Happy delicious Monday, gorgeous one! I have to say it’s good to be back, that was one heck of a flu. I get rather grumpy when I’m sick as I normally feel like death warmed over and I rail against all the things that I want to be doing (I have learned to let go of the “should be doing” things). This time I was a lot kinder and gentler with myself (and the other humans around me), and gave myself permission to sleep, to do nothing but heal and to trust that my body knew how to heal itself. Although I did suck back a lot of oil of oregano, goldenseal and echinacea! But it all paid off and I am back to my bouncy energetic self.
Last night we had a huge dump of snow, approximately 2.5 feet, so the schools and colleges were closed as were most of the government agencies and a good half of private businesses, as the roads were brutal. The fun part about all this snow is watching how people step up and help each other – whether it is shoveling out their vehicle, getting over a large snow bank, clearing their sidewalk, everyone seems to pitch in and get er done. But after spending quite a while shovelling snow so that I could get out to my vehicle I am quite enjoying looking at the pristine white that is bedecking the trees, mountains, houses and gardens.
So on this gorgeous snowy day let’s go see what Universal Guidance is waiting for you, for lovely little gem of divine inspiration is inviting you to come play.
I invite you to gently close your eyes down and take a glorious deep breath in, nice and slow through your nose and then a lovely sigh like exhale through your mouth. Keep breathing in this way and see at your heart centre a glorious ball of warm light. Envision this ball of light moving down your body and going out the soles of your feet, down, down, down into the gorgeous molten core of the earth. Feel it click into the gorgeous grounding earth energy and then move itself back up and through your lovely body and out the top of your head. As it moves up, up, up it expands completely around you so that you are standing in the middle of this lovely warm light and feel, as it expands out into the Universe, feel it click into the universal energy – the realm of infinite possibilities. Now that you are connected to earth and Divine, your ball of light moves slowly back to your heart space and gently sits there, nurturing, guiding, healing and loving. With this energy surrounding you, in you and through you, gently open your eyes and trust yourself as you pick the card that calls to you.
Ready to go see?
Sacred vision is awakening within you. You’re becoming blessed with the ability to truly see. To see what is real rather than what appears to be. This is true insight. What was once considered consequential may soon be found to hold little consequence after all. What was once dismissed as an irritation or irrelevance may be seen to have great spiritual significance.
If you have been wondering about your life path or whether you should take action on a project or you need inspiration to really move you out of a slump you have fallen into, then this oracle brings you a message of hope. You will receive your vision. You will be graced with a way out of the stagnancy. You are leaving behind a smaller view for a more expansive one. You are watched over in life and held in protection.
Shift your perspective and look at an issue of concern a little differently. Your ability to be inspired and see the light in all things is unfolding. It must be nourished in your heart with loving acceptance because you are going to help others through your vision, your art and how you choose to be in the world.
On the path of life there are deciding moments where we can choose to go with the mainstream or we can dare to take a bolder, more authentic and trusting way – even if it seems riskier or less safe. To rely solely on logic and science, without incorporating the mysterious and magical is a recipe for an existence that is far too dray! The sacred rebel within our hearts will always choose a juicier approach to life. You are currently approaching such a choice point.
There is a time and place for logic, strategy, planning and measurable outcomes. These are not bad tools to have but we must be vigilant not to worship them or allow them to quash our less rational, but equally valuable decision-making tools: intuition, feelings and those things you know, without knowing how you know them! You are being asked to stay open to the intuitive approach in your life, your work, your creativity as well as in your spiritual journey. You are moving outside of the plan and logic! You are living on the border of what is socially accepted. This is good. This is fringe-dwelling freedom. You now have a chance to live from the heart more deeply and expressively than ever before. You can give up forcing or squashing yourself down into a very limited set of so-called desirable qualities like intellect and control.
You are going to be breaking with tradition. Perhaps not entirely but at least in a way that is meaningful to you. This will require you to have courage in your convictions and faith in your heart truths. This will help you inspire others around you to step out of fear and live more freely and lovingly. It’s time to get a bit wild and let nature take its course!
Beautiful dreamer, you can imagine wonderful worlds of light. You can dream up so many possibilities. Now it is time to bring those possibilities of light into the world. They need to be more than ideas. They need to live, to manifest. The world needs not only your dreams, beautiful as they are, but also your creations.
Get thee to thy desk! Thy easel! Thy computer! Create!
You are being asked to honour yourself with a commitment to complete your inspired tasks. This will help you to grow and that is a wonderful reason to commit. But, there is another reason too – you know that your inspired ideas are worth translating into practical forms so that other people can access them and experience something special too.
If you have been thinking about writing a book, painting a picture or acting on an inspiration or idea, then are being told and unequivocal YES! Do it. Now. Don’t dally or dither about the details or worry about how it is all going to work out. The universe loves a bold spirit. Once you take a step, it will rush toward you like an enthusiastic and chivalrous lover – opening doors, hand gently guiding at your lower back – as you are moved forward.
This oracle confirms that the information you need to translate your ideas into form will be provided according to the higher wisdom of life. It may or may not happen by traditional routes. Even if it seems unimaginable, when it is time for something to be born into form, nothing can stop it. It will happen!
Wishing you a stupendous week ahead. Remember to smile, drink water and do something that makes you feel awesome!
Good grief ! Firstly the envisioning was so vivid, then the card choice was perfect. Thank you, I better complete that painting that is on my artdesk, I’ve just been given a nudge by the Universe to get on!
Thank you.
Kate, you have to love how the Universe nudges, it’s gentle at first and then a tad more insistent! I would love for you to share your painting, that would be fantabulous!