Happy Mellow, Magickal, Mystifying, Manifesting, Marvellous Monday!
Oh my giddy aunt, as I started writing this reading my guides came in with an amazing soundtrack of love songs, songs from my parents era “Love is in the air”. Tina Turner rocking “What’s love got to do with it”, and a shed ton more!
I had “thought” I was going to write about Valentine’s Day and how it is in essence a made up day that Hallmark and whomever sells the choccies and red roses are doing very well with.
Yet again, I got a huge smack down on that from what I call my “posse”, and when they smack, I pay the frig attention, so it’s not going to be what I thought – so stick with me, lol – or don’t, your choice.
So most certainly in Western cultures Valentine’s day is being celebrated. The stores are filled with gitchy things to buy, a single rose is $7 and the price of chocolate has gone up by 35%. Wow.
Personally I find Valentine’s Day irritates me, not because I don’t believe in love, but why on earth do we need just one day where we are meant to be loving, and why is it only focused on romantic love?
What if you aren’t in a romantic relationship? What if you’ve lost your partner? I mean for criminies sake, why aren’t we celebrating all forms of love – family, friends, community, nature, spiritual and most importantly self love?
Because, let’s be honest – without self love and appreciation for your own gorgeous being, you don’t have anything! (And NO self love is NOT selfish!)
Had to clear that up as one of my clients a while ago said that they felt selfish taking time for themselves and doing something nurturing.
Self-love is all about nourishing your mind, spirituality, and physical body. Try to aim at all three of these to create a more well-rounded self-care plan. Focus on activities you get excited about doing. This is all about you after all, if it doesn’t give you a little thrill, why bother?
To fully love, forgive and accept yourself is magickal, and allows the Divine to flow through you.
So I invite you to think about love and romance in a whole different way this year.
Look at ways you can increase your self-love. How can you take better care of yourself?
How can you be your own best lover and your own best partner?
Offer yourself all the things you would love to have from a lover.
Book romantic dates for yourself.
Make love to yourself slowly, and with intention.
Spend time journaling your feelings.
Say all those wonderful words that you say to your best friend, to build them up, to yourself.
If you’re struggling, get the help and support that you need to release the doubts and fears.
Fall in love with your glorious self every day, not just Valentine’s Day.
And remember, love all of yourself – even the jiggly bits lol, because you are so, so, so very worth it!
Use the energy of this Pisces New Moon that comes in on February 19th, to really tap into your emotions and write a love letter to yourself!
I’ve created a glorious Self Love Spell, which is an easy and lovely candle ritual for you to do.
Okay, I have chuntered on enough, so let’s crack on with the reading.
When I went to the cards to ask who wanted to share their wisdom and insight with you this week, the glorious “Love Your Inner Goddess” guides came out big and bold. Now if these are new to you, please let me introduce them (as it would be rude not to).
Now if these guides are new to you, please let me introduce them – “These guides have come to help you awaken and express your divine feminine spirit, to live from your heart, to empower your true self – and to discover your sacred rebel within, to say no to the voices of fear and hate and become a voice for love, truth and spirit on the earth.
Living as a soul, with truth, takes real courage in this world. We are often taught to follow the rules and be a good boy or girl – and that if we do this, everything will be OK. Your inner goddess thinks that is a bunch of nonsense. She wants so much more for you. She wants you to live a beautiful divine destiny. She will show you how to be a loving rebel, breaking the rules that go against your heart and soul, changing the game and playing from the heart. She’ll show you how to live the life that is meant only for you. You are meant to stir up healing change and be a voice for what is wise, loving and true.
There are issues in our own lives and the world that need to change, that need to be healed. Your inner goddess knows how to bring about healing change with love, playfulness, courage and dignity. She is a fearless minx who will help you dance, love, storm and laugh your way into a more beautiful world, created from the heart.“
Seriously, the perfect guides for this time. Woosah!
Okay dear heart, just settle into yourself. Allow your breath to find its natural rhythm. Just breathe into all the corners of your glorious being, and allow in your mind’s eye a glorious vortex to start swirling. As it opens, see it filled with love, all sorts of love and allow it to soothe you and to remind you that you are love incarnate. Then when you’re ready pick the card or cards that dance around your heart.
Did you remember to pick?

