Happy Magickal, Marvellous, Magickal Monday! How are you delicious lovely? Did you have a splendid week? We have been living in what feels like very surreal conditions for the last week. There are so many forest fires burning around us that the sky has become a strange blanket of grey/white smoke for days! It feels like we are stuck inside some childs snow globe (except it would be a smoke globe), the sun can’t even penetrate the smoke to cast down her heat, instead she sits in the sky like a tiny orange dot. This is turn has created merry hell with things such as the internet, cell reception and all sorts of things. Thus, if you took advantage of the Eclipse Reading Offer (which does end at midnight today), and haven’t heard anything – don’t panic, with the intermittent internet coverage it has been like dealing with Mercury Retrograde on steroids! However, as Mercury has just turned direct I am hoping for better communications and some frigging rain!
It’s been interesting to see how this level of smoke has been affecting people’s energy and moods. There is a desire to sleep more (which is normal) and some people are exceptionally cross about the whole situation and will spend every minute ranting at whomever will listen about how unacceptable this is and how inconvenient. The fact of the matter is that it’s happening, it sucks, our firefighters are doing a stellar job, the helicopters are continually going over the lake scooping up large buckets of water, and hopefully we get rain and clearer skies. Spending my whole day fuming about it all isn’t going to change it, right? Funnily enough with all this fire around, the other night I thought it might be fun to bleach the tips of my red hair, so I slapped on some bleach and then got immersed in something else and forgot! 2 hours later (yes two hours) I quickly washed it off to find that my hair had gone golden, coppery, red and looked like a flame! (When mishaps turn into blessings – phew)!
In days of yore I’m sure people would have thought that “witches” (normally the wise woman of a village who worked with herbs and healing) had caused the wildfires to punish Farmer Brown for not selling her a pint of milk. Well we all know how that would turn out don’t we? Burning, hanging, drowning or being rolled down a hill in a barrel filled with stakes. (None of which sound very appealing at all to be honest!) In fact on this day in 1612 nine Pendle witches were hanged at Gallows Hill in Lancaster, England. The only witness to them being witches was a 9 year old boy! So that made me think that for me personally, the fact I talk to my plants, have crystals everywhere, read oracle cards, connect to the divine on a daily basis, celebrate the seasons, the moons, eclipses, use homeopathy and herbs as my first line of defense for ailments and illnesses, talk to the cat and dogs – you know the usual. I would most certainly be cast as a witch, (which in this day and age I am most proud of!). I think that’s why I like Tish Thawer’s quote from her book “The Witches of Blackbrook”, which says “We are the granddaughters of the witches you weren’t able to burn!” (Very apropo with all this smoke and fire around don’t you think?)
So with witches, wonderment and magic abounding let’s crack on with the reading. I was delighted to see that the lovely “Oracle of the Dragonfae” decided it was important to them to show up. Now, if you have never worked with these delicious guides let me share a bit about them. These guides are the magickal and mystical that weave through the threads of every day, they are the Dragonfae, Gods and Goddesses who dwelt in dimensional lands….Eden, Avalon, Ys, Atlantis and Mu, they are Morgan, Guenevere, Merlin and others – fully alive and filled with magick! The crystals that came to play are Moonstone, Red Calcite and Red Jasper – yummers!!! As always, a Selenite wand for amplification and some lovely flowers and lemon balm from the garden. I did the reading outside (even if smokey) and added the smoke of my smudge to the sky……..
Okay, let’s take a glorious deep breath in through the nose and sigh it out through your mouth. As you exhale, feel within your body all the tension and the worry flowing out on your breathe. Breathe in again, gently roll your shoulders and when you feel that you are fully back in yourself. Ask your essence what question is burbling there for you. What do you need a little support or guidance with and with that held in your minds eye then pick the card or cards that resonate for you. Ready?
Did you remember to pick?
Shall we go take a gander?
You know that I shine upon this Earth and that we belong to each other. Yet you have disconnected, for all your knowledge, when only a few moments spent beneath my rays would cleanse your entire energy field, assisting you in shining your light at the full moon. And with my dark time, you may go within and find the secrets you have kept hidden from yourself and look at them without blame or fear. So I ask you now, as my moon Dragonfae fly about me, sending the energy ever turning, to connect with me, Lady Luna. When you do connect, you will be more complete and the yearning and sense of hopelessness that I feel from you from time to time will ease, be soothed and finally, dissolve.
Take my healing powers and light as yours: as they are. Reflect upon me and I will reflect upon you, and your dreams and visions will gain in strength, clarity and power, all the while keeping you safe and grounded. My light has shone over the Dragonfae, the magickal world, the beings you call human and all those of the animal and plant kingdom, the minerals, the dreams and the flowers and all are mine, and I am theirs. My light ran through the veins of your ancestors and they understood me better than you, for all your knowledge, sometimes do now. Please, let us be friends and companions once again. Do not be afraid of my light and my night time self, for you are the same as me and we are both older than time itself.
