Happy magnificent, marvelous Monday! It’s good to be back. How was your Easter? Did a large wascally wabbit come and poop little chocolate eggs everywhere? Our Easter was fabulous as guess what? We had two days of sun and nice weather in a row!!! (I know, sad but true). So a lot of time was spent playing outside, waking up the garden and just getting everything freshened up. We had a glorious egg hunt through the woods and bushes, and our wascally wabbit hid eggs in the bark of the trees, under shrubs, peeking out from rocks – quite inventive if I say so myself. Good thing we did our egg hunt on the Saturday as Sunday brought 8” of snow! (It was nearly enough to make me want to crawl back into bed and stay there until the real Spring arrived). Ah well, can’t do anything about it.
My friend and I collaborated and co-created Easter dinner for friends, family and waifs and strays, so I think there were about 20 odd of us which always makes for great conversations and interesting dynamics. We also played a fabulous game called “Telestrations”, I highly, highly suggest it but the caveat is it’s not really appropriate for small people to play. It can be a bit edgy, kind of like Cards against Humanity. But it’s great fun!!
On Equinox I did my ritual of writing on little strips of paper things that I would like more of in my life and then I popped them into 12 peat pots, covered them with dirt and planted all sorts of herb seeds in them. Well with the lack of sun (as Spring is being reluctant in showing herself), I noticed they were a bit straggly, so I moved them to a different window and lower down. About an hour later I walked back into the living room to see that one pot was missing, there was a small pile of dirt on the carpet and Legolas (my large white Akbash) was licking his lips with dirt hanging from his jowls! The bugger had eaten one of my intentions! So I don’t know if that means he is spreading my intention out into the world or that that intention was just too delicious not to share! Bloody dog!
Okay, enough about twisted games, pooping bunnies and intention eating dogs, let’s get on with the reading. The deck that came out loud and proud this week is “The Divine Circus Oracle” and if this is your first time coming to this wonderful deck, let me give you the dedication. “This deck is for those who find it hard to follow rules, conform, bend to authority and generally “do what they are told”. May your rebel heart always be bold. May your spirit always be free. May you remember to live the Divine Circus and have fun doing things the way you aren’t supposed to, whilst living your most creative and unique divine destiny.” Ahhhhh, doesn’t that just sound delightfully delicious? The crystals that literally threw themselves out of the bowl to come play are:- Ruby Zoisite – great for transmuting negative energy into positive. Snowflake Obsidian – a stone of purity and brings about a balance to body, mind and spirit. Last but not least, Citrine – highly protective and enhances optimism. These are then all topped of with of a Selenite wand for amplification.
I have created an “interesting” visualisation for you that involves some travelling, but don’t fret you won’t need your passport. However, if you don’t feel the need just take a few moments to slow your breathing down and get centred in yourself and then pick the card or cards that resonate for you.
Did you pick?
Let’s go have a little look see shall we?
There is a unique beauty in you that wants to shine through. It is different. It might not be pretty, neat and tidy, and you might even feel vulnerable about sharing this real, unveiled you with the world…do it anyway because the world wants to love you. The rare, raw and real you.
It’s time to peel back the layers and unearth the real you – naked, vulnerable, real, beautiful. With every layer of hiding and protection removed, you’ll encounter whatever it was that caused that layer of self protection to be built up in the first place – maybe a sense of shame, fear, hate, anger or doubt. Affirm your love for yourself, and a willingness to be patient whilst you become ready to be known and seen and loved for who you are underneath those layers of pain, then you’ll find it easier to let them fall away. As this happens there will be a revelation of a raw, rare and real you that you didn’t even know was there – so pure so powerful, so precious. The inner light of you will shine through, like a lantern suddenly illuminated, with the radiance of you lighting up the dark.
In being brave enough to do this, you help empower others to be their true selves as well, to be less afraid of what makes them different, to embrace their uniqueness and feel the divine dignity that is rightfully ours when we choose to simply be who we are.