Let’s go have a gander shall we?

Believe that you are worthy of an amazing life.
You don’t need to feel guilty or hold yourself back to make anyone else feel comfortable.
You don’t need to be timid or uncertain, worrying that you are becoming too much for someone else or asking too much from the Universe.
Living a great life is not about competition with anyone else. Living a great life helps inspire others to do the same – it doesn’t take anything away from anyone else.
If your dreams both excite and scare you, that’s a good sign. Give yourself permission to go for it. Go after what you want with a happy heart.
You have every right to be proud of yourself. You have courage. You have listened to your heart, even though sometimes that seemed to be the harder choice to make. You may have days when you don’t feel so heroic, but, deep within you know you have guts and you are strong.
You know that a challenge is the way the Universe shows you that you are capable of something more.
An opportunity is before you, now. Has your heart been urging you to take a stand or take action in some way? Would you feel proud of yourself if you honoured that?
Then do it!!!!
You are learning what it is to truly respect and take pride in yourself. That means feeling good about the sort of person you choose to be, how you choose to live your life – not lowering your standards to be the same as everyone else, but honouring your heart, becoming an inspiration to yourself.
You don’t need to try to impress anyone. You are an awesome human being, and you have everything within to make yourself proud.
It’s time to step up. It’s time to be your own here.
This is an important time in your life, when you are being guided to lead from your heart. Even if it makes no sense to you or anyone else – or if your mind screams at you with fear and doubt – don’t ignore what your heart is telling you.
Give yourself the time and space that you need, away from the noise and the demands of the world and other people, so that the quiet voice of your heart can be heard. Then take courage and act on what you feel.
Your heart is wise and worthy of your trust.
Your heart was never meant to be tamed. It is always truthful.
When you allow yourself to be true to your heart, it will show you how to create a beautiful contribution to this world that fills you up with joy and peace.
You don’t need to be ashamed of what you feel or be persuaded that you should feel differently. Your heart has wisdom beyond the logic of the mind. It has its own creative genius, a unique way to reframe problems, attract solutions and empower us to bring our dreams to life.
Some may be afraid of the wild freedom of the heart. You are not one of those people.
Your mind may not always understand why your heart feels and guides you the way it does, but that is OK. Reassure your mind that your heart can show you how to live in a way that is amazing – and that it’s safe to trust in that.
You are a wild child of the Universe, and your heart is showing you the way to fulfil your divine destiny.
Give yourself permission to live a life that makes your heart.
The world needs your joy!
Even if you feel uncertain about facing a challenge, believe in yourself.
You are strong enough to conquer this. There will be help if you need it, but you already have the inner resources required to overcome any obstacle and attain the most blessed outcome.
If you are in the process of letting go of someone or something – perhaps an old habit, an old way of life, a relationship or a situation in which you have felt trapped – don’t allow insecurity or uncertainty to stop you.
You’ve got this, and you are doing the right thing in moving on.
When you realise that you are strong enough to save yourself (which you are), you never have to be afraid again. As well as inner strength, you have inner wisdom.
Deep within, you just know when something or someone is (or is not) worthy of your time, energy and attention.
The most precious treasure that you will ever have is the divine gift of yourself.
There is nothing that is more valuable, and no one that is worth losing yourself over.
You don’t need permission from anyone other than yourself to decide to walk away from what isn’t right for you, or to stand your ground and honour your values, or to say no and refuse to give in to social pressures.
You can be open to help and grateful for assistance, but you also know that whenever you need it, you have the power to learn, to act, to figure it out, to find the love within that will empower you for the life that you deserve.
Woosah! Those were glorious messages for the week! So gorgeous one, sending you big love, squeezes, warm cups of tea and a soothed soul. May your heart be full and your spirit light! Try out the candle ritual and remember – You are loved, you are worthy and you are amazing! See you in 2 weeks!

WOW! Amazingly accurate.
Thank you Jenny Xxx
I’m glad!