intentions are vastly different, when techniques are worlds apart, and when incompatible belief systems meet up!
There is nothing wrong, at all, with difference: diversity is wonderful. Shadows and light are beautiful and necessary and can coexist in harmony. But certain kinds of differences do not blend…like oil and water, they separate and cannot coexist in harmony. Therefore, she brings change, and when comes, for some it is simple, easy and flowing; for others, dramatic, erratic, wild, and full of static.
She appears when two forms of energy collide; high and love. She appears to burn way the old and create a clear, fresh vibration, where all that is stale, and fearful, and unpleasant has been cleared away. The wonderful thing about this challenging collision is that while you’ll be nudged out of your comfort zone, you’ll also realise just how much has changed, and how far you have come. The results will be worth the pressure – trust me!
As the Storm Angel says: “When I appear, know that it is natural for people to feel tension, to become even more entrenched in their beliefs, and to refuse to let go. The only approach you can take right now is to clearly and powerfully remain in integrity. Do not compromise who you are out of misguided notion of being “compassionate”.
You must speak the truth that is in your heart and stay committed to that truth.
At a masquerade ball, you see a beautiful young woman who has taken off her mask. The second she did so, people from her past invaded her party. Some are teachers, some are friends, and others are people she’d rather not see again. One reminds her of being sick once, and others remind her of many other challenging moments in her life. Why is this beauty surrounded by so many reminders at this present time?
She speaks and shares: “All about me are ghosts of the past, come here, perhaps, so I can finally lay them to rest! I have taken off my mask, and I know who I am, while they are still wearing theirs and still very much as I left them so long ago.
It seems I must turn and face them and make peace with them, perhaps even going over some old ground before I can move on to fresh fields. I have an urge to put my mask on, and mingle with them as I was….butI will not. I will be who I am now, and meet them without pretence, and show them who I have become. I am no longer afraid of the shadows in my past. I am at peace with all that I have been and all that I am.
We all have life themes, and we all have challenges and patterns – but the trick is to move through them quickly and to learn from them permanently. These ghosts with masks are here to show you what or who needs an adjustment in your life. A clearing, where you make peace with people you feel you may have wronged, is in order. None of us is perfect. All of us need to forgive and be forgiven.
This is the cause of the indecision you are now facing: the ghosts of the past are haunting you. The time for hiding who you are and pretending to be “normal” and “just like everyone else” is done!
The Angel of Time looks very fierce and stern, and that’s because you need to hear her message. You see, if she appeared to you in a soft guise, it would be too easy for you to overlook her message and just continue on as if she had never visited. The truth is that you are forcing yourself beyond your energetic limits at this time – working too hard, self-loving and connecting with the Universe way too little.
So, she has appeared to remind you of what it is you are turning your world into: one big machine, where you are one cog in it. You are an important, soulful, beloved being, but the world of work is not going to end if you step away from its mechanism for a while. “It is time,” she says, “for a time out!” Will you listen?
“I’m getting straight to the point here, because someone really has to tell you. Stop giving so much to your work. All your time. Your energy. Your passion. Take better care of your health. This is the time to fulfill all those promises you’ve made to yourself but barely made even the effort to keep. Meditate, eat well, take up gentle exercise, and change unhealthy emotional patterns that are compromising your well being – these are the challenges you need to set yourself. I thank you in advance, for a happy you makes this world a far better place.!”
Wowzer! What glorious guides for this delicious time. So my delicious lovely, I wish for you a glorious release today, a week filled with ease, effortlessness and flow. And keep your eyes peeled for the glorious Equinox bundle that will be released on Friday! Sending you huge hugs and squeezes, dancing sunbeams and big laughter.
Thank you ❤ love and light
So Welcome!
Thank you Jenny as i no and to let all this go and to have me as one again is so incredible in Soulheart there is only the truth of you and more ☪️✡☪️✡☪️.