Cunningly clever am I, helping you discern the truth from the lie. I remind you that half truths may seem to be whole, yet in the shadows is information yet to be known. When the time is right, the light shall be bright, and confusion will give way to understanding.
You are being invited to be patient. This is a cautionary card, not to inspire concern, but rather to inspire curiosity. There is more to a situation, person, opportunity, or even an apparent absence of activity or success, than meets the eye. You could imagine it being like the universe has another card up its sleeve and is yet to show its full hand. A process has been set in motion but is “under the radar” of your awareness. Something is happening, even if that doesn’t appear to be the case. But just like a seed starts to grow into a plant, deep in the earth, apparently invisible and yet very real, you are being subjected to invisible but real forces of growth and healing at this time.
Because you cannot know what you don’t know, you will need to wait for more information to come to you. So if what you see, sense or feel is negative right now, don’t believe it! Things are going to shift and change and there will be a surprising twist in your life. Though you don’t see it coming, another piece of your life puzzle is going to reveal itself soon. It will help solve a difficulty or question you have been holding in your heart.
Shhhhhh! Can you keep a secret? It’s time to play your cards close to your chest. Soon enough, you’ll be ready to stand upon the mountain top for all to see and hear. For now, let things unfold in the guarded privacy of your inner world. When the time is right to be seen in the light, you’ll know what is true and what to do. Until then, be patient, be private, be committed and wait for the right time to shine.
Sometimes being less visible, less transparent, less “seen” for a time is helpful. It doesn’t mean being dishonest or deceptive, but it does mean keeping your intentions and your truths to yourself until you see the best way to attain your goals. In fact, the best way to attain your goals might be more of the “iron fist in velvet glove” approach. You might find that gentle persuasion works far better than direct confrontation, which can unintentionally inflame a situation and trigger defensive reactions in others instead of finding a way to bring resolution.
When it is time to show your hand, to reveal your intentions and speak more openly and publicly about what has been gestating, you’ll know it; but for now, let things come together away from prying eyes. Just for now, it’s time to keep a secret.
Wow, that was quite amazing, they are all to do with patience, trusting and being willing. (Have I said how much I love my cards?) How did your pick resonate for you? To me these cards are quite “Spring” like in the way that we plant a seed and we have to be patient and not go digging it up to see if it’s growing. Trust. Such a small word and one that can be very hard to do sometimes. So my gorgeous one, I wish you a glorious week filled with patience, inner knowing and of course huge, huge belly laughs! Oh yes, and is it just me that thinks Ruby Zoisite would make a great band name?
See you next week.
Originalli i picked “Rare,Raw,Real” but was very strongly pulled towards “Secret of Shinobi”. I read in the order they lay. The first seamed as though ok it time to completely let go, but am I ready?
Then i read about Shinobi, and yes, it resonated clearly! First hold tight a while longer. Keep doing what I’m doing but hold it closer. Then when the time is right…I will know….there will be no more holding back of anything and it will be fantastically beautiful and rewarding in many many ways.
Ha! Lol!
Thank you Jenny…
Thank you Jenny! I love your readings and today’s reminded me to be patient. Not my best attribute but if the Universe suggests you wait and be patient so it must be. Thanks for the wonderful reminder
Welcome Connie
Awesome as always. Huge resonance with the deck and with the card which beckoned me – #1, affirming my work to ‘de-layer’ and encouraging me to step up and step out. Much Gratitude always.
Yes! De-layering is a good thing, not always a comfy thing, but a good thing lol.
I picked card 1. As I read it it confirmed all that is happening in my life is right and I am on the mountain now . The layers are peeling off and my light is shining. My partner supports me to be me and life is so amazing through the changes.
Reading and the deck were amazingly spot on. Thank you. May you be Blessed this week.
JoAnn, that is amazing, I loved what you said about layers peeling off and your light shining. Thank you!