Happy Marvellous, Magnificent, Magnanimous, Melding, Magickal, Mysterious, Manifesting, Miraculous Monday!
This is a beautifully intense week – and what do I mean by that?
On April 16th when we have the Full Moon in Libra where we are holding a “virtual” healing circle, to raise funds for the people of the Ukraine. As I mentioned last week, many of you have asked if I would hold a circle and so I as I felt into it and waited until my spiritual posse said “NOW” (and believe me, they don’t give much notice when they do things like that.
This Healing Circle is for self, for family, community, The peoples of the Ukraine and globally, as we all need to come back to centre, to heal, to feel supported and to support others. An amazing 20 minute guided visualisation and meditation has been created for this time and is by donation (pay what you can), my goal is to raise over $3,000 to donate.
Then at 7am PST no matter where you are (you could be in the bath) you stop, stand still, drop into the visualisation and connect to the thousands of people who will be doing the same. And together we weave a web of intense healing, support and love. You don’t have to worry about hopping on Zoom, meeting in person – it’s about setting the intention to heal and share your healing with others.
When we harness the power of the collective at this level we create miracles for ourselves, our communities and for everyone!
Why is it happening on Easter Weekend? There are 3 reasons.
The first one is:– as you sit down to a delicious Easter dinner, surrounded by friends, family, pets in a warm dry space there are thousands of people who can’t. In the Ukraine, people have lost their homes, family members, their livelihoods and fear looms over like a dark cloud. 4.5 million people have had to leave their homes and their country. Perk on that for a moment.
The second reason is that on April 12th we have Jupiter and Neptune coming together in the sign of Pisces. The last time this happened was 166 years ago! Their meeting in Pisces is arguably the most intense energetic combination as Jupiter is considered the ancient ruler of Pisces and Neptune is considered the modern ruler.
This energy combination is also a classic signature for spiritual awakening.
“All things in the spiritual realm can expand, flourish, and grow under this energy. We may even find ourselves exploring new understandings of life beyond life or connections with otherworldly beings.
Under this energy, we may feel the desire to create deeper spiritual connections, and that inner divine flame that lives within may call out to us more and more.
On its highest vibration, Neptune is the planet of unconditional love and Jupiter is the planet of expansion. As they join forces, we can be reminded of our connection to each other, and the love that flows within and around each and every one of us. Rather than seeing division, we can see that we are connected, that we all deserve love, and that separation is just an illusion.”
Under this energy, the Universe will be offering waves of energy that support unity, coming together, and enhancing life on this planet for all.
The third and last reason is that it is the Full Moon in Libra. If there was a slogan for this Libra Full Moon it would be – “something’s gotta give.” It seems that wherever there has been tension, whatever has been pulled too tightly, is going to snap back, forcing us to make changes and to find a new way to harmony.
This Full Moon brings to culmination the intentions set back in October. Where were you in October? How were you feeling? What did your heart desire?
One of the planets very active under this Full Moon is Eris. “Eris is a powerful warrior that moves from her feminine instincts, not her masculine ones. Her warrior-like nature comes from her heart. She is the mother that can lift a car in order to save her baby. She is the witch that is strong and confident in her magic. She is the woman that owns her sexuality and knows she is desirable.
No matter our gender expression, when we work consciously with the energy of Eris, it helps us to embrace our darker feminine side, the side that is shunned by society the most.”
As Forever shares;
Allow the flame of your feminine power to be ignited under the magic of the Full Moon. Allow the warmth of this flame to remind you of the lost wisdom and magic that the feminine possesses. Allow the flame to rise, so you can bring a higher balance to the masculine and feminine energies that flow across the globe.
Now do you understand the intention behind the Healing Circle being on April 16th? We can harness the power of the collective magic and we can harness the power of nature magic, as well as planetary.
Ready to create some massive healing and support for yourself and others, I hope so?
Okay, I have chuntered on enough, so let’s crack on with the reading. When I went to the cards to ask who wanted to support, guide, lead and empower I laughed my soxs off. Two decks decided to have a face off! Positively perfect! After all, who doesn’t need a blessing right now – and if you remember when you bless yourself or anyone it comes back to you threefold. Blessings are incredibly powerful!
So gorgeous bean, breathe deep. Take a moment to really come to your centre and then pick the card or cards that whisper to you.
Did you remember to pick?

Let’s go have a look shall we?

The Faery gift so that you, too, shine with an inner radiance.
Let this gift from the Shining Ones bring you blessings of your own abilities to shine the world, beloved one.
