Happy glorious Monday delicious one. How has your week been? Do you realise that in a week we will be in March (thank goodness, as that means Spring is going to be here soon). I will be honest, this was a really tough reading to do. It’s been a heck of a week here, my gorgeous gal and most favourite dog – Uma went to sleep on Friday. So the week has been a rollercoaster of emotions everything from tears, hope, deep sadness and anger – big anger. I noticed on Monday she wasn’t her usual self and took her to the Vet’s on Wednesday to find out she had bone marrow cancer and then on Friday she looked at me and literally asked to go. So incredibly hard. Sometimes I hate being a grownup!
On Saturday I had to attend a meeting at the Legion and it took everything for me to keep it together, to stay prickly enough that people wouldn’t come near me and ask me dumb questions (as I felt very inclined to advise them of their stupidity – I know, not kind, but I wasn’t feeling kind). I was feeling deeply sad and wounded. I did really well and just stayed quiet, took the minutes and was counting the time until I could bolt and then someone walked up with a service dog. I literally bit the inside of my cheek and dug my nails into my palms whilst looking at anything other than that dog until the meeting was done and then – well all bets were off. I bolted out the door and the tears came hot and fast. When I got home I realised that I needed to write, to write to my gorgeous gal, to write to the pain and the loss and this whirlwind week, so I did. I wrote an Ode to my gorgeous gal. Interesting to see that the weather has been reflecting my mood, it’s grey out there with continual snow and blowing winds – bleak. But I know Spring will come, the snow will stop, the sun will shine and these waves of overwhelming emotion will gradually get further and further apart.
I thought the Rumi deck, or the Wild Kuan Yin would be the ones that wanted to come play, however, they weren’t. It is The Divine Circus which did make me laugh a bit “May your rebel heart always be bold. May your spirit always be free.” The crystals that wanted to come play are:- Amethyst, Aragonite, Smoky Quartz.
So with all that being said, I invite you to gently close your eyes down and take a glorious deep breath in, nice and slow through your nose and then a lovely sigh like exhale through your mouth. Keep breathing in this way and see at your heart centre a glorious ball of warm light. Envision this ball of light moving down your body and going out the soles of your feet, down, down, down into the gorgeous molten core of the earth. Feel it click into the gorgeous grounding earth energy and then move itself back up and through your lovely body and out the top of your head. As it moves up, up, up it expands completely around you so that you are standing in the middle of this lovely warm light and feel, as it expands out into the Universe, feel it click into the universal energy – the realm of infinite possibilities. Now that you are connected to earth and Divine, your ball of light moves slowly back to your heart space and gently sits there, nurturing, guiding, healing and loving. With this energy surrounding you, in you and through you, gently open your eyes and trust yourself as you pick the card or cards that call to you.
Ready to go see?
You’ve know violence in your life; maybe on the outside, maybe on the inside with a mind that has tortured you with fear, shame, darkness and doubt. Enough of that now. It is time for a gentler way – less pain, more gain. No more torture. It’s your time for sweets and treats.
There is so much violence in the world, and in our own minds, that we can assume this is just the way of the world, that we have to accept it, deal with it, and thereby forget we have the right to question it and even change it, if we so choose. Even the most ambitious desires for healing the world start with us as individuals. We cannot bring more peace to the world if there is violence in our hearts. Regrets, shaming judgements, fear of not being good enough, uncertainty and constant pushing to become more, to do more, to have more, can become the energetic equivalent of beating ourselves up every day. This creates invisible bruises that never have time to heal because we don’t give ourselves the sweetness, kindness and compassion we need to break free from the abusive cycle.
This cycle you are coming to is sweeter, one that is more loving, one that promises new life. But you have to be willing to dispense with the violence, one step at a time. You deserve to give yourself a gentler life journey. Would you accept this for yourself? If there are abusive or toxic relationships in your life, then you’ll need to do some relationship overhauling. No matter how much the people involved may proclaim their love, if underneath it is unhealthy, if a relationship is holding you back rather than helping to lift you up, then reconsider its place in your life.
