Hello delicious lovely, happy Magnificent, Marvelous, Magical, Mighty, Manifesting, Majestic, Mindful, Mesmerising Monday!
Let’s talk about Monday shall we? I have encountered, talked to and listened to sooo many people in the last month who have the “Fuck I hate Monday” attitude. When I ask why they look at me as if I missed the memo “Duh, everyone hates Monday, it’s Monday!” This response causes me to shake my head, roll my eyes and sigh. It’s a day, it’s the same as the day before and the next one to come, it’s 24 hours in your life, just because it happens to be called Monday shouldn’t earn it a bad rap. I actually had someone sing me the old Boomtown Rats song “I don’t like Monday’s”. (They did it quite well all considered).
I appreciate some people see Monday as tolling the bed of – urrgghhhh, back to the 9-5, even if they currently aren’t at a 9 – 5. But let’s take a moment and look at this – if what we focus on expands and if we manage our thoughts it can change our reality – why on God’s green earth would you want to pump that level of negative blaugh?
What if we reframed it and Monday became – Marvellous Monday, Manifesting Monday, Magical Monday, Mesmerising Monday? (Can you think of some other ones?) I guess my challenge to you is to reframe Monday and what it brings, instead of looking at this poor day as the bringer of bad news, let’s look at it as a fabulous day to create, manifest, experience miracles, mindset shifts and huge surges of mojo! Who’s with me? I challenge you to look at the next 6 Mondays this way and share that energy with others (as it’s quite contagious!)
Personally I have to say I am quite fond of the letter M lol. Did you know that in Egyptian writing, its ideogram is derived from the character for water, which explains why it’s so gracefully written. In terms of Roman numerals, it represents the number 1000? I really quite like the idea of the Egyptian ideogram and the letter “M”.
Okay, enough expounding on this fabulous letter!
This coming week, here in Canada, is Canada Day and Pride Week. Normally that would mean fabulous parades, large gatherings, parties and exceptional fireworks (and who doesn’t love a good pinwheel!) However, with how the world is right now, those celebrations aren’t happening. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t have your own celebration, one that’s meaningful to you.
Think about it, a small social distance gathering outside, a fire, chalking the sidewalk with positive messages, setting up an impromptu dance party for your neighbourhood (all done outside and with social distance). There are many ways to celebrate and share how your feeling that can be new, fun and safe.
Okay, this coming weekend, in fact July 5th we have our third eclipse! Whoot!! This is a Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn. So for those of you who have messaged saying you aren’t sleeping well, you feel fractious, fatigued and fed up. I’m not surprised. Eclipse season is intense all on it’s own, let alone with the whole de-constructing of an old paradigm piled on top of it.
Now if you remember an eclipse can generate an awareness of something larger, running the show and they poke holes in our ego/identity revealing things within us that we have been avoiding or are totally unaware of.
An eclipse uncovers things. Some we want to see and others we really don’t. We have been walking through this Eclipse Gateway for the last 4 weeks, and oh so slowly we are discovering a new path that is emerging, one that is very different from the path we were walking before.
On July 5th this Lunar Eclipse that has ten times the potential of Full Moon, and often clears a path that helps accelerate our soul journey. And remember the energy reverberates for months.
With this eclipse being in Capricorn. As Forever shares:- This Eclipse not only ends the current Eclipse Season, but it also ends the Cancer-Capricorn Eclipse cycle that we have been working with since 2018.
Cast your mind back to the first Eclipse of this cycle, which took place in July 2018. What themes have stirred in your life since this time? What journey have you been traveling in regards to your work life (Capricorn) and your personal life (Cancer)? Where have you felt pushed or pulled when it comes to these areas of your life? Where have you felt called to create boundaries to either pursue your professional life or spend more time on self-care and with those you love?
The Capricorn-Cancer Eclipse cycle is now coming to an end, and this July 2020 Lunar Eclipse is our final culmination moment. It represents an ending, the completion of a cycle, and as this cycle completes, we may be able to tune in to the gifts and rewards that are waiting for us.
The Goddess asteroid, Vesta is close to the Sun during this Eclipse. Vesta represents harvest and abundance, and its presence will be ensuring that this Eclipse brings the fruits of our labor. Vesta will remind us of the importance of nourishing ourselves, and will carry home the message that taking care of ourselves and looking after our health and wellbeing should always be our number one priority.
While there are rewards to be delivered on this Eclipse, there is also a final release or purging too. We will be guided to release something from our lives, something we have been holding on to that is now ready to be returned to the Earth and replaced with something new.
So gorgeous one as you play with this energy do please remember that we are also playing with the Fire element – thus the key thing is be kind and gentle with yourself and allow (note that word) the feelings to come up and just flow through you. Some days you are going to be so inspired and filled with vim and vigour that you want to go conquer the world, other days you may feel like you want to hide out in a dark closet with a large bottle of wine and a straw! Just let it flow and stay focused on your Intention, okay?
So with all that being said when I went to the cards to ask who wanted to support and guide this week the glorious Oracle of Isis guides were most adamant.
Have you ever asked who Isis is? Goddess of the Skies, Magick and Wisdom are just a few of the titles she is given. Let me take a moment to introduce you to this lovely deck – “You are a powerful Soul and you are awakening. Your thoughts, feelings and inner world is changing, and so too is your outer world. When a Soul is growing in power and strength, it can benefit from guidance to help make the path into a new way of being in the world that much easier. Isis offers Her wisdom and guidance to you to assist you at this time of spiritual growth and transition. She loves you, and wants you to shine and be your radiant self, filled with power and wisdom.”
