Happy glorious Monday gorgeous one and upcoming New Moon! How has your week been? Here the snow line is very, very slowly coming down the mountainside and if one is not living on the peak, one is experiencing grey and rain (which I find rather depressing, but hey, I have no control over it).
This last week I have been paying attention to all the signs and messages that have been flooding in and if I were to sum them up in one word, the word is Love. Love for self, love for your body, love for others (even when they push your buttons), love for your community, love for this glorious earth and the water, love for your connection to something bigger than you – Love. So with Love being so prevalent the gorgeous Kuan Yin Oracle deck insisted that it be used this week. Also, the song that has been looping through my head is the Beatles song – All you need is love. I can’t even remember the last time I heard that song, so I went and explored the lyrics and they were very appropriate:-
There’s nothing you can do that can’t be done.
Nothing you can sing that can’t be sung.
Nothing you can say, but you can learn
How to play the game.
It’s easy.
Nothing you can make that can’t be made.
No one you can save that can’t be saved.
Nothing you can do, but you can learn
How to be you in time.
It’s easy.
All you need is love, all you need is love,
All you need is love, love. Love is all you need.
(Did you find yourself singing that in your head?)
So I invite you to come for a little visualisation walk on the topic of Love.
Gently close your eyes down and breathe long and deep in through your nose and out through your mouth. Feel your face relax and your shoulders drop down, keep breathing in this way and see in your mind’s eye a glorious glade under a clear night sky that is filled with stars. Breathe in the cool, crisp, fresh air, feel it filling your lungs, cleansing and clearing. Across the glade there is a lovely waterfall that bounces over the rocks and lands with delight in a great big pool of water that is edged with a rock wall.
You make your way over to the waterfall and sit on the rock wall and listen as the water sings you it’s song as it burbles and dances down over the rocks. Feel the gentle mist dusting your face as the water splashes into the pond. Keep breathing. As you look around you see a golden ball in the soft lush moss at the base of the wall inviting you to play. When you pick it up you are surprised to feel that it is warm and it radiates out a gentle heat into your hands. You toss the ball back and forth between your hands and revel in its golden glow and how it reflects the light of the stars, when suddenly it slips and falls into the pond and vanishes from sight.
As you lean over the water to see if you can reach it the golden light that was the ball gets bigger and bigger until it is radiating up and out from the pond and moving all around you and you feel safely held as if you are in the arms of someone who loves you unconditionally, purely and completely. In that space you feel your heart opening and stretching reflecting the love that you are receiving and giving of your own love. You feel complete, safe, strong and that you are Love. Stay in that place, breathe it in, integrate it, feel deep into the core of your being how radiant, real and true this love that you are co-creating is. Be with this light. Be at peace and let the love flow around you, to you and from you. When you are ready, simply open your eyes and say I give love, I receive love, I am always becoming love. You have finished your healing process.
Shall we go see?
You are asked to honour that light can come from even the darkest beginnings, beloved one. In fact, sometimes we need to enter into the unknown parts of ourselves to find exactly what we need to grow in peace, creative self-fulfilment and happiness. The challenge can be to trust that we will arise from this darker place again. Just as the Spring always follows the Winter, beloved, so too will any inner work with the shadow precede a beautiful rebirth for you.
Noticing our judgments of others is the quickest way to get in touch with the Shadow Self trying to grow and heal into our conscious awareness so that we can become more whole, empowered and divinely delicious as we were always meant to be! There is a part of you that is trying to emerge. You may have judgments of others on one issue or trait that seems to be more repetitive or noticeable of late. You are guided to sense what beauty within you could be underneath these judgments, trying to make its way into your conscious awareness, bringing you more of your Self to enjoy and share with the world. Be patient and open-minded as you wait for your intuition to help you realise what is growing within you, triggering your judgement of another.
The Shadow holds great beauty within, beloved, and there is no need to fear it.
You carry within you precious Immortal Treasures, beloved. They exist beyond life and death, belonging to the celestial, heavenly realms of the Divine presence within you. Kuan Yin now guides you to honour these treasures, the gifts of your Soul, which include the ability that you have to transmit healing. Honour yourself as a Healer beloved. Whether formally or informally, your Soul brings a special healing light to humanity. You have divine support in your role as a healer, in whatever way, usual or highly unusual, that this is unfolding for you now.
Remember to take care of yourself too. An empty cup cannot fill another. It is better to allow your inner cup to be spiritually filled, and emotionally and physically replenished through balanced self-care, a bit of indulgence balanced with loving discipline and boundaries that make you feel safe and secure within. To find the right way to care for yourself, explore what might work for you. It might be yoga and meditation, a little sacred time each day to sit with crystal or talk from your heart with your Guidance, a health retreat, time in nature, a good book and some time laughing or playing with loved ones. Your healing ability will find new levels of power and strength through exploration of self-care. Trust your intuition and allow yourself to honour your own special light and the need that you might have for receiving healing just for you at this time.
Sweeping Sister Willow gently brings you healing for forgiveness and release of old pain now. Let her branches gracefully sweep any sadness and pain from your heart and Soul. Your time for greater inner freedom is dawning and the cleansing sadness and healing of forgiveness is the pathway to the greater freedom now. You deserve this freedom and you are swiftly becoming ready to gift it to yourself with the help of Kuan Yin. Forgiveness is a way to raise your vibration by shedding old energies that drain you and prevent you from having all your power available to you now. It is chance to free yourself from suffering and empower yourself.
As you forgive others you also need to remember to forgive yourself for being human and needing to learn and grow, just like everyone else. You do not have to be perfect and sometimes it is in forgiving ourselves that we become most able to forgive others too. We suffer less from harsh judgements which do not feel good for our heart and drain our soul forces. Instead we experience more kindness, sweet nurturing and enjoy more peace of mind.
At present you are growing spiritually, and you need your power in the present moment to fuel your process. Like surfing a wave, you are about to be lifted, so forgive with sincerity and wisdom, and know that this doesn’t mean you are permitting future abuse. It means you are ready to have your power in the present moment, you have compassion and allow the Universe to direct the learning of every being on this planet, you let go of thoughts of revenge and you free yourself from the past.
Wishing you a wonderful week and a delicious New Moon. Remember to come from your heart – it’s safe to do that.
I am not on Facebook. Is there a mailing list that I could join to receive weekly readings?
Hi Maria
That should be up and going by this time next week.