You can’t taste the sweetness that life wants to bring to you if you are crammed full of stuff you don’t need or want anymore. Create some space. Ready yourself for receiving life’s nectar and believe in the power of your new beginning. You are a true sweetheart of the universe. Let yourself be treated accordingly.
You will soon have cause for celebration. Whether a big win or a token gain affirming that the best is yet to come, sweet success is headed your way. Prepare to celebrate! It’s time to find the celebratory spirit within. Maybe you already feel it, or maybe it’s the last thing in the world you can imagine feeling right now, but whether it’s on your radar or not, a cause for celebration is imminent.
It’s time to spend your energy in playfulness. If you want more success, happiness and celebration in your life, you can enhance that right now by being happy for the success of others around you. Do you know that success is like a wave? When you genuinely congratulate another and feel happy for their happiness, your own energy field gets a jolt of that same energy. You attract it into your own life. You deserve success for all you are and all you’ve accomplished just as much as anyone else.
So be happy for another – even if a part of you wonders if there is enough to go around, if maybe they have taken your piece of the pie, or if you wonder if their success is really served. Let such thoughts be without adding to their power for thinking such a way. Just take charge and choose how you want to respond. Be happy for them and be happy for you as the universe is giving you notice of a party – and you are most definitely meant to attend – and it’s heading your way.
You are going to witness the impossible made possible. Whatever you think is lost, is not. Whatever you think cannot be, shall be. The universe is going to intervene and what seems to be over, shall in a new way, live again.
Sometimes, just when you think it’s all over, the eleventh hour comes. You can practically hear the opening chords of your swan song, and when you have finally given up, suddenly, somehow, right before your eyes, everything changes – just like that. You were free-falling and then, suddenly, you are soaring. Fate steps in, destinies are altered and life demonstrates its creative, restorative power, even if all seemed lost.
No matter how defeated you feel, no matter how many dead ends you’ve encountered, how many setbacks, how many failures, no matter how impossible success may seem, the universe has your back and is going to right things in your favour. You will succeed. So if you really must (sigh) doubt for one more moment – go ahead, then replace doubt with trust and participate in the divine defiance of life refusing to be stepped on or crushed. Why not just frigging relax and bear witness to the universe’s impressive display of life-giving power with reverence and delight? Gorgeous one – get out of your own way!
Wishing you a glorious week where you treasure every moment, laugh as often as possible, tell the people and animals in your life how much you love them and remember that everything is transitory – so celebrate everything! My lovely sister sent me a blessing this weekend that is absolutely beautiful and an amazing reminder that life is good, life is love and there is always someone there to hold us, help us dust off our dirty knees and to remind us that this too will pass. The blessing is called Beannacht by John O’Donohue and starts off with –
On the day when
The weight deadens
On your shoulders
And you stumble,
May the clay dance
To balance you.
Thank You soooooo MUCH!!!!
Thanks Alice.
I’m so sorry about your pup. 🙁
2 was what my mind said and I’m looking forward to celebrating.
Thanks Nina, and I know that celebration is right around the corner!
I picked 3 and it was so spot on it is scary! I am soon grateful to the Universe today!
Julie that’s awesome!!!
Thank you Jenny. Sorry you had a hard week. Ahh, life! This card’s message through your interpretation was amazing and the exact thing I needed to hear. Blessings.
Lisa, I’m so glad it resonated with you.
I’m very sorry for the loss of your beloved Uma;May she rest in peace and run freely now on the other side of the rainbow…..Thank you for your efforts to make time for us.Bless you
I’m very sorry for the loss of your beloved Uma;may she rest in menace and run freely now on the other side of the rainbow… Thank you for your efforts for making time for us.Bless you.
Thank you so much Renee, greatly appreciated.
Really sorry about your dog. Sending you and her lots of love. Thank you for the cards! They always help me with current situations and always apply to what’s going on in my life. Xx
Thanks Desi. So glad to hear that.