Happy glorious Monday delicious one! Here in the snowy wilds of British Columbia it is Family Day (which is a stat holiday). So we have had a glorious time going hiking in the deep snow and playing, which has been awesome fun! We actually broke all records for snow last week as we received dump, after dump, after dump. I was so glad to see the blue sky, sun shining and no snow falling this morning – as much as I appreciate all the seasons, winter can seem to be a tad too long for me.
How was your full moon/lunar eclipse experience? For quite a few people that I talked to, the energy had been rather intense and left them feeling a bit fractured and discombobulated. This is when it’s important to practice self care, eat well, rest, journal, work with gorgeous crystal energy and drink water! Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day and whether you have a sweetie or not, practice self love and as you go about your day smile and radiate out love. The glorious part of doing this is that the love bounces back to you tenfold! How are you going to spend your time tomorrow? I personally have bought a plethora of red carnations, had them all individually wrapped and will gift them to the amazing women in my world that I am thankful for. Oh yes, and all the food at dinner will be heart shaped!
Okay, let’s go see what guidance, inspiration, healing or support wants to play with you this week. If you feel inclined there is a lovely visualisation to help you get centred and grounded.
Ready to go see?
It is safe for you to become naked with life. This doesn’t necessarily mean stripping off and running wild in public. It does mean stripping back your beliefs, strongholds and mental or emotional security blankets so that you can live with less obstruction than ever before. Imagine the conditioning that has kept life away from you, just kept it dropping out of your hands like keys, coins or clocks. Conditioned beliefs about money, time, security, having, locking away, holding and controlling can be surrendered and allowed to fall away. What would it be like to feel as though you were on holiday every day?
Sometimes we need our defences. At other times, it is clear we are outgrowing them. There is something that you have outgrown. It has to do with your ideas about productivity, time, control and money. It has to do with abundance, trust and living with the fundamental belief that everything is going to turn out okay. You are ready to be much more vulnerable and exposed in life. You don’t have to hide behind being organised, perfect, in control or financially secure and stable.
Likewise, you are being stripped of internal beliefs that are failing you, perhaps externally as well. Whether this seems to be your choice or not, make no mistake, it is your own spirit in cahoots with the loving spirit of life that has brought this situation about. You are being guided to trust!
You were not born to play a small role in life. You have the ability to dream big. Even if you have absolutely no idea about how your visions can come to pass or what all the details may look like, you can access the heart and guts of a vision by tapping into your wildest dreams and surrendering attachment to exactly how it will all work out. The details are up to the creative genius of the universe. You are an active, contributing participant but not the sole player in your life journey.
You are being asked to remember that when something is right for you, endless synchronicities and support will flow your way, at the right time and in the right way. Stay open, receptive, playful and surrendered. You are about to receive or be invited to become part of, a grand visionary beginning. Trust your heart, be still with your choices and when the time feels right and truthful, leap! Trust in what you perceive.
Even if it conflicts with what everyone else around you is saying or the surface of things, trust your inner perceptions. Trust that things will be coming up roses for you. Even if everything seems to be a bit of a shambles now, it’s really just the essential mess before a truly spectacular success.
The fool is a great rebel, able to thwart convention and tell the truth without restraint. Your heart is a wonderful, powerful, sacred fool! It cares not for the right way to do things. It cares not for what the mind says is real and not real. It lives according to an inner wisdom that cannot be dictated to or controlled by anything. It loves, it lives and it is what is!
It’s time to take your offer to the world. Don’t try to be appropriate, don’t try to be socially acceptable and worry about what others may think – just be. If you want to wear a mad hat whilst doing so, fine.
It’s time to leave behind what has been because it no longer feels right to stay attached to it. Your mind is a monkey puppet on strings. More often than not, it is cajoled into fear when it could be playfully dwelling in the radical spontaneity of life. So, the sacred fool in you urges your mind to let itself be pulled into joy by your heart strings not into fear and doubt by media or anything else. It’s time for you to play.
It’s time for you to let life happen in a completely unreserved, unscripted way. Life wants to operate more radically through you so that you become the conduit through which miracles and crazy wild synchronicity can occur. If you find yourself making choices that have others questioning your sanity, then you are right on course. You are just approaching enlightened awareness. There is a moment – sometimes a rather long one – when we wake up to life, shed our attachment to mass opinion and float in a completely different state of being. Stay on your path, stay on the journey, remember to take nothing too seriously and it will all work out perfectly.
Wishing you a fantabulous Valentine’s Day, a glorious week and remember to Play!
Oh so good……
Card #2
So how did that resonate for you Rebecca?