Learn your moon sign: this will give you many clues as to who you are at the core of your being, who you are under the layers and layers of (unmagickal) conditioning that can rub away and erode our natural intuitive abilities and magickal gifts.
I am Dragonfae, thus I am at once a being of copious laughter, and of earnest and deep study. Being Dragonfae, I know when to put aside my serious work and my mission, and play, laugh and love. I know the importance of devoting myself to the playtime that balances, soothes and heals my heart, and lifts the heaviness that sometimes accompanies my days. Can you do this? Or are you too caught up in being taken seriously? There is a perfect balance between serious, cosmic matters and playful light-heartedness to be found. Both Earth and star are necessary for all of us. We are indeed galactic beings ourselves. But most of all, your hope and optimism is paramount right now. Take heart, for delight and joy is yours.
You are about to experience a true reversal in your inner self: you will now think magickally and attain mastery of magickal consciousness. What you think, what you are manifests about you at all times: what you are now is the delicious light-hearted magickal being you were born to be. You are like a beautiful shining star; its light magikally transforming everything it touches. Rays of light beam out from you and your body is awash with healing green energy and fresh new life. You are dancing in the air, lifted up on the strength of your own experience and friendships, and you would do well to wear the divine colour violet, while the gentle zephyr helps your move in the direction of your dreams.
When we allow ourselves to shine we become who we were always meant to be; and by example we encourage others to become who they truly are. Drop the heavy nature of punishment, guilt and beliefs that no longer serve you. You are a powerful role model for others; you have experienced the joy of setting your sights high and the healing power of self-belief. You still have many experiences ahead of you on your journey, but this energy of the star is now your companion and your divine inspiration.
Between my two hands lies the power of all that is; the connections between the Earth and the stars, the realms through which you can move to bring about your deepest desires and dreams. But do you dare to dream it? Are you courageous enough to declare your desire? I can create, but I will not be brought froth when you do not have the fortitude to commit to your change. Make a commitment to thy own self now – she, who you truly are, is worth this trust, this pledge, this courage you must have to birth your own changing self. For I am gentle, but I too have no more time to spend if you wish to waste the jewels life has given you. I will turn away, because it may not yet be your time. Only you can say it is not so, and walk forth into your new self, with me as guide and light, with transformation as your nature, with your incarnation without material death as your truth.
Do this with me: Bless thyself. Love thyself. Know that you are beyond your own imaginings. Act this day, this hour, this minute, and change will flow. Do not hesitate. Be transformed now!
It is time for you to free yourself from the confines of others’ expectations and investigate other less conventional ways of making a living. You may be drawn to a particular crystal at this time, and may enjoy simply entering into more regular communion with the element of earth and its minerals. Wear jewellery that has been cleansed by you, and energised by you, and understand its significance and power for you. Make each piece you choose to wear a totem symbolising your own self, adorning and expressing who you truly are. Above all, the message of Nimue is to free yourself. Stop expecting others to unshackle the chains and force you to walk free. You, and only you, can remove that which is holding you back.
Delicious!!! Moon Magic (and inviting you to rediscover yours), Shining your gorgeous true being, Freeing yourself. All very amazing and powerful messages – are you listening? Sometimes we “think” we are paying attention, but not so much (I speak from experience on that one lol). A quick reminder that I will be taking a little break from public readings, from August 21st to September 17th. (I will still be doing private readings and coaching). If you want to take advantage of the Eclipse Reading Special it does close at midnight tonight. People have asked if they can take advantage of it, but do a reading later. You bet! For those of you who have signed up already I am tickled to be working with you and once we are over the hiccups of the smoke and dodgy services, you will be receiving your reading. Have a superb week, hydrate, laugh and take 5 minutes a day to daydream on your gorgeous path and desires. Huge hugs and squeezes. See you next week!
Thank you, Jenny for the beautiful message delivery, as always… I always look forward to Mondays for this very reason amongst others. Like another chance to do as my purpose intends.
Ahhh! Nimue who is so wise. I too know it is up to soul self and universal energy to create that which breaks the chain & shackles. With your guidance and support and unaltered faith to help me plunge through & over the many obstacles I encounter daily, I shall not waiver nor cave under that which the ego presents…
I am grateful for this reminder and fortunate to have many blessed opportunities on my path. I must choose wisely and never completely falter. Should I feel like quitting, I must refresh and renew to pick myself up by the bootstraps and continue onward & upward.
So It is,
Blessings to all.