You are now given the gift from the realm where once the great Tuatha de Danann, the People of the Land, of the goddess Danu, the old faerie tribes of ancient Ireland, ruled and kept the balance of all things.
They bless you now with the gift you need most at this time. Simply close your eyes for a moment, and see the glow, the radiance emitted by the energy within and all around you.
Now, see that shining self begin to grow stronger, and larger, and more visible to your spirit eyes.
With this gift, your radiance is strengthened, so that now you shine within the world, and can be seen, recognised, and offered good fortune and bounty. Your light is a lamp for the world, and it is beautiful to behold.
This time will bring unexpected kindnesses and easeful movement in achieving goals that are best for your soul, as well as a sense of being recognised and cared for by those who have that touch of shining blood within them, too.
Blessings of the Shining Ones, to you, friend.
A blessing to inspire the blossoming of great health within your life.
May you, friend, be blessed with a rising of your own personal vitality…may life force flow into every cell of your body, inhabiting each fully with the desire for life and the yearning for the full feeling of all that is here for you to experience.
May the cells in the blood sing their song with joy at being here, and may your bones be strong, and whole, densely knitted in the joints to keep you upright, ever moving into the next step, a dance of love for the feeling of the world.
May the muscles take shape and move with your form, and may there be flexibility and the great gift of movement for you. May your organs do their holy work, and may the health of the mind, curious yet peaceful, awakened yet rested, be yours.
May the energy that belongs to the hale be yours, and may your every footstep bring a little more vitality, a little more joy in movement, a little more of a blessing to simply be here, and in such good health.
May you know peace within the temple of your body, and may a revival of energy be yours, like that of spring after winter, so you have a spirit shining with good health, the energy all about you radiant, an auric field filed with wellness, a field of energy you can drink from, and renew yourself, each day and night of this lifetime.
May the blessings of good health and joy in your body be yours, and should it be challenged, may you rise and meet that challenge with courage, and security in the wisdom of your blood and bones, flesh and energy field, and may all that brings you wellness come to you again and again.
The Faery Gift of the Benevolence of the Good Seelie Court.
A gift from the Seelie Court is yours. The Seelie Court is a place where you are treated with courtesy and honour, respect and grace. To be blessed by the Seelie is to have kindness enter your life. This blessing from the Seelie Court acknowledges the courtesy and respect you have extended to others, and the kindnesses you have done, again and again, without thought for what you would receive in return.
The Seelie have been observing your goodness, and due to this goodness, you are now receiving a reward. You will find consideration and empathy, understanding and rewards, when this blessing comes to you. There could be a small windfall, a little extra of everything – so that, suddenly, it seems like the Universe is supporting you, and that what once was a struggle becomes easier.
In the old days, the blessing of the Seelie meant the cow’s milk was sweeter and more abundant, the grain grew high in the fields, and babes grew strong in days filled with gentle sunshine.
For you, your tender plans and hopes will have every kindness to support them, as the blessing of the Court of the Seelie is yours, and with that, comes a time of grace and ease, compassion and flow.
A blessing on your ability to decide where you end, and where others begin, on what you will do gladly and without regret, and what you cannot be compelled to do, for it would be against your own nature.
Within this lifetime, there will be times when you are unsure of what is most important, and what is best for you to do. You will not be sure of why you wish to do something, and when it comes to others, especially others for whom we have strong feelings, it can be a challenge indeed to know what is best to do, and to know why we sometimes feel great misgivings when it comes to offering our time, our love, our money and gifts to another for their use.
With this blessing comes a certainty – that in this situation you will know the difference between what is best for you to do, and what another wants you to do.
May you be blessed with the sure ability to say no, quietly and without apology to the boss who asks for too much, to the partner who asks you to put your own needs aside for theirs.
May it now be clear to you when a friend fails to listen and reciprocate, and when you give, without being given to in return.
May this blessing draw clearly the lines that mark out your own emotional landscape, and make a map of who you are, and where you end, so that you may know when others intrude into your space and mind, your heart and home, without invitation.
With this blessing of boundaries let there be respect, and consultation, and a renewed appreciation of your own needs and desires. May this blessing give you the power to close a door, to open a window, to ask for help in return, and to support yourself by beginning to respect and acknowledge what it is you need.
And with this blessing, these powers you will now have.
There we have it! I love the cards that decided to come out and share. I wish for you a Blessed Easter celebration, I hope you join in the Healing Circle and offer your healing and support to those in need, and remember – put your crystals out on the Full Moon and embrace the Neptune/Jupiter energy. See you in a couple of weeks as Monday I will be playing with my family and dancing with the Spring flowers. Massive hugs and squeezes. May you be Blessed.