Happy 1st reading of this glorious New Year! I hope you had a relaxing, nourishing holiday season and have picked your WOTY that will become your touchstone in every aspect of your life. I took some lovely quiet time between Christmas and New Year and did a few releasing processes which helped clean out my energy (so now it’s even more sparklicious), which in turn helped me find my word and this year it is – SHINE! So with that as my touchstone it’s been a busy first week creating new programmes to better serve you, a new e-book is on the way and a delicious challenge is being created for March. So let me ask, how has your first week of this year been?
One thing I have noticed with myself and with others is the perfection gremlin raising his ugly head. So often when we have a big vision for the year – I mean a kick arse big vision and then enter into the planning mode a sense of getting lost in the minutiae and overthinking the tiny details starts flailing around. Which, for me, in turn kicks up my ever lurking “perfectionist” mindset and then everything goes to hell in a hand basket for an hour as fear starts creeping in or I decide I need to distract myself by watching a ridonculous video on Facebook. Can you relate to this at all?
So before we go see what glorious guidance this delicious new Oracle deck has for us, let’s take a moment to get centred, clear and present.
Now let’s go see what’s in store for this week.
I create by weaving a web of love, drawing threads from the past and looping these with threads of the future, drawing them together, back and forth, over time, until the beautiful present moment is rich, full and abundant with love interwoven. What this means is that when you grow you do not only grow in one direction. You are a natural creation and so you grow according to natural law. That means you grow and expand in spirals rather than straight lines. Expansion means that not only will you encounter more light as you grow, but you’ll also tap into more of your shadows and that brings with it its own tests and challenges – and opportunities, of course.
You are going into, or are already in, an intense period of personal and spiritual growth. This will entail much joy and forward movement towards your destiny, and also some confrontation with the darkness in your own being – fear, doubt, grief – but more than that, any part of you that is unwilling to let go and trust in what is taking place. You will need to trust more than you ever have before. The universe wants to bring more abundance, fulfillment and experience to you than exists in your world at present. So you’ll need to be more open and receptive to what is on its way. Keep trusting, keep going. Love is guiding you and it is prevailing, but you have to trust in the process.
Accepting my blessings and help will not create dependency or prevent you from taking responsibility for applying yourself to a task. My gifts imply amplify the results of your efforts. I do this because I am invested in your success. It will bring happiness to more people than you realise and your desires, and mine, are in perfect accord. You are being given a divine leg up, a blessing to begin. The Divine is going to help you launch something important – an idea, a seedling of hope, a new start. Accept the help and opportunity that so easily comes your way now, but also remember that you are being given help because there is something of great worth here. If there are new opportunities coming your way, act on them. Say yes!
Whatever stage you are at in the manifestation of your dreams, be it the earliest glimmer of a vision or one that you have invested decades of your life to and on which you are far along the path, the gift of the Mother is bestowed upon you – her red poppy of success. She has guided you and shall continue to do so, offering protection whenever needed whilst allowing you room to spread your wings. Ask for help and trust also that whatever is before you, you can handle it, even if sometimes you question that before conquering the issue at hand. The assurance and blessing of the Divine Mother empowers your own soul to take even the most apparently impossible or intimidating of prospects and turning them into accomplishments whilst growing in self-confidence and self-mastery. So believe in yourself. The Divine Mother does.
You know what you know. Even when you don’t know how you know! I speak to you through that knowing. The intuition that is beyond logic. The feeling that has no physical proof as yet. The instinct to keep going, to trust yourself and take the journey before you. Be open and truthful with all that you feel and resist nothing. It shall then simply flow, changing like the phases of the moon, naturally and without effort on your part.
Something is happening. You cannot see it, but in your most sensitive and responsive moments you feel it. You are asked to explore your particular way of sensing energy. Don’t discount what you feel. Recognise, honour and be moved by it. You are gifted with an ability to feel what is before the conscious mind of others recognise it – a gift for perceiving what is going to be because you feel it in your bones. It matters not whether another sees or feels as you do. You are meant to be moved by the moon. It is part of your nature. Don’t try to toughen up or protect yourself, or become less sensitive, less emotionally-attuned or less moved by energy and feeling. This can become your greatest asset, a source of wisdom, truth and even strength. Do not be hesitant to embrace your gifts. You shall find a way to work with them so you are not compromised or depleted.
If you have been feeling something – a choice, a need to express a feeling, the need to pursue a course of action – that seems entirely at odds with your rational mind – trust in and explore the impulses from within. Always call on the guidance that loves you unconditionally and then follow your feelings as they guide you along your divine life path with intelligent grace.
Wishing you a glorious week, warm toes and cups of tea. The deck we used today is called Wild Kuan Yin by Alana Fairchild. See you next Monday and if you want to receive these in your inbox, please sign up.
I would like to receive weekly readings. Thank you!!
Loved that! Very uplifting! Thank you.
Your welcome.
Thanks! I needed that.
That reading really did strke a chord with me and made me smile – gave me reassurance that I am on the right path in just trusting myself. Thank you.
You are very welcome Dania.
Oh my goodness…..yes. This is exactly what I needed to “hear” right now. The tears are just flowing down my cheeks. Thank you.
Very sweet!
You’re writings are like a breath of the purest air…
Beautifully written. Thank you…
Ana 🙂
Thank you Ana, what a lovely thing to say.
Thank you so very much, Jenny. This was “right on.”
So glad to hear that Sue.
Beautiful message.
Right on !
Thank you !
And ☮
Debbie Wade
Your very welcome Debbie.