Happy Merry, Majestic, Magickal, Magnificent, Marvelous Monday! How are you? How was the last Full Moon of the decade for you? I found it deliciously delightfully demanding! Lol. However, the night sky was so clear that you could see her in all her glory which was amazing, and I love seeing the rings around her which means it’s going to be a cold night and frost on the ground in the morning! Which there certainly was the next morning.
The other day, as I was driving, the radio was counting down how many shopping days until Xmas, have to say that really irritated me. This can be such a stressful season for so many people with all the concerts, social activities, kids activities, expectations, loss, feeling alone and the frenetic shop, shop, shop. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not being a bah-humbug but I don’t think people need to be made to feel they are on a tight timeline and not keeping up. Also, why not say “It’s only 5 days until Yule!” I have a fabulous Wicca Calendar app on my phone that is counting down the days, hours and minutes to Winter Solstice (aka as Yule).
Here in the Northern Hemisphere we are celebrating Yule (in the Southern Hemisphere you are celebrating Litha). Okay, why do I love this celebration so much? For so many reasons! It’s the longest night and the shortest day, we are welcoming back the sun, it’s the beginning of Winter, it’s the walk into the warm welcoming darkness, that we all tend to avoid. It’s part of my heritage and even if I tried to ignore it my body would remind me. Winter Solstice celebrates the longest hours of darkness or the rebirth of the sun and is believed to hold a powerful energy for regeneration, renewal and self-reflection. (And look, no frenetic shopping involved lol). Also, if we look at Christmas, many of the pieces that we celebrate came from Yule.
I could write pages and pages about Yule/Winter Solstice, how to celebrate, rituals, spells etc. But then this post would be about 30 pages long. So instead; for you gorgeous ones who are part of our community and on our email list I would like to gift you with B.O.W.S – Book of Winter Solstice. Now for those of you in the Southern Hemisphere there will be a gift of B.O.S.S – Book of Summer Solstice. Links to these will be sent out on Friday the 20th. So if this is something that interests you, make sure you are on the email list (super easy, there is a sign up box.)
Oh yes, there will be two glorious guided visualisations, one for the North and one for the South.
So the other day I had a “Virginal Experience” (tricky to do when you have 5 kids!) As I’ve yomped with Danu the therapy dog, I have noticed that here, in this city, people dress their dogs up. Some people do it for the day to day, which I totally don’t comprehend as I have a tough enough time getting out the door without having to dress a dog! However, lots of people have fun Christmas things for their dogs. Hmmmmm. After watching this for a week I began to feel like a bad dog human. Were other dogs judging Danu? Did I care? Were other humans judging me? Did I care? No was the emphatic answer, but……… Now keep in mind, I have had a dog for 30 years and I have never, ever, ever – until now – dressed them. I love them, but they are a dog. However, I will say I succumbed. Thus, I went to various pet stores and looked at all the ridiculous Santa jumpers, Mrs. Claus outfits, things that looked like pyjamas and sooooo couldn’t get behind any of them. So, I popped into the last place, walked through the “doggy clothing aisle” (who knew there was such a thing) and just as I was about to walk out the door there was a flash of green and gold. Hmmmm. I went and checked it out and it was the most funky, cool, fun Elf coat! Yup. I bought it, I am no longer a dog garb Virgin! I then went and dug out my bell bedecked elf hat and Danu and I went for a walk in our garb.
As we did, it was interesting to watch responses – so many people smiled and laughed, small kids wanted to pet and snuggle the elf dog. So my reasoning is, if it makes people smile and feel good I can do this until Xmas (possibly). Though when someone said today – “You are such lovely Elves”. My response was “Depends on the day. Some days I am on the Elf on the Shelf, other times, A Troll on a Stroll, A Gnome in Your Home, A Faery in the Dairy, A Dwarf on the Wharf, now if I could only find something that rhymes with Ogre!” If you have any suggestions, please let me know!
So there we go my lovelies, daft as it may be.
Oh yes, many of you have asked if there is going to be a Solstice special on Private Readings. I have pondered and perked this and yes, for the Wheel of the Year Reading. This reading is offered rarely, however, I am willing to open up 10 spots and offer at a huge discount. This offer will be in place from now until Xmas Eve only, and as I take from the 23rd to January 6th off, the readings will be delivered after that time. So if you are interested, I highly suggest you snap it up now. After all, we are entering a glorious new decade!
Okay, let’s crack on with the reading.
When I asked the cards who would like to guide this week just prior to Winter Solstice, I was delighted to see the “Lightworker Oracle” were adamant. The perfect guides for this celebration and a welcoming of 2020. Now if these guides are new to you, it would be rude not to introduce them:- This deck is for lightworkers and what I mean by that is old souls. They have an interest in being of service. They want to live a life of passion and purpose and have their life mean something at a spiritual level. They care about causes that stir their hearts. They are often the black sheep of their family. Does this sound like you? I know it does for me.
The crystals that wanted to show and shine are:- Stilbite – expands consciousness, helps organise confusion of the mind, encouraging one to take charge of life by committing to a direction. Labradorite – creates a force field throughout the aura, protecting and strengthening the energies within and preventing others from ‘tapping in’ and draining you. Smoky Quartz – grounding, absorbs and transmutes negativity by grounding it in the earth where it neutralises.
