Happy fantabulous Monday and one that is still burbling with the Full Moon energy! Did you celebrate the Full Moon, Release, Relax and Enjoy? I most certainly did. Every evening I light a candle on my dining room table to bring in the elements of hearth and home. So I lit a few more, put on some gorgeous music and then went and sat outside (yes, with a plethora of other candles) and wrote, burned, celebrated all the glorious people, situations and circumstances that I am grateful for. If you want to learn more about how to harness the power of the Full Moon, there is a great post here 3 Simple Steps to Harnessing the Power of the Full Moon.
This week we are working with the delicious Oracle deck – The Divine Circus. Note that instead of sparkly crystals adorning the reading there are glorious rocks that I gather on walks or from the edge of the lake. These too are crystals as in essence we all live on the biggest crystal formation there is – which is Earth.
So take a deep breath in and if you feel like a centering visualisation there is one below. Then when you are ready pick the card or cards that are calling to you.
Ready to go see who wants to work with you this week?
Opportunity is upon you, though it may seem like a farewell to what you have known. This chance is a crossroad, a time when you go left or right. You cannot continue with everything as it has been, and this means that something will have to be released for something else to be gained. It’s time for you to take your chances and make a choice.
Your life does not have to continue on as it has been anymore. You’re at a pattern breaking, life changing moment, or soon will be. Of course you can try to continue with the status quo, however, in doing so, you will be saying no to the pathway opening up for you. It’s time for a new phase of life to begin. Be patient as you feel for the truth of your choice, whilst remaining courageous enough not to procrastinate and become stuck in indecision.
You can’t take your whole life with you into new territory, and that’s okay. Certain people may be able to change and grow along with you, but other relationships, situations or circumstances will have to be sacrificed on the altar of new life. This can be difficult and you must honour your loss, but not get taken down by it. You may be feeling fear and excitement, so it’s time to take heart. It’s time to leap!
In a world where we are bombarded daily with differing opinions and ideas, remaing true to you and your own point of view is nothing short of brilliant. Let go of confusion, distortion, comparison and compromise. You do not need to compare yourself to another or measure up to anyone or anything else. What matters to you and your successful life journey is to be in touch with your own truths. You know what you feel, no matter what anyone else says or believes. Stay true to you!
We need to be bold of heart and have a lot of faith when there is an idea within us yet to manifest in the world. We have to trust in what we see in our hearts, even if sometimes the eyes in our heads see things rather differently. Trust the inner vision, the hope, the dream within us is going to be strong enough to stand the rigours of birth, and be able to come to life in the world. Take time, patience, commitment and effort to transform the ideas into reality.
You see, know, feel, believe in something that is good, pure and true that needs to come to life in this world. It is meant to be original, so people may not “get it” straight away, but it is meant to happen through you because you understand it in a way that others may not. Don’t be afraid, DO NOT water down the strength of your vision, your dream. You are meant to be birthing something unique into being. The world needs your originality. Pray for courage, and Trust Yourself!
You are so close to success, to the final attainment, to all your efforts coming together perfectly. All that remains for you to do now is one final step, one last choice, commitment, attitude or action, and your success will be complete and sweet – sweeter than an ice-cream sundae with a cherry on top!
Do you feel like you’re on a never-ending journey to manifest a dream? Does it seem like you have been traveling on the road to success forever, so long that you might wonder if you will ever reach the Promised Land – or even if it exists at all? Then you will enjoy some good news! You have been working hard, and for a long time, simply going through each day, doing what you need to do. This has been necessary, giving you patience and persistence, but i can prevent you from realising exactly how far you’ve come, exactly how much you have already accomplished.
You have done so much preparation and like water dripping into a container, the last drop takes it to overflow. So what’s required from you now are just the finishing touches, the finalising of a detail or two, perhaps one last addition or adjustment. It’s the final drop that creates the overflow. If this seems too good to be true, don’t worry. You are used to the hard work and not the final outcome.
Don’t waste your efforts by giving up on yourself, especially now are so close to the outcome you seek. All that’s needed now is just the cherry on top.
Wishing you a fantabulous week filled with your all that you desire and require to serve at your highest level. Oh and don’t forget we are going to celebrate the Spring Equinox next Monday (I’m so excited, I love Spring!) So may daffodils bob their heads as you walk by and spring flowers dance in your wake!
Lovely. Thank you.
Ohhhhh, how sweet it is! I had a great day, landed a new client and it feels like a good match. Then I pick C and voila… “a cherry on top”! Thank you, I am so grateful.
As I close my day…..
You are so very welcome Connie and huge congrats on the new client!!
Thank you so much for your efforts! Number 2 explained everything I’m feeling right now!
Best regards,
Renee that is wonderful to hear, I love how the Oracle speaks.
Spot on!! Thank you!!!
So welcome Vera.
Thank you, I really am a wonderful visionary and I totally will
Pray for strength and courage to believe in the visions.
Positively love, love spring. Happy Spring ✨
Happy glorious Spring Linda.
What a fabulous gift, Jenny!! Thank you. I love the centering /flying meditation. Fantabulous, indeed 🙂
That is awesome Heather, so glad you enjoyed it!
Thank you Jenny! Always enjoy the synergy of these readings and real life!
So glad to hear that Lisa.