Happy Glorious Monday and here in Canada it is a holiday, Victoria Day in fact. So to celebrate a lovely long weekend it was filled with yoga, family, friends, logger sports (yes I did say that outloud). There is something fascinating with watching a man run up an 80 foot pole with a rope around his waist, ring a bell and then dash back down. Today was a glorious hike and explore through an old cemetery and along the side of the mountain.
There is something so enervating and healing about being in the woods, totally surrounded by moss, trees, shrubs – a pure bubble of green and wayyyy down below you can hear the creek roaring, as it is so swollen with the spring runoff, over the rocks and fallen down trees. There was a moment where I just had to stop moving as the Joy and the connection to Pachamama and the Divine was just coursing through me and all I could do was smile and breathe it all in.
So I invite you to do the same. Stop moving, stop “thinking” and start breathing and feeling.
Imagine you are in a rich, deep woods and you are walking along a thin trail. Down to one side the mountain falls away and over the moss covered rocks and fallen trees you can hear and smell the water rushing below. Up on the other side the mountain reaches for the skies and everywhere you look there is a different shade of green. It would take you most of your day to count all the variations and shades of green that pour into your mind’s eye and surge through your body, so instead just breathe it in.
You make your way along the path and after a while you realise it is leading you down to the rushing water and you can feel the air get more moist with the spray that is floating up between the trees. You come around a corner and there in front of you is a gorgeous grotto of large rocks all covered with moss from years upon years of growth, like a gorgeous thick living carpet. You clamber over a fallen tree and sit amidst the rocks, leaning your back against the soft moss and looking at the water rushing by. As you come to a place of stillness and quiet you can hear the song of the water as it goes by on its merry way and it sings to you of release, cleansing and healing. Can you hear the song? This song is just for you, every cell in your body is responding to the healing green and the song is guiding you forward and holding you oh so tenderly. Reminding you how much you are loved and how treasured you are.
So with that in your heart, trust yourself.
With that trust still present and your heart open, let’s go see…..
You are wise. You know how to grow, even without knowing how you know.
Like the ancient forests, spectacular galaxies and the acorn that becomes the oak, there is natural intelligence for growth that is beyond logic and reason. It just happens. You are growing. You really are. Don’t doubt it.
Even if you don’t see it yet, remember that so much is happening when the seed is still unbroken in the ground. It’s gathering up all its’ might, power and force that it will need to push above the soil and burst up into the light. Trust yourself. You know how to grow. Don’t over think things, it won’t help you. Don’t worry so much you are doing a great job in this game of life. When you trust yourself, you relax and you can heed your own wisdom.
You have a big destiny this lifetime and much to experience. Don’t resist any points of instability in your life. This even applies to your most treasured relationships or creative projects. That instability is just a growing pain because more consciousness, more love and more light wants to infiltrate and pervade all parts of your life. Choose to flow and grow.
The fool is a great rebel, able to thwart convention and tell the truth without restraint. Your heart is a wonderful, powerful, sacred fool! It cares not for the right way to do things. It cares not for what the mind says is real and not real. It lives according to an inner wisdom that cannot be dictated to or controlled by anything. It loves, it lives and it is what is!
It’s time to take your offer to the world. Don’t try to be appropriate, don’t try to be socially acceptable and worry about what others may think – just be. If you want to wear a mad hat whilst doing so, fine.
It’s time to leave behind what has been because it no longer feels right to stay attached to it. Your mind is a monkey puppet on strings. More often than not, it is cajoled into fear when it could be playfully dwelling in the radical spontaneity of life. So, the sacred fool in you urges your mind to let itself be pulled into joy by your heart strings not into fear and doubt by media or anything else. It’s time for you to play.
It’s time for you to let life happen in a completely unreserved, unscripted way. Life wants to operate more radically through you so that you become the conduit through which miracles and crazy wild synchronicity can occur. If you find yourself making choices that have others questioning your sanity, then you are right on course. You are just approaching enlightened awareness. There is a moment – sometimes a rather long one – when we wake up to life, shed our attachment to mass opinion and float in a completely different state of being. Stay on your path, stay on the journey, remember to take nothing too seriously and it will all work out perfectly.
Beneath the lies and illusions, pretty as they seem, you know what is worthwhile. All that is genuinely and truly essential for the heart to throb with life is worthwhile. Anything that dulls it or suffocates its vibrant aliveness, must be questioned, challenged, and more than likely cast aside, for the heart is our key to living an authentic life.
You are a sacred warrior – a defender of the heart. You have cried genuine tears of your own grief and also the grief of the world. You have felt the need to protect the presence of love, for whilst it is exceptionally powerful, it can too easily be smothered under lies and fear.
The sacred warrior is vigilant that the presence of love is not chipped away by fear, criticism, doubt or untruths. The darkness will be intelligent and sneaky. It will tell you that it doesn’t matter, that this one time you can forget what you promised, that you are just one person and that you can’t make difference. The sacred warrior within will fight with love and honour to be true to what has meaning, and never, ever allow it to be cast aside – even if it seems easier in the moment. You’re being asked to stay strong and stand your ground. What is happening, or soon will be happening is worthwhile. So hold tight. Ask for help to heal.
Have a stupendous week!
Thank you Jenny spot on as usual. Loved being in that mossy clearing listening to the water. Now I just need to follow my heart. Namaste
Sharon, following your heart is so important. Thank you for your gorgeous feedback Big hugs.