Ready? Okay, breathe for a moment or two, nice long slow deep breaths. Breathing as easy as Receiving the guidance that wants to support you, fill you up, inspire you. Breathe. Receive. Allow. As you breathe this way allow the day to day dross to drop to the floor and feel yourself being filled up with gorgeous light that twines with your light. Supporting, nourishing, replenishing. When you are ready, pick the card or cards that invite you to be seen.
Did you remember to pick?
Let’s go have a look.
There is a belief system based on fear, doubt and distrust this is known as “mass consciousness”. It says it is safer to stay with the crowd, not to question what you have been taught. It says you can’t trust the Divine to take care of your financial well being or your emotional needs. It says you should be afraid and not take risks. Its says that if you dare to stand up and live your truth, you’ll be lost and alone, humiliated, rejected or even destroyed.
You are being guided to unplug from that systems of beliefs. You are capable of a more creative, loving and soul-satisfying way of living. To access this, let go of the way that is too small for your soul!
You are brave and aware enough to think outside the box, beyond what society or your peers may consider ‘normal’. You are supposed to be questioning things right now. You are in a transition from one way of thinking to another, opening up to a new world which you can trust enough to live with peace and happiness because of the upgraded new beliefs you are cultivating.
No matter how others may resist or criticise your choices (perhaps your new ideas take you away from the world they feel comfortable in), your higher guidance encourages you to keep opening your mind to a more loving, higher reality.
Sometimes breaking from the accepted norm, doing things differently or being considered weird to family, colleagues and friends is a sign that you are breaking away from the consciousness of the masses, which is not compatible with your own higher frequency consciousness.
So keep unplugging yourself, one layer, thought, word and deed at a time, from that which the mass consciousness would have you buy into – more stuff, more fear, more competition, more doubt and more suffering. You can challenge any thoughts you don’t want to have. Free yourself. You have the power to change your world and the world we live in as a result, on liberating thought at a time.
The spiritual worlds are delivering a message to you. You may have already heard it, through telepathic reception, and mistaken it for your own thought. Yet it is inspired by your higher guidance, those spiritual beings that love you without condition. It is an answer to a question and guidance to increase your happiness.
It is possible to pray without realising it. The Universe is lovingly listening to every thought and feeling in your heart and mind. When you intentionally speak to the Universe and ask your higher guidance to help you with an issue, this is a powerful way to call the light into your life. It works. Often quite rapidly! However, sometimes we ask for help without being so aware of doing so. Worrying about an issue or pondering a question are ways this happens.
There are orbs of light around you. They are spiritual beings that love you. These orbs contain information and energies that help answer questions – and worries – through the intelligence and love of the higher spiritual worlds. That information might come through a song, a phrase, a feeling or a colour or symbol that unlocks awareness in the deeper recesses of your mind and body.
To access the information of these orbs of light, to be open to seeing them more clearly, whether directly with your own energetic vision through clairvoyance, or through photographs or other means, do so.
Unconditional loving orbs are available to you at every moment, open your heart and invite them in.
You are a talented soul. Over many lifetimes, you have developed your spiritual abilities to channel higher awareness, attract healing energy and radiate light to uplift the consciousness of those around you. Your divine talents are many, and uniquely expressed through you. Your talents do not have to resemble those of another to have their own inestimable value. Do not be afraid to use them!
Divine talents are a way in which the Universe reminds us of what we are here to do. Divine talents are unlimited. They include the ability to channel spiritual guidance and healing energy, to perceive clairvoyantly, and be psychic and empathic. Other spiritual talents include writing, performing, sound healing, dancing to awaken awareness, creating art, photography, or divinely inspired tools and jewelry. Cooking food that heals body and spirit is a spiritual talent, as are the abilities to bring people together, to offer comforting and inspiring words at the right time, to help others overcome fear and feel more at peace in moments of importance and more.
Do you acknowledge your talents, yourself? Believe in yourself, your abilities and in your capacity to use those talents in a constructive, healing way? Keep developing your talents until your own unique expression comes to life. Don’t give up in the early and possibly awkward stages, dismissing your abilities as less than those of another. Trust that there is something very real and worthwhile in you. Do not dismiss or diminish your potential. Treat yourself as an investment worthy of development!
Give yourself a chance – enough time, attention and practice to discover what you are really capable of. The Universe knows! Soon, you shall too.
PS: Do what makes you happy, to chase your sacred bliss and express yourself in the world via the unique and special abilities that the Divine has bestowed upon you. When you follow what you love, you are on your life path, and you shall succeed beloved.
Woosah delicious lovely! As the energy builds to Solstice and Xmas I wish for you ease, effortlessness and flow. Remember to take some time out to breathe and be good to yourself! If you want to receive either the B.O.W.S or B.O.S.S make sure you are on the email list. If you want to take advantage of the Wheel of the Year reading as we enter into 2020, there are only 10 spots available. Next week we are going to explore WOTY and some other cool pieces (like the partial eclipse). Sending you huge hugs, squeezes and big mugs of something warm to drink!
Mkhudg@gmail.com Love your posts!
Thank you!