Hello delicious lovelies. Happy Monday and gosh, we are half the way through May already! The month just seems to be flying by and it’s as if every other day there is a new flower blossoming into its full glory – I love Spring for the colours, smells and the sense of rejuvenation and flourishing. Currently in the garden the purple alium are up and they make me laugh as they are these huge spiky purple bobble head balls – very Dr. Seuss like.
On the weekend I spent some meditative and spiritually filled time harvesting wild roses; and let me tell you that if there is a heaven on earth it is standing in the midst of a huge patch of wild roses and drinking in the scent whilst the sun warms your back and flutterbys undulate around you. So now, brewing away I have a rose tincture, a rose oil and a rose quartz elixir. Can you say – let’s open up that heart chakra?
Okay let’s move onto this week’s reading. So on this day let’s set the intention, the intention of receptivity and openness. I invite you to take a lovely deep breath in through your nose, hold for 3 and then sigh it out through an open mouth. As you take another deep breath imagine you are in the most gorgeous garden, it could be wild and rampaging, or neat and manicured – your choice. Look around and see how all the plants are working together and how they are all supported by nature and the seasons. The colours, the scents, the foliage – all different, but all working together. Some things will thrive, others fall away, only to shift again as the seasons change. This is amazing organisational genius at work. Now see your soul like this garden, gorgeous and magnificent, loved and nurtured by your own spiritual gardener and from this place you dare to live creatively from you heart and to thrive, like a gorgeous flower. Take another deep breath and trust your inner knowing as you pick a card.
Have you picked? Ready to see the guidance from your own gorgeous spiritual gardener?
Just as we receive gifts in the physical world, through the thoughtfulness of others, to acknowledge how much we mean to them, so too we receive gifts on other levels – including the spiritual level. A spiritual gift is something that happens through grace. We can ask for help and it may be given in response to that request. All requests for help are answered. There is a loving benevolence in life that knows exactly what we need and how it can best come to us, even when we are not quite so clear. This force actively seeks to assist us in walking our life path. That loving sweetness is being offered to you now, or soon will be, in the form of a spiritual gift. The spiritual gift may or may not be recognisable to you, but it is like a spiritual booster shot that helps you move forward in life with additional zing, extra strength and greater peace. Let yourself be helped. Assistance is coming your way so act on it and say yes. Trust in the things that you feel and say to others without knowing why. It moves them. You might not understand, but through trust you are allowing yourself not to overthink and censor yourself. As such you are able to become a vessel through which the spiritual gift can be passed on to others. Don’t block yourself. Let life happen through you. Only benefit can come from this!
You are being asked to honour the legacy of light that is your sacred birthright. The legacy of light is your spiritual birthright to refine and shine your essence into the world….to be like a sun, radiant and unapologetic of your nature. The more you are nourished by this legacy of light from your past, the more you become a bearer of the legacy for those that will be supported by your light in the future. A creative choice you are making, or have made, or soon will make, is one that is in alignment with your sacred purpose and spiritual path of healing and growth. The legacy of light cannot be ignored without some detriment to your sense of well being. The issue at hand is one of utmost importance to your spiritual growth. The legacy of light also ask you to call on the unconditionally loving support that exists for you, every day. This light will offer you all manner of assistance. To not call upon it is like starving because you have no means to acquire food, whilst a feast lays before your eyes – if only you would partake of it! You have some special creative and healing offering to make to the world in this lifetime. You will leave a legacy of light for the greater good upon this planet and you will be lovingly supported in many ways by the great creative universal intelligence when you ask for help.
Do you feel you are at the beck and call of circumstances, situations and relationships that are outside of your control? Is your attention being called away from what you love – from your passionate focus upon your own journey and creative self-expression? Are you feeling roped into becoming a support, tonic, saviour and heal-all for others? There is a big difference between healthy supportiveness in a relationship – which includes healthy self-support – and ignoring your own journey out of misplaced guilt, shame, unworthiness or the belief that the needs of others are more important than your own. That is not compromise. That is unhealthy and neglectful of yourself. You are being asked to see through the assumptions, expectations, tantrums etc that may be put upon you by yourself or others. See through them to the truth! You are capable of seeing the truth, out-smarting old patterns and responding more creatively to craft new and improved relationships. There is a message coming your way and it will be important to you and you are not to paint it as anything more or less than what it is. Sit with you heart. Take your time. Even if there is a deadline for your answer. You will be able to bend and stretch time so that in your relaxation, you can feel for what your truth is, in the situation at hand and respond appropriately. Mother Nature offers you the wisdom medicine of the owl – the ability to hear what is not spoken and see what is hidden in darkness. Trust what you feel beyond appearances.
I hope you have enjoyed this seed of guidance that you can now plant in your garden of intention and life this week. Remember your soul is like a garden and needs to be nourished with, water, sun, love and laughter! Have a delicious week.
Your weekly readings are one of the highlights of my week. So spot on for me. Thank you for this gift. ❤
Gloria, thank you for those gorgeous words. I really, really appreciate them.
Thank you Jenny. Be the hunter not the hunted was a timely reminder namaste Sharon
Sharon, Isn’t it a delicious metaphor? The first time I encountered it I had a “gulp” reaction.