With every celebration on the Wheel of the Year there is a delicious invitation to deepen into yourself, to relax into the mysteries and discover your magic, strengthen your intuition and really connect to the forces that dance all around you, teasing and wending into the tapestry of your life.
Whether you are in the Northern Hemisphere or the Southern, Equinox offers you a gateway into something new.
Something sacred and full of wisdom and alignment.
Something that helps you manifest and transform your life into a powerful dynamic way of being in the world.
An Alchemy if you will.
To honour this Gateway time I have created two amazing Equinox bundles for you depending on where you live.
Ostara – Spring Equinox – is for those of us who are in the Northern Hemisphere.
It’s time to come out of hibernation, to awaken your own Magick and to step through the gate between the Earth energy of Winter and the cocooning and gestating; into the bright light and fresh Air energy of Spring!
To welcome in this glorious energy of Rebirth and Renewal,
Rejuvenation and Restoration.
Mabon – Fall Equinox – is for those of us who are in the Southern Hemisphere.
It’s time to celebrate your harvest, offer gratitude up and embrace the colours and release that Fall brings!
It’s time to gently wind down, to awaken your own Magick and to step through the gate between the Fire energy of Summer and feeling you needed to push; into the soothing Water energy of Fall! Let it wash your cares away and release you from the bondage of self.
A time to welcome in this glorious energy of Reflection, Restoration and Relaxation.
These glorious bundles are 30+ pages of magick, mystery, ritual, blessings and practical tools for you to use every day.
They also come with a delicious guided visualisation to help you drop into and deepen into the energy that wants to support you.
Welcome to the Ostara Magick Manual (fondly referred to as OMM) and the Mabon Magick Manual (fondly referred to as MMM).

Ostara Magickal Manual (OMM)

Mabon Magickal Manual (MMM)