The crystals that wiggled and jiggled are Fire Agate – known as the Spiritual Flame of absolute perfection is a protective and grounding stone with a calming energy. It is said to build a protective shield around the body, deflecting ill-wishing and harm and reflecting it back to its source. Angel Wing Phantom Quartz – fabulous for connecting to your higher self and to attain a sense of tranquility. Carnelian -stabilising, it restores vitality and motivation, and stimulates creativity. It gives courage, promotes positive life choices, dispels apathy and motivates for success.
Take a moment. Gift yourself that, and just breathe. As you gently slow down your breathing ask your wise inner self – what do I need to release this eclipse. Let it gently flow up into your mind’s eye and then when you are ready pick the card or cards that whisper to you.
Did you remember to pick?

Let’s go take a little look see shall we?

Blessing from the Divine Empress of the Skies
Take this as a confirmation of your feminine leadership and spiritual authority whether in male or female body this lifetime. Isis means “throne” and in Her presence and blessing, as Divine Empress of the Skies, She offers Initiates of the light, men and women, great feminine spiritual power.
Feminine spiritual authority occurs when power is tempered with mercy, wisdom, compassion and love. It is inspired spiritual leadership that is based in empowerment rather than force or control. Isis, calls you to ascend to the Throne of Feminine Leadership within your own being, that you may fulfil your life mission and serve the Divine Feminine on this planet from a place of inner spiritual authority.
This new model of power is not about assuming authority over another, but about living your truth and integrity and leading by authentic example. There is great power here, and no false sense of responsibility for another which could drain you and create dependency rather than growth in those you seek to empower through your leadership.
You are encouraged to contemplate how you might step more fully into your own authority. Often this requires that we make peace with the authority figures in our lives, past and present, and how we have experienced those relationships – whether as supportive, truthful and empowering or as disempowering, shaming or perhaps minimising or inflating our sense of grandiosity. Healthy relationships with authority figures help us recognise where we can learn and perhaps be mentored by another, and where we too can help others learn and grow.
Allow the release of forgiveness that comes with compassion and the freedom that willingness to grow within brings so that your relationship to authority within and externally can be healed and transformed.
Triumph of the Goddess
Beloved Initiate, there are times to surrender and let go, but there are never times to give up! Persist with your bold faith and inspired action until the impossible happens. Isis has the spirit of triumph and will never fail in Her quest no matter how bold or impossible it seems. Believe.
It is helpful on the inner path to let go and detach over and over again and yet we need to stay true to our heart and not give up on what we feel we are here to do. Whether it is reaching for enlightenment, for inner peace, for a creative breakthrough or personal healing, the triumph of the Goddess is with you now urging you not to give up, no matter how far away or impossible success may seem to be. Don’t quit! Persist until the impossible happens!
You are being reminded that you can surrender, let go of attachment as to how everything will happen or what it will look like, even if it is frustrating to surrender the vision into the Divine Fires yet again, waiting until you feel it naturally coming together according to Divine Timing.
The Spirit of Isis is willing to wait until Divine Forces collide and the miracle occurs. Remember, beloved Initiate, that the forces of growth, love and divinity are in your corner. There is nothing more powerful than these. Allow them to have their way and you will have yours. Your win is assured.
Crafting Sacred Practice
Effect in the external world can be created through inner practice. Magick and Ritual can support your Divine Path now in the physical world and you are encouraged to enhance your power with regular practice. The results that you experience will encourage you to continue with the practice as you grow in power, grace, love, ability and wisdom, and apply your inner beauty to transform your outer world.
For us to grow empowered and potent on the Path of Ancient Feminine Power we need to honour our knowing and being and cultivate sacred practice. Sacred practice becomes the habit of growing our spiritual power and consciousness. Like a garden needing regular care and watering to blossom and flourish, our inner garden of the Soul, where our creativity, joy, spiritual gifts and bliss bubble away, also needs regular attention. Coming to our practice takes strength and inner will – even though it can feel amazing, we still have to wake up, set aside time and discipline ourselves to show up for our own inner growth. We will reap the benefits when we do, but we must allow ourselves to fall in love with our practice, to craft something that really speaks to us, so that we want to do it. The desire and the discipline together help us engage with our practice regularly and we can grow so fast it can be quite shocking!
You have great power and wisdom within you, but you need to provide channels for it to flow and be active and empowered in your physical life. Sacred Practice is such a channel. Without these channels, the ego is left to create on its own which is not much fun at all! The ego believes in fear and separation and no matter how much it may want to feel love, bliss, connection, joy and fulfilment, it really cannot do it without your spiritual presence in life. Ritual and Magick, as a form of sacred practice, are recommended for you as a way to bring more spiritual presence into your waking life, to heal and support the ego as you learn to create a life that feels better and brings you and others more fulfilment.
Oh my gosh, I love, love, love the cards! Perfect guides for us at this time. So my delicious lovely, remember to be kind and gentle with yourself. This is not the time for pushing and forcing, it’s the time for flow. Try and do something every day that nourishes you and most certainly laugh! If you are somewhere where celebration is happening – create something that makes your tummy giggle and your soul soar. Sending you big hugs and squeezes and see you next week!